How to use "exploded" in a sentence


Their anger exploded into violence in June 1832, when General Lamarque died

The next cannonball exploded against the wall at one end of the barricade, killing two men and wounding three.

The star exploded slowly, throwing out a million rocks

Whenever the military exploded a high-yield weapon, the tall hotels swayed in Vegas, and every house in town shuddered a little.

The fuel tank exploded

An image of his victim's torn throat exploded in his memory, and a shock wave of nausea overwhelmed him.

As the unseen ray of light passed over them, trees caught fire and even the bushes exploded into flame

They were turning their gun to fire on one of the tripods when it suddenly exploded

This exploded right in its face

The houses fell as it touched them, and exploded into flame

The shells exploded all round it and it was seen to move forwards a few steps, and go down