How to use "driver" in a sentence


The driver asked me my name, and I told him

Javert shouted to the driver who was waiting for him to bring his carriage close to the river

Javert, Valjean and the driver carried Marius into the house and laid him gently on a sofa in M

'Number 7, rue de l'Homme-Arme,' he told the driver.

At the end of the rue de l'Homme-Arme, which was too narrow for the carriage to enter, Javert paid the driver and accompanied Valjean to his front door on foot.

We never found the driver, but William died instantly, they say."

"I know, Detective, because I am that driver." Then there is only the sound of her crying to fill the cold interview room, and Branwell sits down again and picks up his pen and notepad

'It's OK, I'm a good driver,' she says

His grisly head stood on the driver's seat beside him, grinning fiendishly, filled with malevolent life even though it had been brutally severed from his body.

Vince's wallet contained ninety-two dollars, no credit cards, no driver's license, no identification of any kind

When she was in the car, he shut her door, ran to the driver's side, and climbed in behind the steering wheel.

She smiled at her bewildered host and went to the passenger side of the car while Elliot opened the driver's door.

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

Now he went to the driver's door and climbed into the Chevy, where Tina was fiddling with the heater.

As Elliot was opening the driver's door, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and he looked up, already sure of what he would see

"Are you going on vacation?" the taxi driver asks Gina.

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

My brother, with red whip-marks on his face and hands from the car's driver, got up into the driving seat.

Would it really be so dangerous? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives

The driver can drop her under the neem trees in the morning and pick her up from there in the evening..

I stopped it and asked the driver to take the young woman into London

The carriage stopped and the driver spoke to the policeman: 'Have you seen a woman dressed in white?'

One evening he got into a cab and told the driver to go to the opera house

After a short time, the bus was full, and the driver noticed that some white people were standing up

The driver stopped the bus and asked four black people to stand up

The driver asked, "Why don't you stand up?" Rosa replied, "I don't think I should have to stand up." The driver called the police, and Rosa was arrested

She was a photographer and a lorry driver