How to use "first" in a sentence


I call it my first voice.

In the first days, the second voice always came

Now there is only the first voice

Just below the tree is the first drop in the trail

I manage the first few boulders without any problems and reach another drop

Stupid, Aron, stupid! When you first stood on the rock, it moved

The first thing I need is a drink

The first plan is to use the large knife on the multi-tool to chip at the boulder

This first night was not as bad as I thought

At first, there's nothing

For the first time in two days, I need to urinate

The first voice is back

The first person to think something might be wrong was Aron's boss, Brion

12.00 am It's my third night here and I've decided to take my first sip of urine

Now look what you've done! Says the first voice.

If I'm very lucky, they might search the Robbers Roost area first

Aron's mother answered on the first ring.

What have you done now? asks the first voice.

There might be some at the Big Drop Rappel, but first I need to get there.

My rescue was only the first part of a long, difficult fight back to health

In that first month, I had five operations

When we first met, he shook my hand and smiled at me.

Conseil was at first frightened.

"I'll go up first, Conseil is there

Then they all came to the Dodo and stood round it.' Who was first? Who was first?' they shouted.

Then he said, 'Everybody was first

She stood very tall and said, 'I will tell you, but first, you tell me

At first when I was growing up, I played with everybody

We had our first game, and I was frightened

The first football game was on Saturday

After the first few weeks my leg was getting better, and one day I went down into the little town, to the fish market

Of course, the first thing that I wanted to do when I got back to America was find Jenny

But at first I didn't say anything to Jenny.

And for the first time ever, I knew that I was a real idiot.

It took me about seven minutes to win the first game, and half an hour to win the next

It is seventy-two years since the first inauguration of a President under our national Constitution

At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance

I favor, as a practical policy, the putting of first things first

It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in and parts of the United States of America - a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution

Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms - and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days

Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet

I learned to trust my first impression of people.

I have said that I disliked Mr Slinkton when I first saw him in the insurance office

I decided that my first impression of Mr Slinkton was wrong.

At first Mr Slinkton did not know how to react

'You are seeing me under my real name now for the first time

They decided to continue on their way to work and tell the first policeman they met.

The man probably strangled Polly first, put her on the ground, and cut her throat

Polly Nichols was not the first 'Unfortunate' who was murdered that year, so Scotland Yard chiefs sent their most experienced officer to investigate

On the first floor Mrs Richardson and her grandson lived in three rooms, and she let out the other rooms

Then the first man shouted 'Lipski', perhaps at Schwartz, perhaps at the other man

Israel Schwartz was Jewish, so perhaps when the first man saw him, he shouted 'Lipski' to warn him aggressively to go away

The first thing he saw was two pieces of flesh on the bedside table

The first witness was Elizabeth Darrell, who very probably saw the Ripper with Annie Chapman outside 29 Hanbury Street

The Ripper murders were the first of a new kind of crime: serial killings, savage, without an obvious motive, no clues, and very difficult to solve.

Valjean was so hungry that, at first, he paid no attention to anyone

The first thing he saw when he opened the door was the basket of silver

He moved his feet nervously, uncertain of what to say at first

But now, for the first time in twenty years, a man had shown him great kindness, and he did not know what to feel.

Suddenly he shivered, as if he had become aware for the first time of the icy wind

Then, his heart full of grief for what he had done, he buried his face in his hands and, for the first time in nineteen years, he cried.

When Fantine first arrived in Montreuil, she had immediately found work in a factory

After all her pain and suffering she had, for the first time in her life, found kindness in another human being

At first, no one believed him, but he managed to persuade the court by skilfully questioning each of the witnesses, revealing personal information that only the real Jean Valjean could have known

'Ursula.' Marius said the first name that came into his head

It's a long time ago, but do you remember the day when you first looked at me - in the Luxembourg Gardens? And the day you walked past me? Those things happened nearly a year ago

Now, for the first time, there was a cloud in the clear blue sky of his life

The ordinary people liked him at first, but he soon showed that he was more interested in power for his family than democracy for his people

At first, the funeral went quietly

The first shot killed the commander of the soldiers guarding the exit to the bridge

For the first time in their life together, he and Cosette had quarrelled

The barricade was stronger than it had been for the first assault, and the rebels were at their positions, guns loaded and ready for action

When a second cannon was moved into position next to the first, they knew that the end was near.

