How to use "everything" in a sentence


From this point, everything seems to happen very slowly

I lay everything inside it on top of the boulder

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

When everything is ready, I try to cut through the skin of my arm with the longer knife

I do everything I can to make it work

Seeing the boy has changed everything

'Thanks for everything.' I wave goodbye as the helicopter rises into the air.

My job is to study everything dead or alive under the sea

A white light coming from the ship made everything easy to see

The Captain had everything he needed lo protect himself and his men

He also had everything he needed to keep us prisoners.

At that moment, I understood everything

After the terrible battle with the enemy ship, everything on the Nautilus was quiet

I was Alice yesterday, but everything is different today

'Its face is changing, everything is changing! Oh! It's not a baby any more, it's a pig!'

'The Queen will hear you, she hears everything

'Put everything and everybody back!' said the King loudly

'Just put everything that you see in the food cupboard into a big pot and cook it.'

Well, I got tins of tomatoes, some rice, apples, potatoes, and everything that I could find

I put everything in it, and after about an hour you could smell the cooking

Then everything went quiet again, and after a minute or two the rest of us climbed up out of the hole.

I got a letter from my Mom, and I wrote back to her that everything was OK

It took almost a month to start things up - to get nets, and a boat, and everything

Well, we talked about Mom and the shrimp business and everything

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

We know everything

It explains everything

I went to Mr Sampson and told him everything

I did everything that I could to help him, but the poor man died a few months later.

'Plenty of everything and silk dresses like a lady

Of course, he denies everything, but that's not surprising

He would lose everything that he had worked so hard to achieve

Champmathieu, a large, simple-minded man, denied everything when his chance came to speak, but the crowd thought he was trying to be funny

She let him carry the bucket up the hill and, as they walked back towards the village, she told him everything about her life with the Thenardiers

But before she could deliver the blow the old man, who had seen everything, interrupted her.

Then, when everything had been explained, Javert thought for a moment

When everything had been said, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked, 'What's your name?'

'Father told me this morning that I have to pack everything and be ready to leave for England within a week.'

Jean Valjean arranged everything

Marius listened quietly as Valjean told him everything about his life

'I know everything

When Thenardier had left, unable to believe his good fortune, Marius ran to find Cosette and told her everything immediately.

That would have upset everything.'

No! No, listen, don't go, listen to me, when I return to London, everything is going to be different

I know everything." Branwell stops.

"I think you should tell me everything," he says, and he can see clearly now the guilt that fills her deep-green eyes

Inside them there are wallets, phones, tablets, everything.

"Yeah, everything is fine, perfect..

And you want to tell yourself to relax, that everything is okay, and to close your eyes and return to your calm and gentle dreams.

No, you cannot, because you know that everything is not okay

And you do not tell yourself to relax, you do not tell yourself that everything is okay, and you do not tell yourself to return to your calm and gentle dreams.

And you can see your room now, though everything seems strange and different, and everything makes you feel more afraid.

So you listen, and you think that everything seems to be normal

Inside the room everything is silent, apart from the slow and constant tick of the small clock on the wall, and the fast, irregular beat of your heart.

And you know that you can rest now: everything is okay

If you want to confess and receive God's forgiveness, you must tell me everything."

"Then you must tell me everything."

God, he wishes he could remember last night: not just the girl's expression when he hit her, but everything.

Now everything from last night is coming back to him

Tell me everything again."

"But which kid?" Brandon asked as they planned everything in Greg's cabin.

But everything will be okay now, he knows

He wanted everything now

They connect your body to them and look after it for you - your food, your muscles, everything

"Cham is everything OK?" she asked.

Everything they ate everything they used - it was all grown or made within the city's limits

Sala explained everything-about the special offer, and their conversation at the energy center.

She was in the wrong, and now she'd probably ruined everything.

A virtual world where we can see each other and talk and everything

"And then, when everything is attached, the pod moves into a horizontal position, so you're lying down."

"They've put in new nanobots that stay inside the equipment and check everything, every day

"But don't you see? This changes everything

Cham's parents asked a lot of questions, and Leti seemed to have an answer for everything

"So," Leti said, "we've been over everything now

"I want to know everything."

"I can't tell you everything," said Wena cautiously

We can wait, can't we? If everything you say is true, we can do something about it then."

It would make everything much, much easier, wouldn't it?"

How is everything? Your mom and gran? Is Apat behaving himself?" Sala was surprised

They'll make us tell them everything we know." It was a horrible thought

She thought of everything that she, Mom, and Gran had talked about over and over

I have told you everything

I want to forget everything that happened to me before that time

Forget everything I told you

Two days later, everything had changed

You'll have to arrange everything at once

Where would I say goodbye to him? In the lounge, with Mrs Van Hopper standing near? I was going and everything was over

'I hate waiting around when everything is packed,' Mrs Van Hopper said bad temperedly

Suddenly I believed everything

But for me, everything was new and strange

Leave everything to her

She liked to look after everything herself.'

Someone had chosen everything in this room with the greatest care

Every drawer was labelled and everything was in order

But everything was covered with thick dust

'She was so good at everything too,' I said

'She looked after everything in the house, too,' I said

'Oh well, you are very young, aren't you? We can't all do everything

I thought of Rebecca, lively and beautiful, arranging everything

'When did they find her?' I felt I must know everything now

But everything is so strange to me at Manderley

I love everything here

I must see that everything was all right

There was no dust and everything was clean and tidy

'You wanted to see this room, didn't you? Now you are here, let me show you everything.'

