How to use "else" in a sentence


I will have to think of something else.

There is nothing else I can do to save myself.

You will stay here with me, but you will have the same freedom everyone else on the ship has."

There is nothing else to say."

The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself; and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all

Very early that morning someone else had come to see me at my house

What could she do? She had sold her hair and her teeth; what else could she sell? And then she decided that she had no other choice: she would have to sell herself.

But what choice did he have? The truth was more important than anything else.

'Now we must discuss what else is needed.'

'What else can I do?' she cried.

Then, just as he was bending to splash water from the river on Marius's face, he was aware of someone else standing behind him

There is nothing else that matters in this world except love.'

I do not understand anything else that they say, but I do understand these three words, and I smile again.

"Dangerous, yes," but she does not say anything else, and Branwell continues.

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

Maybe this is something else, a routine check, a formality

That's enough time for them to get the money from Banff but not enough to do anything else like phone the cops

"Who else is with you...? Mr Fletcher?"

Never point the gun at you or anyone else

And he had something else too.

It was one thing to have a pod experience - but to stay inside the pod was something else

Cham kissed her, and before Sala could say anything else, he turned and ran out into the rain.

Gran had a chip buried under her skin like everyone else, but she wore a bracelet to hide it as a small way of protesting about the government's tight control over everyone.

you didn't see anyone else today, did you?"

She tried to think of something else instead

"No one else is around."

"I wish someone else in your family could do the pod thing," she said

You were excited and you couldn't concentrate on anything else, but you were also a tiny bit afraid

"What else do we need?" Sala smiled

He hadn't done anything else for years

"Tell me what else I should do."

"Like I said, I don't know what else to do." Then he turned to her

"Then don't say anything else

What else could I say? Sala was kicking herself for not keeping Wena talking for longer

"I'll think about it," said Sala, suddenly afraid of what else he might say.

I have no family and there is nothing else I can do.'

Someone else had sat in my chair

Someone else had poured coffee and stroked the dog

You know I love you more than anything else in the world

If you want to meet him, meet him somewhere else

'And I don't think anyone else has, either.'

My little maid, Clarice, spoke of nothing else.

Nothing else mattered if Maxim was safe.

Nothing else happened

When we sent the diver down to look at the ship, he found something else

'The man found something else,' Captain Searle answered slowly

'I put Manderley first, before anything else

'I don't care about anything else

'I would like to say something else.'

Let me think about something else, anything...

'I was fonder of Rebecca than of anyone else in the world,' Favell went on

No one looked at anyone else

His printing was neat, like everything else about him, not sloppy like this scrawled message

Danny, of course, had been writing about something else, and the dark interpretation that could be drawn from those two words now, after his death, was just a macabre coincidence.

Anybody else tried to handle all this, they'd just end up with one goddamn big mishkadenze on their hands

She had at least enough time to make a start, box up the boy's clothes, if nothing else.

But Danny had wanted to go to the mountains more than anything else in the world

Vivienne valued her independence more than anything else

It was something else, something weird.

Each time that Tina moved on to talk to someone else, she regretted leaving Elliot, and each time that she found him again, she stayed with him longer than she had before

The tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel, and model-crafting tools that had stood on his desk were now on the floor with everything else

Heart attacks are more frequent around the slot machines than anywhere else in the casino, and a lot of the victims are people who've just lined up three bars and won a bundle.

But you're wrong about everything else

But then, who had done it? No one else had a key

She scanned another forty names and cringed when she saw what else the computer had printed.

It's someone else."

We represented some people no one else would touch, entrepreneurs who had a lot of good ideas but not much money for start-up legal fees

"You've got something else in mind, and shooting me would ruin it."

The pistol still frightened him, but he was now thinking of something else that scared him more than the gun

After he retired about ten years ago, he was still a young man, fifty-three, and he needed something else to occupy his time

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

I can't see what else would have brought an organization like Vince's so deeply into this

We'll be able to find coats and whatever else we need, and we'll find it all in a hurry." He left a generous tip for the waitress and got to his feet

Someone else said, "Kick the damn thing."

"You're really something else," she said.

"What else am I?"

What else?"

Or maybe it's something else altogether

They figured there wasn't anywhere else we could go but Bellicosti's funeral home."

They'll be searching for us everywhere else."

Apparently, Billy liked his view of the world to be as neat and uncluttered as everything else about him; if he started believing in ghosts, he'd have to reconsider his opinions about a lot of other things too, and then life would become intolerably messy.

To Tina, Elliot said, "What else will we need besides thermal clothing, boots, and snowshoes?"

"What if someone else opened the gate?" Elliot asked

She could not have said anything else that would have had a fraction as much impact on them as the words she'd spoken

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.

Iraq has a big bio-chem warfare project, and Libya, and God knows who else

Either he had gone mad, or else he had a reason for letting his wife kill him in such a strange and terrible way.

will you promise to destroy that fly before doing anything else?'

What else could it do but go to others it loves, to Henri, to you - you who might know and understand what needed to be done!'

While we talked about pictures, books and old churches, I felt that Mrs Lestrange really wanted to talk to me about something else

'Did anyone else come?'

'Well, can you think of anyone else?'

So while Mary can't cook we're safe, because nobody else would want her

'If a thing reminds you of something else - well, it's probably the same type of thing.'

But I can't think of anyone else.'

'Did you know that someone else has also confessed to the murder which you say you committed?' The effect of these words on Lawrence was immediate

'Someone else? Who - who?'

'You don't think it might be someone else wearing the gardener's boots?'

'Why? Do the police suspect someone else? Colonel Protheroe was not a popular man

But suddenly I heard someone else moving very close to me

'And I've found out something else

'She doesn't want anyone else to know.'

'Did you hear anything else?'

But something in me said, 'It can't be her!' Why? And then something else replied, 'Because she's a very attractive woman

'I suppose,' I said, 'that someone else has asked her to work for them.'

'Nobody else wants her

In St Mary Mead, a person who knows the truth is always someone else's servant

'We got an expert to look at it - to say whether the 6.20 was written by someone else

They still think the 6.20 was written by someone else - but they're not sure.'

'You once said that you would go mad if anyone else confessed to the crime.'

The sun went down before anything else happened

There was nobody else around

The view reminded me, more than anything else, of factories at night.

They heard no more about the bread than this notice, and nobody else did either.

They were now looking for food somewhere else

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

But I have everything else.'

There was nothing else to do, so we went to bed

Why should I be a typist?' 'What else would you be?'

Joe drives someone else's car now

'All of it? Is there no one else you wish to include in your will?'

But I can tell him that I love someone else

After dinner, Laura explained to Sir Percival that she loved someone else