The first assault was beaten back by the brave rebels, but the soldiers attacked again and again

Javert, however, did not recognize Valjean at first

At first, Cosette could not understand why Valjean refused to meet her upstairs

'I'll tell you the first part for nothing

"Oh I say," answered Little Red Riding Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."

I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first."

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

This is the first thing that I think when I wake, and I look around nervously, confused by the dark and by the thick fog which surrounds me.

So I empty my pockets, and at first there is nothing helpful there: no wallet, no keys and no phone

I begin to walk, slowly at first, unsure of the direction that I must go

At first, I think that maybe I am quick enough, but then I hear the snap of the gun and feel the explosion in my back.

Then Little John stops to cover the first camera

Outside we hear the crowd cheer, and we see the first runners pass by

His shift finishes in five minutes, but there is no one around in Howarth's quiet police station, and so he leads the woman to the first interview room and tries to suppress the image of a pint of beer in the Black Bull pub.

"I see," he says, "maybe you can tell me your name first

And for the first time in a week, Gerry relaxes and lets his anxious, pale face smile.

"Ha, a bloody pom," says the first and drops the rabbits on the table.

"Nice one!" says the first before he disappears into the bar

"This is your first cruise, you say? You're going to love it

"Oh, but can I trust you three to look after Eleanor? This is her first night, and her first cruise

"Maybe," she says with another shy smile, "but you first: what's your idea for the perfect murder weapon?"

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

You know that Sophie is sleeping in her usual position at the top of the stairs and that she never makes a noise in the night, and you wish, for the first time, that you also had a dog

And for the first time in two days, Barry Brennan feels relief

Maybe it is time for the first drink of the day after all, and he takes the small flask from the pocket of his denim jacket, removes the lid and swallows.

She was not the first girl, and he knows she will not be the last.

"You said it was easy!" he shouts again and recalls the first time his brother had told him about the plan.

On that first day Brandon said no to the plan

He only knows that it was three in the afternoon when they first heard the sound of the police sirens.

The kid screamed at first, but they gagged him and tied his hands

I saw the tracks from your truck, and I told the police, but I made sure I found the cabin first

At first they only hit him

"Of course lad, but I need to show you how first."

And Owen knew the boy was interested then, and for the first time in a long time he thought that maybe there was something they could do together

For the first time in many years Owen and Junior seem to be exactly what they are: father and son

For the first thirty minutes, they chose the illusion of a big nightclub with a famous band playing

And then, just like the first time, the woman stepped quickly onto the walkway and was soon lost among the crowds.

Sala and Cham swam with them for a while - further out into the ocean first and then back toward the beach

"It's normal to feel a little strange when you first come out."

But you'll have to save some money first."

It was the first important crossroads they'd come to together

"Tell me who you are first."

When they had all cried and hugged each other, it was the first thing that Sala thought of.

So, as I was saying, your first month will be a trial

Cham's mom and dad took the screen, looking first at each other and then at Cham.

Cham's mom Dani went first

Sala didn't look at her at first, but when the woman spoke, she recognized her voice at once.

"We tested you first," said Wena

"You have to promise to keep it a secret first."

She looked exhausted at first; but the light came back into her eyes as Sala began to talk about her meeting with Wena.

The first few days without Cham were horrible

The first week ended at last, bringing the day when Sala could speak to Cham again

"Almost, though." For the first time in their conversation, Cham was silent

Cham's test days had arrived at last, and Sala had joined Dani, Tian, and Cham's two sisters at the pod center for their first Contact Hour with him

For the first time, I wished that I had not come.

I was twenty-one and de Winter was the first man I had ever loved

'She could not speak at first

I was going to Manderley for the first time

I was like a child on her first day at school.

She may be rather strange at first, but don't worry about that

He went first to Maxim and then sat down beside me

I came here when the first Mrs de Winter was a bride.' Her voice was suddenly harsh

'She may not like me at first, of course.'

