How to use "felt" in a sentence


The girls now felt very tired and decided not to go to the party

I felt terrible

I felt pleased

My clothes felt heavy in the water

I felt something touch me on the leg

"When I saw you fall into the water, sir, I felt it was my duty to follow you."

Just then, we felt we couldn't swim any longer

I felt something small hit my head.

I felt terrified

At that moment, I felt a strong hand knock the telescope away from my eye.

I felt sorry for him, but I loved the sea

We all felt the same, now, the adventure of the Nautilus was not exciting or interesting

She felt the top of her head with her hand

Alice and the birds and animals felt cold and wet

Alice didn't say, 'I'm not Mary Ann.' She felt too afraid

Alice felt angry

She felt very angry with the Caterpillar.

She felt quite strange

She felt afraid, but walked to the house.

She felt afraid and angry and started to fight them

I told her how I felt - I was sorry about the girl, and I didn't want to play in the group without her

I still felt that Mr Slinkton was not sincere

Now I felt that I understood Mr Slinkton

Now, at last, he was free, but he felt bitter and angry about his lost years

Valjean gazed down at the bishop's gentle, sleeping face, and felt a kind of terror

When he had been angry at the world, he had felt calm and sure of himself

Fantine felt desperate; she did not know how to obtain such a large sum of money

When you arrived in Montreuil, I felt sure that you were this man, but now I know I was wrong, and I'm sorry

Cosette felt in her pocket and suddenly went pale

He felt sad that Fantine had not lived to see her child again, but happy that he had been able to rescue her child from the terrible Thenardiers

After a while, he felt confident that he and Cosette were not being followed

He felt his face go red and his heart beat loudly in his chest

When he felt that they were near him, he looked up and saw that the girl was looking steadily at him with a soft, thoughtful gaze that made him tremble from head to foot.

Marius felt the blood leave his face

He had heard them and seen them, but had paid them no attention, and he suddenly felt guilty.

He felt his knees grow weak

Marius felt in his pocket

Cosette felt suddenly faint, but she did not move or make a sound.

He could not speak, and Cosette felt his hand grow cold.

His eyes closed and, in great pain, he felt a hand grab him as he fell.

His feet slipped all the time in the water on the ground, and he felt sick and faint with the terrible, airless smell

While in this state of despair, Valjean felt a hand on his shoulder

Then he felt Marius's wrist.

While one servant ran to find a doctor and another looked for clean sheets, Valjean felt Javert's hand on his arm

It was the happiest night of Cosette's life, spoilt only by one thing: the fact that her guardian - whom she still thought of as her father - went home before the feast had started, saying that he felt ill

He remembered the little girl he had rescued from the Thenardiers ten years earlier, and felt sad that he was no longer the most important man in her life

If you had known the truth, you would have felt obliged to be good to me, a worthless criminal

But then he felt school ties being wrapped around his hands and feet and mouth

It was one of the best illusions available in the simulator, because if you stood at the edge of the cliff, it really felt like you could fall.

"I know." Sala thought of Cham's face when he left her, and felt uneasy

Sala felt a rush of gladness

When Sala got home with Apat, she felt sick

What if he wouldn't forgive her? She had really shouted at him, and now she felt awful

But as she stepped off the walkway, she felt a hand touching her back.

Maybe this was how it felt to go on a real journey, she thought

It opened its mouth, and Sala felt sure it was greeting her.

Sala felt puzzled

Us." Sala felt a bit better.

It felt like a moment of magic: they'd never been so close.

Sala felt herself go pink

Back at home that afternoon, Sala thought about Niki's words: it was true that because she was with Cham, life felt exciting

His arms always felt so wonderful..

She felt awful

His words felt like an earthquake breaking open their lives

"Mom, why can't they just use people instead of replacing them with robots and nanobots all the time?" Suddenly, Sala felt more angry than upset

Sala felt a little bit puzzled

Sala suddenly felt like crying

Sala felt she was going to burst

Sala felt fear catch hold of her

Sala felt like running away, but something made her keep going

For a moment, this felt as unreal as being in a pod

Cham and the other three talked excitedly about Pod Life, but Sala felt strange.

When they had talked about it before, she had felt left out; not jealous, exactly, because she was sure that she didn't want to join them

The girls were delighted, but inside, Sala felt like crying

Sala felt flat, and miserable

"Would you?" Sala felt a little guilty

Then she thought about Cham's warning, and felt confused

She knew it would be best to go straight to the earth apartment, but she felt a little afraid to do that

but on the other, her life with Cham had never felt more uncertain.

But after the conversation where he'd talked about reporting things, Sala felt unsure of him, all the same.

