How to use "fields" in a sentence


Other times I am running across bright green fields with my friends.

Finally, as evening fell, he sat on the ground, exhausted, and gazed across the fields at the distant mountains, wishing that he was back in prison

He looked around but could see nothing in the darkness - just a purple mist rising slowly from the fields.

She was on the top of a cliff looking down at a valley, with fields and forests that went on and on

Every now and then people looked nervously at the fields beyond Chertsey, but everything there was still.

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

While the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me in the flat fields near Walton, and while my brother was watching the refugees pour across Westminster Bridge, the Martians had started to attack again

Then came the dull noise of the shots that the Martians fired, and the cylinder flying over the trees and houses and breaking in the neighboring fields.

A Martian walked across the fields at about midday, killing the stuff with steam

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

And after they went away, I went towards Walton across the fields

After a week or two running around the fields on empty stomachs they'll come and be caught quite happily.' He paused

When she was twelve years old, she was working in the fields