I left everything to you

And I accepted everything, because of Manderley.

I crossed everything out and rang for Robert.

We'll talk about everything when I get back

I'm sure he saw everything.'

He listens, but everything is quiet in the room

'It's OK, we can tell them everything later

His printing was neat, like everything else about him, not sloppy like this scrawled message

Helen was by nature everything that poor Charlie struggled to be: impeccably well mannered, sophisticated, graceful, at ease and confident in any situation

In a world of planned obsolescence, Vivienne took pleasure in getting long, full use out of everything that she bought, whether it was a toaster or an automobile

The tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel, and model-crafting tools that had stood on his desk were now on the floor with everything else

As soon as I saw you, I knew everything was going to turn out exactly like I had it figured."

But you're wrong about everything else

"During the year, I'm going to send special invitations to the married ones, asking them to spend their anniversaries here, with everything comped for three days

The two of us haunted furniture stores from Vegas to Los Angeles to San Francisco, antique shops, galleries, everything from flea markets to the most expensive stores we could find

She intended to donate everything to Goodwill Industries.

Suddenly everything's up in the air again."

My theory explains everything

This viewport was designed to withstand everything from a gunshot to an earthquake; it was virtually inviolable.

If I see many more inanimate objects dancing around, I'm going to start believing in everything, no matter how freaky."

"I'll tell you everything

Apparently, Billy liked his view of the world to be as neat and uncluttered as everything else about him; if he started believing in ghosts, he'd have to reconsider his opinions about a lot of other things too, and then life would become intolerably messy.

By 5:40, everything that Stryker and the woman had left in the hotel room was brought to Alexander's office.

"But after everything you said to Zachariah about this place being run by megalomaniacs, and after you've made it so clear you don't agree with everything that goes on here, why do you want to stay?"

To everything there is a season, Tina reminded herself

People say you know everything

'I'll do everything you say.' He went out into the dark night, the wind and the rain.

It was originally a steam hammer, but everything is worked electrically now

But I intend to know everything, Helene, and either you tell me and I'll see what is to be done, or...'

I can make no promises until I know everything.'

Was she really mad, or was she pretending again? 'Tell me everything, Helene,' I said

I've got everything perfect at last!' he said

He explained his plan in short, typewritten notes, and I agreed to everything.

'I saw her go round to the study window.' Miss Marple lives next door and sees everything, usually when she is gardening.

The menu was expensive, but Mary seemed to have enjoyed undercooking and overcooking everything

I will do everything I can to help her.'

Then Mary came to tell me that Griselda was back, so I went to the sitting room and told her everything

'I've told you everything

'In fact I was in my garden from five o'clock onwards yesterday and from there, well, I can see everything that is happening next door.'

So I told Griselda everything that had happened that morning, then rang the bell for Mary

You've got to be rich to marry a girl who expects to have everything she wants.'

I have one idea that fits nearly everything

'Do everything possible.'

'We know everything that Redding was doing up to 6.50 and Dr Haydock says Protheroe could not have been shot then.'

Despite everything that has happened since, I still remember that night very clearly

The sun, shining through the smoke that rose up from the tops of the trees, seemed blood-red and threw an unfamiliar bright light on everything.

Every now and then people looked nervously at the fields beyond Chertsey, but everything there was still.

I was walking the roads to clear my brain, and then - fire and death! All our work - everything destroyed

Then everything was still

They have poisoned our gunners, destroyed Richmond, Kingston and Wimbledon, and are moving slowly towards London, destroying everything on the way, It is impossible to stop them

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

A boiling cloud of steam hid everything again.

The Martians had taken everything

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

'After that everything went well, but one day I returned home early

They write to her and tell her to send them a hundred pounds, or they will tell her new husband everything

'I will tell you everything,' cried his wife with a proud face

And now, tonight, you know everything

But I have everything else.'

'You're doing everything wrong!' you shout.

George said he knew everything about the right clothes for a trip

After a day or two, everything will smell of cheese.

The next day we bought everything we needed

I took everything out of the suitcase

I packed everything again.

We took everything out of the two hampers

We took everything out of the bag

We can put everything into one big pan.'

It's just that I am sick of everything

On top of everything, I have dependable information that James is running after a new girl.'

'And anyway, do I have to tell you everything?'

'I am well.' But everything about her said bad news.

A car like the ones she has seen in films, with tyres that can do everything..

I shall pay for everything, but that would be better than that old car I was thinking about

In her eyes, Mensar-Arthur and everything that went with him meant trouble for her sister and for her own feelings too

He's eating normally and everything

'Because I'll believe everything you say to me,' she answered simply.

I'm not surprised that it made you worry, but I can explain everything.'

'If your wife signs the document, everything will be all right

'I can tell you everything now, Marian,' she said

I know you spoke to her yesterday.' Laura told him everything, but he did not believe her

On the train Miss Halcombe told me everything that had happened since she last wrote to me.

We came to Limmeridge and explained everything to my uncle, but he said that I was a fool