I remember our first morning there very clearly

I had thought we would spend our first morning at Manderley together.

As I wrote I noticed my own handwriting for the first time

I climbed down into the bay and the man looked at me for the first time

'Mrs de Winter, you mustn't think that,' said Frank, looking at me for the first time

It was the first time that I had been left alone at Manderley

I was again in the corridor where I had stood on my first morning at Manderley

I remember very little of the first party at Manderley

It was the first and the last we ever held there

The first explosion was followed by another, then a third and a fourth.

Then for the first time I realized that Maxim had not gone away

I felt, for the first time, that it was my home

When people have a great shock, they feel nothing at first

'I put Manderley first, before anything else

'Rebecca was careful at first,' Maxim went on

He wouldn't say why at first

'At first you don't see Bud, Nathan!' calls Zak

Seizing on this boy's resemblance to her Danny, she was too easily able to fantasize that there had been no loss in the first place.

This boy in the station wagon was not the first that she had imagined was Danny; in recent weeks, she had seen her lost son in other cars, in schoolyards past which she had been driving, on public streets, in a movie theater.

This wasn't the first night she'd been wrongly convinced that an intruder was prowling the house

She had lost her child and her husband in the same year, the man first, and then the boy, the son to the grave and the husband to the winds of change

She took time off to carry and give birth to Danny, then to spend uninterrupted days with him during his first few months of life

At first, it had seemed terribly wrong that such a wonderful opportunity should come her way before she'd even had time to mourn her boy, as if the Fates were so shallow and insensitive as to think that they could balance the scales and offset Danny's death merely by presenting her with a chance at her dream job

A month ago, for the first time, she'd thought that at last she had begun to overcome her grief

If audience reaction was as strong and as positive as Tina hoped, her financial future was assured, for her contract gave her two and one-half percent of the gross receipts, minus liquor sales, after the first five million

At ten o'clock in the morning, she was scheduled to meet with two tour-booking agents who were considering reserving eight thousand tickets to Magyck! During the first three months of its run

Another and softer sound followed the first

Gazing at the dead boy's toys and pathetic treasures, Tina realized, not for the first time, that it wasn't healthy for her to maintain this place as if it were a museum

Her inability to clean out his room suddenly frightened her; for the first time it seemed like more than just a weakness of spirit but an indication of serious mental illness

Joel Bandiri, Tina's co-producer, had watched the show from a booth in the first tier, the VIP row, where high rollers and other friends of the hotel would be seated every night of the run

The words "Joel Bandiri Presents" on a marquee were a guarantee of first-rate entertainment

He had seen Tina's work in some lounges around town, and he had surprised her when he'd offered her the chance to co-produce Magyck! At first, she hadn't been sure if she should take the job

Until recently, she had rarely used alcohol to calm her nerves - but now it was her cure of first resort

She stopped first at the booth next to Mainway's

Beneath his cordial, witty, slightly cool exterior, his secret response was that of a healthy male animal, and her awareness of it was more instinctual than intellectual, like a mare's response to the stallion's first faint stirrings of desire.

Or perhaps this was the first time in all those months that she had been aware of being the object of such interest

She shouldn't jump at the first man who wanted her

She did a first-rate job

Her first thought was: Burglar alarm.

At first Vivienne thought that, she was imagining the change in temperature, but the closer she drew to the end of the corridor, the colder it got

The opening number was followed by a first-rate magic act in front of the drawn curtains

These things were as they always had been, since she had first come to work here, before Danny had died.

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

"Still, I guess you'll be here every night for the first week or so."

"We can stop in here and watch the first few numbers in Magyck! And then go to the restaurant."

an infinity of new opportunities made available to her because of this first smashing success..

He was dealing blackjack at one of the first tables

Two uniformed security men were performing first aid on the unconscious man, loosening his tie and collar, taking his pulse, while a third guard was keeping curious customers out of the way.

When they were first married, he'd been fun, charming, easygoing, but he had not been that way with her in a long time.