She felt a rush of delight

Sala drank some of the hot, fruity tea, and felt her idea growing stronger

She felt sick

As a huge smile of delight spread over his face, she felt suddenly weak all over.

The slippery, silvery suit felt cool

I felt sorry for de Winter already

I felt that he did not want to talk about his home.

I felt excited and grown-up

I felt cold and a little afraid.

I felt like a child going home after a party

I suddenly felt very young and very silly.

I had never felt more alone.

I felt better, much better now.

I tried to smile but suddenly I felt lonely and afraid

I felt happier as I walked through the house with Maxim

I felt very stupid.

I felt that Rebecca would come back into the room at any moment

I felt very stupid

I was not hungry and I felt very tired

'When did they find her?' I felt I must know everything now

I felt like a child again.

I felt she had known the truth all the time.

I felt cold and frightened.

I felt happy again and also rather hungry

As I sat there I felt happier than I had ever been at Manderley

I felt afraid and my legs began to tremble

I tried to smile, but I felt sick and ill.

I felt terribly sick.

I felt different from yesterday

I missed Maxim now and felt lonely without him

At once, I felt much happier

I felt I was growing up a little more every day

I felt excited too.

I felt very excited

I felt pleased and happy

I felt different already

I felt very tired.

I felt that she knew about my tears

How do you think I've felt, watching you sit in her place, using the things she used? I hear the servants calling you Mrs de Winter

I felt as though I had just woken up from a long sleep

I suddenly felt very hot

I felt, for the first time, that it was my home

I suddenly felt very hungry, and so I asked Robert to bring in the tea

I felt that I was waiting for something - something terrible.

I felt very afraid

How far away that seemed! I felt calmer, much older now

I suddenly felt sick and ill

Somehow I felt sure that the truth was in that diary.

We drove on through the traffic and I felt full of peace

She wasn't a dancer anymore; now she worked behind the curtain, in the production end of the show, but she still felt physically and psychologically best when she weighed no more than she had weighed when she'd been a performer.

Although she was bitter and depressed, although - or maybe because - she felt utterly empty and useless, she took the job.

All things considered, she felt reasonably good, even cheerful to a degree

Perhaps her anxiety about the public's reaction to Magyck! Was causing her to recall the greater anxiety she had felt about Danny

When she picked up the scattered sticks of chalk and the felt eraser, turning again to the chalkboard, she realized that two words were crudely printed on the black surface:

Snatching up the felt eraser, she vigorously wiped the slate clean.

An earthquake? But she hadn't felt the house move; the windows hadn't rattled

Any tremor too mild to be felt would also be too mild to tear the photographs from the wall.

She felt a sympathetic resonance in her teeth and bones.

But she wasn't completely in control of herself; she felt a bit like a sleepwalker

She felt a presence, something that wanted her, and she cried out as the door came all the way open.

Some dealers were cold and uncommunicative, but Michael felt the day went faster when he was friendly with people

Finished telling him off, she felt pleasantly wrung out, as if some evil, nervous energy had been drained from her.

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

Yet she felt that she was not alone.

Tina was still tense, but she no longer felt cold inside.

Angela felt the chill first, when she got the initial printout with those lines about Danny

She felt more relaxed than she'd been ten minutes ago, but she wasn't even slightly tipsy

After so many months of sorrow, how good it felt to be sharing an evening with an attractive and amusing man.

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

Now she felt like an inexperienced girl

Tina felt as if they had talked without pause all evening, speaking with quiet urgency, as if each had a vast quantity of earthshakingly important information that he must pass on to the other before they parted

Nothing had ever felt better to her than he felt at that moment.

She felt as if the two of them had been here, like this, locked in an embrace, many times before.

She felt wanton, shameless, insatiable.

She felt up to the challenge now, and she intended to finish the task before she lost her nerve again.

The fear Elliot felt at her departure was purely superstitious

You won't do that," Elliot said, wishing that he felt as confident as he sounded

Crazily, Tina felt as if her nightmare had not come from within her, but from without, as if some person or force had projected the dream into her mind in an effort to-

She felt dizzy

She felt the blood drain from her face.

Any amusement he felt at the way they had handled Polumby evaporated instantly as he reversed warily out of sanctuary, down the driveway, and into the street

Suddenly Tina felt a pang of envy

She felt as if a vast unbridgeable gap separated her from people like these, and she wondered if she ever again would be as relaxed and free from care as these diners were at this moment.

