How to use "eaten" in a sentence


We haven't eaten for three days..

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

Up on the roof, they talked about all the things that didn't really matter: what they'd eaten for dinner, the weather, Apat on the jumping machine..

Would it be eaten or thrown away? I would never know of course

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

Anyway, when he finally gets hungry and realizes he hasn't eaten, he gulps down a huge meal, and the blood rushes from his head to his stomach, and he passes out in the middle of the restaurant

He had eaten no food since midday, and I found some meat and bread and brought it into the room

I also saw some human bones, with all the flesh eaten off

Near the top of Putney Hill I came across more human bones, eaten clean and left lying around

The Martians, it seemed, had killed and eaten everyone around there, except for a few lucky ones like myself

One or two had been partly eaten by dogs.