How to use "either" in a sentence


My friends won't worry, either

This doesn't work either and I feel suddenly hopeless

They cannot but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them

Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.

While I make no recommendation of amendments, I fully recognize the rightful authority of the people over the whole subject, to be exercised in either of the modes prescribed in the instrument itself; and I should, under existing circumstances, favor rather than oppose a fair opportunity being afforded the people to act upon it

I will venture to add that to me the convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves, instead of only permitting them to take or reject propositions originated by others not especially chosen for the purpose, and which might not be precisely such as they would wish to either accept or refuse

Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with his eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail, by the judgment of this great tribunal, the American people.

Such of you as are now dissatisfied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either

Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

'You can't eat here either,' the innkeeper interrupted

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

The t-shirt is not familiar either: just simple and black

No, you either get out of the city for life, or Big Jones finds you

You can either play the game right: you play it straight

Sala would never forget, either

"I don't understand it either."

It was a bit smaller than Sala's, with no windows - and no garden either, of course

He was swimming toward her with a dolphin on either side of him.

She was about to knock, when she saw that this one wasn't closed either

"It's not Cham's fault, either

"You couldn't sleep either?" Gran asked.

Beautiful high bushes covered with bright red flowers stood on either side of us.

Comfortable chairs stood on either side of a great open fireplace

'No, not from this wing,' she answered, 'and you can't hear it either

I was in a corridor with doors on either side

On either side of the narrow path stood high graceful bushes covered with flowers

If you had my memories, you would not go there either

'And I don't think anyone else has, either.'

Tell Maxim that he can't come in either

No one was hiding there, either

"I don't know that, either."

So it'll work out for the best either way." She returned from the window, sat on the couch again, beside Elliot

Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

For that matter, she wasn't pushing him, either

And we don't want to know all of it, either

Not CIA, either

Each time he glanced at her, she was either crouched forward, squinting at every new street they entered, or twisted halfway around in her seat, looking out the rear window

Furthermore, keno was a game that didn't have any appeal for either smart gamblers or cheaters, the two types of customers who most interested the security men

And the woman's evidently not one to hide or run away from a problem either

"I really don't think I want to hear your opinions on either subject," Dombey said

And the heat hasn't failed either."

"Not a ghost either," Elliot said.

"Can't say for sure either way

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

If either one of them makes a wrong move, blow him away."

It isn't scar tissue either

But I intend to know everything, Helene, and either you tell me and I'll see what is to be done, or...'

'Well, we do not believe her story either,' said Melchett

They listened, knocked on the burnt metal with a rock and, getting no answer, they both decided that the men inside were either unconscious or dead.

They only used the Heat-Ray from time to time that night, either because they had a limited supply of material for its production or because they did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people

They heard no more about the bread than this notice, and nobody else did either.

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

As we passed other small towns, we found them unaffected by either Heat-Ray or Black Smoke, and there were some people alive, although none could give us news

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

Germs, which cause so much disease and pain on Earth, have either never appeared on Mars or they got rid of them a long time ago.

Whenever I slept, I dreamed either of the death of the curate or of wonderful dinners.

And I don't intend to be caught, either, and caged and fattened

In fact, if I were her, I wouldn't come back here either

We are born as a sex - either as a boy or girl, she said