But there at first, for a good many years, we had a great thing going

I should've shut up and let you get around to it first

At first, she wasn't sure what she was crying about

And why would a first-rate burglar leave without taking anything? Why break in merely to write on Danny's chalkboard and to wreck the dead boy's things?

The laser whispered through twenty names, forty, sixty, seventy, without producing the lines about Danny that had been on the first printout

Tina waited until at least a hundred names had been listed before she decided that the system had been programmed to print the lines about Danny only one time, only on her office's first data request of the afternoon, and on no later call-up.

But the room had been warm when Tina had first come in to use the computer, and now it was cool

This was the first time she'd ever had the need to tap those stores for herself.

Angela felt the chill first, when she got the initial printout with those lines about Danny

The first week, it happened twice

It never lasts for long, but when I first wake up, I'm sure he's alive somewhere

"That's my middle name." He finished washing the first brandy snifter, rinsed it in hot water, and put it in the drainage rack to dry.

Nancy, my late wife, and I decorated our first home

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

She never was sure who initiated the first kiss

He explored her body slowly, deliberately, first with his eyes, then with his loving hands, then with his lips and tongue.

Elliot didn't tell the judge about the malicious prankster, for that seemed like an unnecessary complication; he still believed that once the fact of Danny's death was established by the exhumation, the quickest and surest way of dealing with the harassment was to hire a first-rate firm of private investigators to track down the perpetrator

A second man appeared behind the first

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

It was as heavy as the first, and she figured it contained more comic books, but she opened it to be sure.

She must have seen this lurid cover illustration when Danny had first brought the magazine into the house

When Danny had first begun collecting horror comics with his allowance, she had closely examined those books to decide whether or not they were harmful to him

In letters that were supposed to look as if they had been formed from rotting shroud cloth, the artist had emblazoned the title across the top of the first page, above a somber, well-detailed scene of a rain-swept graveyard

But the first night in the country, the mother received a vision in which Kevin was buried alive and calling for her

She must have glimpsed the grotesque figure of Death on the cover of the magazine when Danny first brought the issue home from the newsstand.

She had paged through only two of the magazines Danny had bought, the first two, when she had been trying to make up her mind whether such unusual reading material could have any harmful effects on him

From the date on its cover, she knew that the issue containing The Boy Who Was Not Dead couldn't be one of the first pieces in Danny's collection

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she read the story again, hoping to see something important in it that she had overlooked in the first reading.

At first, she half believed that he was trying to be funny, playing a game to amuse her, and she was going to tell him that none of this struck her as funny

"I can't figure why they'd come for me first."

The garage had gone up first, the big door ripping from its hinges and splintering into the driveway, the roof dissolving in a confetti-shower of shake shingles and flaming debris

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

"Remember maybe ten years ago when that Texas elections official revealed how Lyndon Johnson's first local election was fixed? The guy said he was just trying to clear his conscience after all those years

A single mercury-vapor pole lamp at the entrance shed fuzzy purple light over the first third of the parking lot

Then it became necessary to kill the kids to eliminate witnesses to the first two murders."

When they finished eating, Tina spoke first

We might eventually have to talk to him, but first we should pay a visit to the mortician who handled the body

"That's what I thought at first

He compared it once more with the numbers on the electronic board, as if he were praying that he had made a mistake the first time.

In two seconds, it was in his bloodstream, and the first seizure hit his heart.

Now George Alexander was the Nevada bureau chief of the nation's first truly secret police force - a fact that apparently did not weigh heavily on his liberal conscience.

When, as a young man, he had first embarked upon a career in the intelligence services

For the first time in his experience, the sight of this bottled fleet didn't calm him.

They aren't the same as they were when he first came in here a year ago."

Stone posts and softly glowing electric lamps marked the way to the front door, and warm light radiated from several first-floor windows.

At the first window with light behind it, Elliot stopped

The first two clanged through sheet metal, but the third punctured the right front tire.

I didn't want to believe it at first."

