How to use "eat" in a sentence


Can I eat them, I wonder? Even if I could, it wouldn't be enough to keep me alive.

I eat the last burrito

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I was still in pain

Ned Land asked the Captain if we could go on land and hunt some animals because he didn't want to eat fish

'What's Dinah doing? Will they remember her milk tonight? Oh, Dinah! Why aren't you here with me? Perhaps there's a mouse here and you can eat it!'

'Yes, I will eat it,' Alice said

But the chocolates were too big for the small birds, and they had to eat them very slowly

'When I eat or drink something here, it always does

Then she thought, 'I'll eat it and perhaps I'll get smaller again

'But how? I have to eat or drink something, but the question is - what?'

'I eat mushrooms for dinner,' she thought

'I'll eat some mushrooms and perhaps I'll get bigger again.'

I know! I'll eat some of the brown mushroom.'

'Then we can eat the tarts.'

Some couldn't eat or go to the toilet without help

I was just thinking of getting out of there and having some breakfast when the President said, 'Boy, is that your stomach making that noise?' So I said, 'Yes,' and the President said, 'Well, come on, boy, let's go and get something to eat!' And I followed him into the house, and a waiter got us some breakfast.

I decided to go home to Mobile, but the bus stopped at Nashville on the way and I went into town for a drink and something to eat

The next morning I bought some breakfast and got Sue some bananas to eat

She looked pale, so Amelia gave her two pennies to buy something to eat

'You can't eat here either,' the innkeeper interrupted

'And the travellers in the inn eat better than this.' But then he looked at the table, and saw the beautiful silver candlesticks, knives and forks.

The couple dressed Cosette in rags and gave her very little food, which they made her eat from a wooden bowl under the table

So I advise you, dear boy, to eat more meat and get better soon

'But I need to eat, Monsieur!' the visitor said, losing confidence

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

"All the better to eat you up with."

And I remember that after I eat, I wait for her in the car park until she finishes work, and she is surprised to see me there

After we eat, you will think this place is the best in the world.

They just watch those big screens, take pictures, eat and drink

"You want to eat don't you, kid?"

"When did they last eat, Clive?"

Sarah thinks about her cosy sofa and the Chinese takeaway she will eat while watching TV

Work, eat, sleep.

They sat down to eat their taste-pots, looking out at the beautiful view and watching the waves roll up the shore

They all sat down to eat and talk together

Sala played with the plate of food in front of her; she couldn't eat a thing.

I was too worried to eat any lunch

Peanut-butter toast had been one of Danny's favorite foods, even when he was a toddler and was especially picky about what he would eat

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

"Then there's 'Vegas syndrome.' Someone gets so carried away with gambling and running from show to show that he forgets to eat for a whole day or longer

"Then I'd eat your serving as well as mine."

"And what would I eat?"

"I'll make you eat crow."

"Well, if you cook it very funny, I don't know if I want to eat it."

You would eat every scrap of it, lick your fingers, and beg for more."

"I guess I'll have to eat that crow now."

"Let's get something to eat."

"This is a lucky hat! We can eat at the cafe today

So it is better to leave things to Mary, who gives us awful things to eat

'I've thought about what you said at lunch,' she told me, 'and I've found some good things to eat.'

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

Besides this they had a heart, but they had no stomach because they did not eat

I would not let him eat any more that day

I thought that if I could attract it in quietly, I would be able, perhaps, to kill and eat it

On Sunday you can walk again and eat some food

We all sit around a warm fire and eat our meal.

'That's quite difficult to eat,' Harris said, smiling.

At last, we were ready to eat breakfast

We were all hungry and we wanted to eat

When the scrambled eggs were ready, there was very little to eat

George said, 'You do nothing but eat and sleep, Harris

It gets to London in time to eat something, and then go to the theatre.'

Mercy complained that she was hungry and so they went to the kitchen to heat up some food and eat

When they were put in prison, they did not eat

Sometimes, the police forced her to eat, which was very painful

The others eat, drink and sing.