How to use "few" in a sentence


'We can finish the west canyon trail, go back to our truck and have a few beers.'

It's warm and sunny with just a few white clouds in the sky.

I stop and take a few pictures with my camera.

I manage the first few boulders without any problems and reach another drop

Very few people travel to the Great Gallery from this end of the trail

Every few minutes, it blows down the canyon and makes my body shake

I kill a few more

I can now only sit for a few minutes so I take smaller sips every hour.

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days

I fill my bottle and drink one litre in a few seconds

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

Then, as the others made their way back to their vehicles, I stayed behind for a few minutes

A few minutes later, four policemen arrived, and took me to the police station!

After the first few weeks my leg was getting better, and one day I went down into the little town, to the fish market

Every day for the next few weeks, I went with Mr Chi (that was his name) and watched him while he worked

'He's a friend of mine from home, and he's going to stay with us for a few days.'

Well, after that, I did a few things

The great body of the people abide by the dry legal obligation in both cases, and a few break over in each

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger

A few minutes later I called the clerk into my office.

We talked for a few minutes

Slinkton gasped, ran a few steps and fell to the floor

I did everything that I could to help him, but the poor man died a few months later.

The women talked for a few minutes

A few moments later he noticed something on the pavement in front of Brown's stableyard, and crossed the road

Polly Nichols died just a few days after her forty-third birthday

and in a few minutes he went out to the backyard

Schwartz thought the man was following him, but a few moments later when he looked back, there was nobody behind him.

At the time of the murder they were only a few streets away from Mitre Square

An identikit picture of the man can be constructed from the descriptions by the few witnesses who possibly saw him

Calm began to return only after a few weeks.

A few minutes later, an old woman came out of the cathedral and saw him lying there.

The old woman opened her purse and gave him a few coins

A few weeks later, Fantine received another letter from the Thenardiers

Within a few months of his arrival, thanks to his new idea, the glass-making factory in Montreuil was making enormous profits

She managed a few more steps, and stopped again

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

A few minutes later, having heard only silence, he turned round

Every few minutes, he stopped in the shadows of a doorway or at the corner of a street to look back

For the next few days he passed the bench in the Gardens without looking at her

Leblanc and 'Ursula' out of the door and, after a few minutes' indecision, Marius jumped down from the cupboard and ran out into the street

A few minutes later, there was nobody in the building except for Marius and the Jondrettes

'Do you remember the little inn in Montfermeil eight years ago? You took away our Cosette, do you remember? Wearing that old yellow coat, pretending you were a tramp! Well, now you're going to learn that you can't make things right by just bringing a few hospital blankets! You're the cause of all my troubles

Marius stared, frozen with fear as Thenardier, knife in hand, stood hesitating a few steps away from the prisoner

They had only gone a few steps when Eponine stopped and said, 'You remember you promised me something?'

Then one morning, a few days later, Cosette noticed a large stone lying on the garden bench

When he woke up, Enjolras was in the room with a few other friends

He had only gone a few steps, however, when he turned and looked at Valjean

Enjolras and the few surviving rebels fought bravely, but the soldiers were too strong

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

Over the next few days, his visits began to be interrupted by servants calling Cosette to dinner

He waited for a few seconds to see Marius's reaction.

I do not even know where this is because the fog is so thick that I can only see for a few metres in any direction.

And for a few seconds there is only the sound of Beethoven as the music begins to reach its molto allegro.

"Can't we just go out for a few minutes, please? Just to enjoy the sunset?"

For a few moments he sinks slowly into the great loch, but then, somehow, miraculously, he kicks again, and he comes to the surface once more

He takes a few steps towards the trees

In reality, however, all he does is press 'play' on the recording device and write down a few notes about when the judge enters, when the prosecution or defence speaks, or what the final verdict is

Tonight is a good night to go out for a few drinks, he thinks, and he is deciding whom to call, when he hears a female voice.

