How to use "east" in a sentence


We now travelled east, past Australia and into the Indian Ocean

Outside, it was growing dark and a cold wind was blowing from the mountains in the east

Red, sandy plains stretch out in almost every direction, and only to the east are there thin, light-green trees that lead to the low, orange mountains.

He lives alone on the second floor in the east wing

'What do the rooms in the east wing look like now?' he said.

'They have been getting the rooms in the east wing ready for us

I hurried up some stairs, hoping that I could find my way to my bedroom in the east wing

I was glad that my rooms were in the east wing

I was glad that our rooms were in the east wing

I went down the stairs and through the door to the east wing

A brisk wind pushed across the city from the east

Only a few nights later, the first falling star was seen towards the east

It seemed to him that it fell to Earth about a hundred kilometres east of him.

I looked again at the Martian, and saw that it was now moving east along the river bank

Far away to the north-east we heard the Martians calling to each other, but our guns were silent.

Then the fourth cylinder fell - a bright green star to the north-east.

People ran to the railway stations, to the boats on the Thames, and hurried by even street that went north or east

My brother had some friends in Chelmsford, and this perhaps made him take the road that ran to the east

They turned to the east and climbed a hill

It one had flown over London that morning, every road to the north or east would have seemed black with moving refugees, everyone a frightened and exhausted human being.

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

Looking to the north-east, my brother saw the long line of ships already moving away from the approaching terror