How to use "exist" in a sentence


Atlantis did exist, but only Captain Nemo knew for sure.

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican administration, their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered

While the strict legal right may exist in the government to enforce the exercise of these offices, the attempt to do so would be so irritating, and so nearly impracticable withal, that I deem it better to forego for the time the uses of such offices.

"The agency we work for doesn't officially exist," Bob said

"So how can an agency that doesn't exist go to court for a subpoena? Get serious, Mr

Because the Network did not officially exist, it couldn't openly use its authority to gather information

And maybe it doesn't even exist

And if it does exist, they might not be holding him there anyway."

And thanks for remembering I exist."

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'