How to use "food" in a sentence


For food, I have two burritos

All I see in my mind are pictures of the food and drink left on the floor of my truck.

I was soon eating normal food and by the end of the summer, I was the same weight as before the accident.

We have wonderful food, and your rooms are very comfortable."

They gave us wonderful sea food and we were free to visit any place we liked on the ship.

We jumped into the boat, leaving all our food and guns behind

When I woke up, I thought that they put something in our food to make us sleep.

There was a cook by the fire and there was food on the table

The place where I had to live was just a bit better than the rooms at the university, but the food was not

'Just put everything that you see in the food cupboard into a big pot and cook it.'

'Hurry up with that food, Gump! We're hungry!' they shouted.

It blew the food all over us - me, and all the men who were sitting at the tables.

'I haven't enough food.'

'What about all that food in the pots?'

I've been walking all day, and nobody in this town will give me food or a bed for the night

Out of work, and with no food in the house, he had been arrested for trying to steal a loaf of bread

The couple dressed Cosette in rags and gave her very little food, which they made her eat from a wooden bowl under the table

But my eldest daughter will tell you that my wife is sick and none of us have had any food for four days

'That's enough food for two days

We are without food, Monsieur, and without heating

'That is for your rent and food, Monsieur,' he said

The romantic picnic filled with all the food his wife loves

He looks at the food on the small tables in front of the cafes and bars.

And he begins to imagine Nick's face when he sees the bag, and he already begins to imagine the food that he can buy.

I can let you sleep here for a few days, and I can bring you some food."

I'm going to go close the church, then maybe I can find you that bit of food and some other clothes."

They connect your body to them and look after it for you - your food, your muscles, everything

Her mom was a food scientist in the meat-growing laboratory, developing different kinds of meat from just a few animal cells

She'd bumped straight into the man, who'd dropped a bagful of dried food packets, spreading them everywhere.

Sala played with the plate of food in front of her; she couldn't eat a thing.

We ordered our food and sat for a time in a pleasant, easy silence.

There was far too much food for two people

As I took an egg and some coffee, I wondered what happened to the food that was left

Tell Mrs Danvers to have food and drink ready for the men

It was the same food as the day before

The tables were draped with white cloths and burdened with food: five hot hors d'oeuvres, lobster salad, crab salad, pasta salad, filet mignon, chicken breasts in tarragon sauce, roasted potatoes, cakes, pies, tarts, fresh fruits, berries, and cheeses

They exclaimed over the food and clustered around the portable bar

"Eat takeout food at two hundred miles an hour in the Batmobile, and no matter how messy it gets - just hose off later."

It's not usually dangerous, except if he has a mouthful of food when he faints, because then he might choke to death.

"They had the best wilderness clothing and the best down-lined sleeping bags, the best winter tents, plenty of charcoal and other heat sources, plenty of food, and two wilderness experts to guide them

Elvira arrived with their food

"Right now he's on the verge of starving to death because it's been so long since he's been able to keep any food in his stomach

I sent the servant down with some food, but she brought it back with a note she had found outside the laboratory door: DO NOT DISTURB ME, I AM WORKING.

Andre opened the laboratory door as soon as I knocked and I took in the food

I took the food down to the laboratory and, after he let me in, put it on his desk

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

However, for most of the time the daily routine of work, food, drink and sleep went on as it had done for countless years.

He had eaten no food since midday, and I found some meat and bread and brought it into the room

He made me find all the food and drink that we could carry, and we filled our pockets

He succeeded in getting some food at a pub.

None of the wars of history had such an effect - six million people, moving without weapons or food or any real sense of direction

That day the refugees began to realize how much they needed food

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

On Wednesday my brother and the two women reached Chelmsford, and there a number of people, calling themselves the Council of Public Safety, took their horse for food

There was food available, although the prices were very high, and the three of them had a meal.

The soldier had taught me well and I looked for food and drink and a spare shirt to take with me

The one we chose was in a walled garden, and in the kitchen we found some food

I am listing these exactly because we lived on this food for the next fortnight.

We sat in the kitchen in the dark and had a meal of cold food, and just before midnight there was a blinding flash of green light followed by the loudest bang I have ever heard

I told the curate that I was going to look for food, and moved back into the kitchen again

In the end I moved between him and the food and told him that I was going to take control.

I divided the food in the cupboard into separate amounts to last us ten days

In the afternoon he tried to get some food

I heard it go into the food cupboard, It moved the tins and a bottle broke

When at last I did, I found that the food cupboard was now empty

On that day and the next I had no food and nothing to drink.

There were two ideas in my mind - to get more food and to move, as quickly as possible, away from the pit.

I went into a couple of the houses, looking for food, but all of it had already been taken

They were now looking for food somewhere else

I searched every room for food until, when I was ready to give up, I found some bread and two tins of fruit in one of the bedrooms

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

'There is no food around here,' he said

There is only food for one

'It seems to me that at the moment they catch us when they want food

Nice big cages, fattening food, no worry

In some places thieves had been at work, but usually only at the food and wine shops

After a lot of trouble, I managed to break into a pub and find some food and drink

And the food! Across the Channel, across the Irish Sea, across the Atlantic, corn, bread and meat were coming to us

We had no interest in food.

On Sunday you can walk again and eat some food

The hard work on the boat will make us hungry, so we'll enjoy our food

We talked about food next

This good food will keep us healthy,' George said.

We got a large suitcase for the clothes, and two large hampers for the food and utensils.

QE Good food always calms Harris.

We thought they were some sort of Red Indian food, and, to cook them correctly, it was necessary to do special dances with magic words.

Look in the hampers and take out all the pieces of old food

George said, 'Please don't talk about good food, until I finish this cold meat.'

Mercy complained that she was hungry and so they went to the kitchen to heat up some food and eat

'Well, I had food in my mouth

Little sister only sits and chews her food.

Parents in poor families marry girls when they are young so they do not have to give them food at home

I only want some food and drink."

Can you give us some food?"