Is it my fault she is so stupid? So easy to manipulate? A little bit of blood on my face, a few tears, a fake story about him hitting me

And for a few moments you are so afraid that you cannot think

After a few more moments, you begin to feel a little more relaxed

He was right: there are a few people inside

But after a few minutes he realises how tired he is, and he thinks that maybe he can close his eyes for a moment and even rest his head against the grille.

"Yes, Father, I need somewhere to hide for a few days, a week maybe

I need to wait for a few days until they think I'm miles from the city

I can let you sleep here for a few days, and I can bring you some food."

But anyway, why think about it? Just drive; get a few more miles from the town, and from her.

He needs to find another route and a motel to stay in for a few days: a cheap motel where they only want a name and some cash.

And he got to the truck and managed to drive to the road, where for a few minutes he thought he was free

"How? How did you find us? You only had a few hours to get the money."

In a few years they will be politicians, judges or doctors

I can teach you a few things I think, West." And Smith nods to the workmen.

He remembers when he came here with his father to poach a few rabbits as a child

Then maybe in a few years they can start to go for a pint like Owen and his father did.

But there will be no fighting today: the few people that are here look half dead.

The doors of the carriages open, a few people get off, and Sarah and the commuters get on.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

After a few more minutes she feels the train stop and she is aware of the kids getting off.

For a few seconds she walks and then turns back to look at the tube train

Her mom was a food scientist in the meat-growing laboratory, developing different kinds of meat from just a few animal cells

She would never want to prevent that - there were so few opportunities to succeed

It was a few moments before Sala spoke

"In a few years, everyone will be doing it

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

A few days had passed since Sala's decision, and she was feeling happy about it

"So now, just a few details

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

The first few days without Cham were horrible

Every few steps, Sala stopped to listen

So much had changed in just a few short weeks

"Do you think we could have a few minutes to talk on our own, at the end of the hour?"

"Let's give Sala a few minutes alone with Cham."

For a few moments there was silence

'Why not tomorrow evening? I'm having a few friends...'

There were a few words in an unknown handwriting.

When my father had died very suddenly, my mother had lived only a few weeks after him.

I wanted to be alone for a few minutes

Everything can be arranged in a few days.'

He tells me that he wants to marry you in a few days

'I went into that cottage in the bay a few days ago,' I said

He went across the lawn only a few minutes ago.'

In a few minutes it had covered my feet

A few drops of rain began to fall.

I began to pack a few things

She went out and in a few minutes a tall man came into the room.

No one said anything for a few minutes

But then, a few weeks ago, she had begun to slip back into the dreadful condition in which she'd wallowed immediately after she'd received news of the accident

Each time, for a few hours after she woke, she could not face reality

She remained on guard for a few minutes, but the night was so peaceful that at last she had to admit she was alone

After all, as fantastic as it was, the show was only a come-on, a draw, with the sole purpose of putting a few thousand people into the hotel every night

She took time off to carry and give birth to Danny, then to spend uninterrupted days with him during his first few months of life

She needed only to ride out the next few days, and in the relative calm that would follow, she might be able to get on with healing herself.

She'd be able to relax and take a few days off

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

Carol Hirson, a cocktail waitress who was a friend of Tina's, had told her about the unlucky Texans a few minutes ago

Instead, she was coming in for a few hours this evening, while Tina was at the premiere.

She'd thought he had regained his perspective during the last few months, but evidently not.

Maybe not for a few days.

Others wore velvet and rhinestones - or feathers or sequins or furs, and a few were topless

As Vivienne reached the back of the house, the crescent moon slid out from behind one of the few thin clouds, like a scimitar being drawn from a scabbard, and the pale shadows of palms and melaleucas shivered on the lunar-silvered concrete patio.

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

"Oh, I'll probably pop in and out a few times."

"We can stop in here and watch the first few numbers in Magyck! And then go to the restaurant."

