How to use "driven" in a sentence


'I thought he'd driven straight to work.'

If we had driven round-in circles, I would not have cared

She had lost the momentum occasioned by her anger, and now she was afraid of losing the sense of purpose that had driven her to confront him

After she had driven only a block, she was forced to pull to the side of the road

They were both being driven by natural forces

From the sporting-goods store, they had driven out of town, west toward the mountains

The flakes were hard, dry, and granular; they hissed like driven sand across the Perspex windscreen.

At five-thirty, they were driven to the village

It was clear to me that the great tragedy in which he was involved - it seemed that he had escaped from Weybridge - had driven him to the edge of madness.

The bells of the local church rang loudly, a carelessly-driven cart smashed, and people screamed and swore

It seemed that it had been driven blindly straight at the house, and had been turned over when the house fell on it.

The Saudi professor and women's rights leader was driven to the voting station because women were not allowed to drive in 2015