"But now that you're in real danger again for the first time in years, a part of you is responding to the challenge

During the first year, he'd taken commercial flights or rented the services of a trustworthy private pilot who could fly the conventional twin-engine craft that Alexander's predecessor had managed to pry out of the Network's budget

His time was enormously valuable to the country; his work was sensitive and often-required urgent decisions based upon first-hand examination of information to be found only in distant places

"Let's get the maps first

The first sporting-goods dealer did not carry the maps, and although the second usually had them, it was currently sold out

He refolded the first map as she unfolded the second.

But first you've got to tell me what in hell's going on

It appeared after his first series of shots six weeks ago

if I'm not mistaken, it started at the same time the parietal spot first showed up on the X-rays."

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

The second gate was one and a half miles past the first, on a short length of straightaway, just over the brow of a hill

The first floor was at the bottom of the structure, the deepest underground.

The cab controls would not operate unless one first inserted an acceptable ID card into a slot above them

The tube to the left of the first one also flickered

Because he had the pistol, Elliot went through first, but Tina was close behind him.

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

"You'll want to see your boy first," Dombey said

if you're lucky enough to beat it the first time

Minutes ago, when Tina had first peered through the observation window, when she had seen the frighteningly thin child, she had told herself that she would not cry

At first, she was afraid to hug him, for fear he would shatter in her embrace

Now she looked up from the task of bundling the child, and she said to Dombey, "But why was he infected in the first place?"

They were just about to move off the road, into the trees, so they would be away from any sign of civilization when they set up camp for their first night in the wilderness

Could this spot on Danny's brain have anything to do with the boy's psychic power? Were his latent psychic abilities brought to the surface as a direct result of the man-made virus with which he had been repeatedly infected? Crazy - but it didn't seem any more unlikely than that he had fallen victim to Project Pandora in the first place

"Could you do me a favor first?" Dombey asked.

I was to be an executive producer of the show and the writer of one of the first four teleplays, which would be based on my novel Darkfall

The first draft was a mess

He was contemptuous of the book he was paid to adapt, of me, and of the entire TV industry, to which he would never return (he assured me with a glower) after his first smash-hit film

Eventually, after a bad first draft, he was taken off the project when he missed several extensions of his contractual deadline

After the first story meeting, however, I never saw the two of them together

At first, I thought the writers had put lampposts on this road, which would make no sense, as it is a secret route through restricted government property

The first was my script based on Darkfall, which I had written in two weeks

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

The first network head is no longer in the business

'The first from Pondicherry in India, the second from Dundee in Scotland and the third from East London,' I answered

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

'Maybe 1 had better see you first, Helene?' I said.

'No, call the police first, or they'll ask you awkward questions

Commissaire Charas at first wondered if the victim really was my brother

This was the first time he had ever mentioned flies, and I was relieved that Commissaire Charas was not present

'And when did you see this fly for the first time?'

And for the first time, I also wondered about Helene

'Or your friend the commissaire will have that fly first thing tomorrow morning.'

The first page contained these words:

His first successful experiment was with an ashtray

It was the first time he told me about his experiments and he came running into the house and threw the ashtray into my hands.

You see, my first experiment with a live animal was a complete disaster.'

'And I want you to be the first to see it happen.'

He did not tell me first, knowing very well that I would never have agreed to such an experiment with our dog

Helene, first of all I rely on you to be brave, because you alone can help me

Then I came back and pushed the first switch

'It is not surprising that his first wife left him.'

For the first time, I realized that Anne Protheroe was beautiful

I'm surprised the first Mrs Protheroe didn't kill him

'Oh, we'd get in first and tell him to put his hands up!' said Griselda

At first Redding didn't seem to know what he was talking about, and then said he didn't use one

But I think we should see Redding first.'

But first I'm going to investigate that telephone call.'

'But I suddenly thought that I'd like to see Miss Marple first.'

'But first, the vicar and I have a little job to do.' So we said goodbye to Miss Marple and walked back to the woods.

'Well, first Mr Redding's pistol

'So why was the first call not made from his cottage?' I asked.

She knew we'd connect it with the first one, so she paid some village boy to make the call for her

The first thing we saw was a red scarf

The first one said:

I feel you should be the first to know about it

I went to Miss Hartnell's house first

And the first thing she said was, 'I will not say anything at all to the police

'The first is that Colonel Protheroe was dead already, but I don't think that's likely

'So it's the one man we never even thought about!' He went over to the sleeping man and shook him, at first gently, then harder

Colonel Melchett was the first to speak

So first it was necessary for Colonel Protheroe to be removed.'