For a few seconds the silence was split by an electronic squeal as sharp as an ax blade

The airplane models were no longer in the display case; they were strewn across the floor, and a few were broken

Hundreds of gamblers - pretty young women, sweet-faced grandmothers, men in jeans and decoratively stitched Western shirts, retirement-age men in expensive but tacky leisure outfits, a few guys in three-piece suits, salesmen, doctors, mechanics, secretaries, Americans from all of the Western states, junketeers from the East Coast, Japanese tourists, a few Arab men - sat at the semielliptical blackjack tables, pushing money and chips forward, sometimes taking back their winnings, eagerly grabbing the cards that were dealt from the five-deck shoes, each reacting in one of several predictable ways: Some players squealed with delight; some grumbled; others smiled ruefully and shook their heads; some teased the dealers, pleading half seriously for better cards; and still others were silent, polite, attentive, and businesslike, as though they thought they were engaged in some reasonable form of investment planning

"I've been thinking about it the past few days

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

She turned away from him and started toward the rear entrance of the hotel, out of which they'd come a few minutes ago.

In a few minutes, she got control of herself

The last few minutes - my office got chilly."

She recalled the hatred in Michael's face when she'd left him a few hours ago

He'd only need a few minutes

All the talk about death and fear and madness and pain seemed to have taken place further back in the past than a mere few seconds ago

Robert Scott furniture complemented by a few antique pieces, and richly textured Edward Fields carpets

Finally I took a few mementos, a dozen pieces by which I'll always remember her, and I moved out, sold the house, bought this one, and started decorating all over again."

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

The sky was cerulean blue and clear, and he wished he had time to take the Cessna up for a few hours

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

From an inner pocket, he withdrew a few sheets of folded typing paper.

So will you cool it? Just come over here, sit down, let me inject you, give us a few answers, and we can all get on with our lives

In one smooth lightning-fast movement, Elliot seized the measuring cup into which he had poured four ounces of vinegar a few minutes ago, and he threw the contents in Vince's face

But she hadn't read the story until a few minutes ago

"A few minutes ago

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

"Let's ride out this way for a few miles and talk

If they have a judge in their pocket, why not a few cops?"

I think we'll have to take the story out of town, and before we do that, I'd like to have a few more facts."

She was filled with a new dread, a fear greater than the one that had burned within her during the past few hours

"A few hours

"I need a change of clothes, at least a toothbrush and a few other things

"Winning a few hands at blackjack - that's luck, just like you said

He's been sending me nightmares for the past few weeks

He was confident that he would nail Evans when the man returned from the dealer's lounge in the next few minutes.

Willis Bruckster stared at them, then crumpled his game card with obvious disappointment and disgust, as if he had lost a few hard-earned dollars.

In a few seconds, the medium would evaporate too, leaving nothing unusual to arouse the initial attending physician's suspicion.

Many of them had been Presidential appointees, occupying high-level posts in the federal government; a few had served on the President's cabinet, in half a dozen administrations, though none had ever deigned to run for an elective position

Carlton Dombey, a curly-haired man with a bushy mustache, stood at the window, blotting his damp hands on his medical whites and peering anxiously through one of the few frost-free patches of glass

A few degrees of change

But the last few days it's gotten completely out of hand

A few evergreen shrubs were clustered near the house, but none was of sufficient size to conceal a man

For a few seconds they paused, touching each other briefly, gathering their courage.

A few seconds later, the white sedan raced into the intersection.

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

In addition, some reservations were canceled at the last minute, and there were always a few no-shows

After a few minutes he said, "You were right."

But he was also frustrated because so few people were aware of his great importance.

His targets had always been spies, traitors; more than a few of them had been cold-blooded killers themselves

"It has to be within a few miles of where Jaborski intended to go with the scouts."

If he failed to stop Stryker and the Evans woman, his dream of assuming the director's chair in a few years would never become a reality.

With a few simple sentences and a sharp clap of his hands, the hypnotist brought her out of the trance.

"I take my act to Lake Tahoe a few weeks every winter," Billy said

It was remarkably free of ruts and chuckholes for most of its length, although the Explorer scraped bottom a few times when the track took sudden, sharp dips.

They passed a few signs that told them the lane they were using was kept open for the exclusive benefit of federal and state wildlife officers and researchers

Maybe a few of the top people come and go regularly by helicopter

It opened onto a junction of two hallways, which Tina had discovered a few minutes ago, just after Elliot had shot the guard, when she had peeked through the door to see if reinforcements were on the way.