I only know what I felt

"And it would be proof enough for you, if you'd had the same experience back there in the diner, if you'd felt what I felt

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

She felt as if he were not merely looking at her but into her, through her

Evans felt guilty about not having had the courage to view the boy's mutilated body prior to the burial

She felt as if she had failed to pay her last respects to the deceased

Carlton Dombey felt as though he had been swallowed alive and was trapped now in the devil's gut.

He went back to the computers, with which he felt comfortable and safe.

Elliot felt naked as they crossed the luminescent snowfield

He kept one hand on her back as she leaned toward the window, and he felt her go rigid when she glimpsed the dead man

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

She felt almost as if she had him in her arms again, and she didn't want anyone to tell her that he might be a hair's breadth beyond her grasp.

She felt a peculiar pulling sensation that seemed to come from within her hand, and she stiffened in surprise.

She felt the unpleasant, inner pulling again

After half a minute, she felt the power leave her hand again.

She pulled the cap off the red felt-tip pen that Elliot had purchased at the hotel newsstand just before they'd caught a taxi to Sandstone's house

What I felt in it was far more important

Elliot knew how disoriented Billy was feeling, and he felt sorry for the man.

This was his second pill since he'd gotten out of bed just three and a half hours ago, but he still felt edgy.

They both felt as if they were on a good roll, and they didn't want to tempt fate by postponing their journey.

When he discovered the nature of the maps, when he realized that one of them was missing, and when he discovered that the missing map was the one Stryker would need in order to find the Project Pandora labs, Alexander felt his face flush with anger and chagrin

She couldn't pinpoint what else about his eyes made him so different from any eyes she had ever seen, but as she met Danny's gaze, a shiver passed through her, and she felt a profound and terrible pity for him.

Shaking violently, snuffling, he put his face against her neck, and she felt his scalding tears on her skin

If they felt they had some terrific new bug that we didn't know about, something against which we couldn't retaliate in kind, they'd use it on us."

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

Tina felt ill

I saw a ball of fire inside the transmitter and felt its heat on my face and hands

I put on my dark glasses again and saw and felt the ball of fire.

I had been in a good mood for writing, but now I felt uncomfortable

She was looking at Griselda as she spoke, and I suddenly felt very angry

While we talked about pictures, books and old churches, I felt that Mrs Lestrange really wanted to talk to me about something else

But I felt worried because I now knew that Anne Protheroe was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing when her emotions took control

In fact, I felt rather happy at the thought of no more burnt vegetables and tough meat.

Because otherwise people will say that, I ran away - because I felt guilty

I still felt upset about the anonymous letter

It felt as though years had passed when I heard the door open and Melchett entered the room

'So sorry, Colonel Melchett, but when I heard that Mr Hawes was ill, I felt I must come and see if I could do something.'

Poor Mr Hawes felt more and more guilty about taking the money from the collection.'

When the poor young man was found dead and the letter was read, everyone would think that he had shot Colonel Protheroe and killed himself because he felt so guilty

At that time it was quite clear in my own mind that the Thing had come from the planet Mars, and I felt impatient to see it opened

I suddenly felt very cold

I looked again at the cylinder, and felt great terror.

The fear I felt was panic - terror not only of the Martians but of the dark and stillness all around me

I felt foolish and angry

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

Were they intelligent machines? I felt this was impossible

Certainly people were excited by the news, whatever they had felt before

It was nearly eleven o'clock before we felt brave enough to go out again

When we got to Sheen, the curate said that he felt unwell and we decided to try one of the houses.

That night, as we hid in the hall, I felt a great need to do something but could think of no plan of escape

At that moment, I felt the beginning of something that soon grew quite clear in my mind, that worried me for many days

I also felt that it would be easier to get into the drain and dig back towards the house

I felt no fear, only a wild, shaking excitement, as I ran up the hill towards the unmoving Martian

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

All that time I felt a growing need to look again at whatever remained of the little life that had seemed so happy and bright in my past

I went into the hall, and the house felt empty

Harris said he felt dizzy sometimes

George felt dizzy, too.

I explained to George and William Harris how I felt in the morning

William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed

Then George stood up, and told us how he felt at night.

We felt that life was smiling at us again.

We felt that we were sailing into a strange land.

Then we sat back and felt happy and kind.

As I stood at the crossroads, I felt someone suddenly touch my arm

I stood up quickly, feeling the same sudden fear I had felt when that hand touched my arm at the lonely crossroads

I had always known this, and I had never before felt anything more than a teacher's interest in my students

I felt the Count's cool grey eyes on my face

For a long time I had felt nothing but hatred for Sir Percival, but I could not watch as he burnt to death in the vestry

As the plane went by, she felt very excited

All the women in this book have felt empowered to achieve great things, and they have helped to empower other women.