Lawrence Redding first called on the vicar, knowing that he was out

His first thought, I imagine, must have been to run away

At first she laughed

That night, too, there was another sudden cloud of gas from the distant planet as a second missile started on its way to Earth from Mars, just under twenty-four hours after the first one

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

Only a few nights later, the first falling star was seen towards the east

Denning, our greatest astronomer, said that the height of its first appearance was about one hundred and fifty kilometres

I heard it first from my newspaper boy at about a quarter to nine and I went to the common immediately.

I turned and ran madly towards the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred metres away

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

An hour or two later a field-gun arrived for use against the first cylinder.

Just after this came the first lightning of the storm, and the thunder burst like a gun overhead

At first I thought it was the wet roof of a house, but the lightning flashes showed that it was moving quickly down Maybury Hill

At last the soldier was able to move, crawling at first, and he got to Woking

'You are the first people I've seen coming this way this morning,' the officer said

It was already raising the case which sent the Heat-Ray when the first shell burst six metres above its head.

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

It was the first Martian that my brother had seen, and he stood, more amazed than frightened, as it moved steadily towards the ships, walking further and further into the water

For the first time, I realized that perhaps the Martians had another purpose, apart from destroying human beings

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

At a later date we began to feel less in danger of being seen because the sunlight outside was very bright, but at first anything approaching the house drove us back into the hall in fear

The curate was watching through the hole when the first men were brought there

At first I could see no reason for his behaviour

I watched the fighting-machine closely, sure for the first time that it did actually contain a Martian

The Martians had made such an impression on me that at first I did not think I could escape

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

I had no regrets about this, but in the stillness of the night, with a sense that God was near, I thought again of every part of our conversation from the time we had first met

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

And these are only the first ones

'After the tenth shot they fired no more - at least until the first cylinder came.'

For the first time I began to think that there was some distance between his dreams and his powers, because I could dig a hole like this in a day

In South Kensington the streets were clear of dead people and of black powder, and near there I first heard the howling

At first I thought a house had fallen across the road, but when I climbed up on the ruins I saw, with a shock, this great machine lying, with its tentacles bent and twisted, among the ruins that it had made

Far away, through a space in the trees, I saw a second Martian fighting-machine, as unmoving as the first, standing in the park near the Zoo

I have learned since then that I was not the first discoverer of the Martian defeat -several wanderers like me had already known about it on the previous night

One man - the first - had even managed to send a telegram to Paris

At the end of Waterloo Bridge I bought a copy of the first newspaper to reappear

The first rush had already ended and there were few people on the train

The stair carpet was discolored where I had sat, wet to the skin from the thunderstorm on that first terrible night

It seems to me that they have lost a great advantage in the failure of their first surprise

'I was not happy about this because this was the first time that there was a secret between us

'Have you ever seen a photograph of her first husband?'

'Yes,' Holmes replied, 'I think her first husband is in the cottage

After three years of marriage, she feels safe again, but her first husband, or some unscrupulous woman attached to him, discovers where she lives

The first list was too long

We were enjoying the first moments of our holiday.

Take the first turn to the right each time.'

As we came to Weybridge, the first thing we saw was a coloured blazer

However, George said, 'No, let's put the canvas cover on the boat first

'Well, who's going swimming first?' asked Harris.

No one wanted to be first

We sailed straight into the fishing boat with the three old fishermen! At first, we didn't know what was happening

George was the first to speak

At first, he thought that it was the end of the world.

But when we peeled our first potato, we understood that this was not exciting - it was hard work

The first potato we peeled looked like a pea.

We discussed it first.

He had eleven dog fights on the first day and fourteen on the second day

At first, we pretended to enjoy it.

Our second rainy day was the same as the first

She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.

A very foolish idea, as he said sharply to her the first time she mentioned it

'I see,' she said, and for the first time in the one month since she agreed to be this man's lover, the tears which suddenly rose into her eyes came there naturally.

