How to use "dying" in a sentence


He risked his life to save a dying man, and why? He was a total stranger

She got up and returned to her tomato plants, taking off the dead and dying leaves from the bottom of each one

"I'm dying to tell you a story about Gran

She was dying to tell the others, but knew that she couldn't.

After two years, he'll be dying to see you and the real world again!"

That was the thought of illness, of dying slowly in her bed.'

"I'm dying

I was told that Mr Abbott of Low Farm was dying and asked to come at once.

'This afternoon I was asked to go to a dying man, but when I got there everyone was very surprised

Mrs Lestrange is dying.'

At five-thirty, he telephoned the vicar from the North Lodge, pretending he was the wife of a dying man.

She is dying, and she wanted to see me, so she came down here using a different name

Anyway, she went to see father and told him she was dying and wanted to see me so much

'It was my father's dying wish that I marry Sir Percival

Marian, she looks like a paler, thinner version of myself! She says that she's dying

Sir F told Sir P the truth when he was dying

Anne is dying