The whole Danny Evans project is the work of a few megalomaniacs."

Jack Morgan fought the wind, stabilized the aircraft, and pulled it up only a few feet short of the treetops.

"Come on." He went to the big pane of glass, where only a few small spots of frost remained.

She took the last few steps haltingly, her heart pounding, her throat constricted

Over the howling of the wind, another sound arose, and Tina needed a few seconds to identify it.

'I didn't understand what he meant, and nothing happened for a few weeks, so I did not feel so worried

After a few days in prison, Helene had been moved to a nearby asylum for the criminally insane

She had answered very few, always in a calm quiet voice

Staring at her, I was about to say that her boy had asked the very same question a few hours earlier

Andre's receiving machine was only a few feet away from his transmitter, in the next room of his laboratory

A few days later, Andre had a new problem which made him fussy and bad-tempered for several weeks

I saw little of him during the next few weeks

There were very few people that evening at the Wednesday church service, but afterwards, as I left, I saw a woman standing and looking up at one of our coloured-glass windows

'He came a few minutes ago

I took a few steps across the room and then stopped

'A few minutes before I got to the house.'

Then we would like to ask you a few questions.'

'We want to ask you a few questions, here where it happened,' Colonel Melchett said

Because he had read a few books, he thought he knew more than a man who has studied the subject all his life and...'

Only a few nights later, the first falling star was seen towards the east

Areas of bush and a few trees still smoked, and the houses towards Woking station were sending up tongues of flame into the stillness of the evening air.

A few minutes earlier there had only been three things in my mind: the great size of the night and space and nature, my own weakness and unhappiness, and the near approach of death

A few seconds after midnight the crowd in the Chertsey Road, Woking, saw a star fall from the sky into the woods to the north-west

I drove the cart down the road and, leaving it with my wife and servant, rushed into the house and packed a few valuables

There were a few people still alive there; most of them were very frightened, and many of them had been burnt

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

The shells exploded all round it and it was seen to move forwards a few steps, and go down

A few minutes later these three were joined by four other Martians, each carrying a thick black tube

He saw few other refugees until he met the two ladies who later travelled with him

They stopped and waited for a few hours, but the doctor did not appear

In our desire to watch, we even fought each other within a few centimeters of being seen.

For a few minutes we fought together

The Martians, it seemed, had killed and eaten everyone around there, except for a few lucky ones like myself

The ones the Martians capture will be like farm animals; in a few years they'll be big, beautiful, stupid - rubbish

The first rush had already ended and there were few people on the train

We fell in love with each other, and we married a few weeks afterwards.

After hearing this strange story, Holmes sat silent for a few minutes, thinking

On Saturday you can finally drink a few teaspoons of tea

It will only take a few minutes.'

We found half a pork pie, a tin of fish and a few broken eggs

A few people walked past under their umbrellas.

But then he has been coming back late for the past few weeks

That was a few months before the coup

He ran in, holding the few things he had bought on his way home.

She has come to Limmeridge from Hampshire with her mother for a few weeks

I arrived here a few days ago

He let me go to Limmeridge for a few weeks once

Another time I wrote to Sir P to ask if I could go away for a few weeks

After a few minutes, Laura ran into the room and threw her arms around my neck

The Count's face - which had been happy a few seconds before - was suddenly full of fear! He stood up and quickly left the theatre

After a few minutes of intense thought, he sat down again and said, 'What I'm going to tell you now is a secret, and I could be killed for telling it to you

A few weeks later, I read in the newspaper that the Count had been murdered in Paris

In the next few years, Malala met with girls around the world, and she met with many politicians, like the President of the USA, Barack Obama

In many European countries, married women still had very few rights

These are a few of the women who have led or are leading their countries as prime ministers or presidents

Amelia achieved a lot in the next few years

A few months later, Billie Jean's friend took her to play tennis for the first time

Today, tennis is one of the few sports that pays its men and women the same in big tournaments

I must go away for a few days.

They must hide for a few days."

Zorro says, "Can Lolita stay here with you for a few days? She is in danger."