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.

'Next March, on your twenty-first birthday, you'll inherit thirty thousand pounds

I told him not to sign the settlement unless the part about the twenty thousand pounds remained as I had first written it

They first met in Rome

'I know that Percival has debts,' she said, 'but I won't sign anythin without reading it first.'

'Ask Marian if she thinks I should read the document first.'

'Remember you are in the company of ladies!' They looked at each other, and Sir Percival was the first to look away

At first, just after we were married, I tried not to think of Walter

I put the other letter in my pocket and ran to the station to get the first train to London

He said he'd come for two reasons: first, to express his feelings for me (I refused to listen to them) and secondly, to repeat the warning in his letter

Now she looked like the Laura I first met at Limmeridge: her expression was lively once more, she smiled frequently, and she had lost that sad nervous look that made her so very like Anne Catherick

'Read this first,' I replied, handing him the note from Pesca.

The fact that Anne had escaped from the asylum first gave me the idea for the conspiracy

In her, book Letters on Education (1790), Catharine Macaulay - the first English female historian - told mothers and fathers to educate their girls

She later got a PhD - a higher degree - in law, and she became Iran's first woman judge

In 1975, she became the first president of the Tehran city court.

In the 1890s, parts of New Zealand and Australia were the first places to give women the vote

The first country in Europe to allow women to vote was Finland, which was then part of Russia

Finland also had the world's first women Members of Parliament (MPs), in 1907

The WSPU were the first "suffragettes".

In 2015, women there voted for the first time in town and city elections.

Hatoon al-Fassi was one of the first Saudi Arabian women to vote

The first wave, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was mostly about women's right to vote

The first wave of feminism in the West was mostly about getting the vote

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

She worked for Google before becoming the first woman COO at Facebook.

In 2013, Sheryl wrote her first book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and she is the only woman to win the Nobel Prize for two different topics.

She was the first woman to achieve big things in this world

She was also the first woman to get a PhD from a French university, and she was the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris.

Lise and Otto Hahn led the small group of scientists who first split the atom

We know that, in many countries, women started to get the vote in the first years of the 20th century

In the United Kingdom, the first woman to become a Member of Parliament was Nancy Astor, in 1919

Nancy became the first woman to sit in the House of Commons on 1st December 1919

But the first woman prime minister didn't come from Europe or the USA

On 21st July 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first woman prime minister in the world.

She became the world's first woman prime minister, and she led her country's government three times

The 20th century and the first part of the 21st century have seen big steps for women in politics

In 2016, the USA almost had its first woman president with Hillary Clinton

This was 100 years after some women first got the vote and almost a hundred years after Nancy Astor entered Parliament.

In 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the first aeroplane

One of the first women to fly was a young woman called Amelia Earhart

Earhart was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.

She saw her first aeroplane at the age of ten

Later that year, she bought her first aeroplane

In 1932, she was the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic, which she did in 14 hours and 56 minutes.

In 1935, she was the first person to fly alone the 2,408 miles across the Pacific between Honolulu, Hawaii, and Oakland, California

She was the first person to fly alone from Los Angeles to Mexico City, which she did in 13 hours and 23 minutes

And she was the first person to fly alone without stopping from Mexico City to Newark, USA, which she did in 14 hours and 19 minutes.

She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world.

He had helped to choose the first seven astronauts

The USA wanted to be the first country to put women in space, so, in 1960, William began to test women in the USA as astronauts.

After the Women in Space programme, women started to go into space, but the first woman was Russian, not American.

Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman astronaut to go into space

After Russian Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in 1961, Valentina became excited

The Americans did not send a woman into space until Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983.

At the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, in 1896, there were no women

Women first went to the Olympics in Paris, France, in 1900

Fanny Blankers-Koen was one of the first women to show that women could also be great athletes

A few months later, Billie Jean's friend took her to play tennis for the first time

The US Open became the first big tournament to give equal money to its men and women top players

In Saudi Arabia, for example, it was 2012 when two women went to the Olympics for the first time

The words "Me Too" were first used by an American woman called Tarana Burke in 2006