How to use "eleven" in a sentence


But, as the church bells of the city struck eleven o'clock, something made him look back

Chapter eleven

The kid looks about eleven, and they let him walk into the town from the hotel sometimes

Chapter eleven

Mr de Winter came in at about eleven

When I woke up again, it was after eleven

At half past eleven, Maxim phoned me from Frank's office

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

In this one, he was ten or eleven years old, a sweet brown-haired boy with dark eyes and a lovely smile.

In room 918, the Network operatives discovered a cheap suitcase, dirty clothes, toothbrushes, various toiletry items - and eleven maps in a leatherette case, which Elliot and Tina, in their haste and weariness, evidently had overlooked.

It was eleven o'clock at night, but when I saw a light in a certain upstairs window, I stopped and rang the doorbell

At about eleven, as nothing was happening, I walked back, full of such thoughts, to my home in Maybury.

At about eleven, a company of soldiers came through Horsell and spread out in a great circle around the common

From there we could see the searchlights on Richmond Hill and Kingston Hill moving in the sky, and at about eleven the windows shook, and we heard the sound of the large guns that had been put in position there

It was nearly eleven o'clock before we felt brave enough to go out again

He had eleven dog fights on the first day and fourteen on the second day