How to use "friend" in a sentence


It started on Thursday when I went climbing and skiing on Mount Soplis with my friend, Brad

Elliot, another friend of his, was moving into the house after Leona had gone

Another friend, Jason, had sent Steve a list of all the canyons Aron said he wanted to hike in Canyonlands

I invited my faithful assistant and good friend Conseil to go with me

You are a true friend

I don't want to be my friend Mabel, because she doesn't know very much

'Time was my friend, you see

'It's a friend - a Cheshire Cat,' answered Alice.

'He's a friend of mine from home, and he's going to stay with us for a few days.'

'But he was a good friend.'

And after a year, Mom was working for me, and Mr Tribble, and Curtis (my old football friend), and Bubba's daddy.

He's an old friend of mine.'

I tell you that while my friend believes also in the doctrine of violence and has adopted the doctrine of non-violence as a weapon of the weak, I believe in the doctrine of non-violence as a weapon of the strongest

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

'He said that a friend of yours recommended this company.'

About two weeks later I went to have dinner with a friend of mine

'It's for a friend of mine

'I have come back,' he said, 'because I want to find out what my friend has done with the insurance forms

'What is your friend's name, Mr Slinkton?' I asked him.

Mary Ann Nichols was still walking the streets when her friend Ellen Holland saw her at 2.30 a.m

Her friend Ellen said she was a clean, quiet person

When she met her friend Amelia Palmer on September 2nd and 3rd she showed her the black eye and a bruise on her face

Then he returned to the yard with a candle and a friend

Mary's friend, a laundress named Maria Harvey, was there and said that Mary and Barnett seemed to be friendly

'I'm delighted to see you again, dear friend,' he said

'You shouldn't stay alone all the time,' his good friend, Enjolras, said to him

Marius paid little attention to his friend, and continued his quiet life of work, study and daily walks.

Leblanc, because of his white hair, and the girl Mile Lanoire, because of her black dress,' his friend replied.

Early the following morning, he paid the concierge his final rent and went to live with his friend, Enjolras

I'm living with a friend of mine, Enjolras.' Marius then took a knife out of his pocket and scratched his address on the wall - 16, rue de la Verrerie.'

Enjolras and his friends shook their heads with amazement at their friend's lack of awareness, and soon left the room

'The French Revolution!' he heard a distant voice reply - the voice of his friend, Enjolras.

Maybe he is his friend, his partner, and I am about to run when I see the small gun in his hand.

"How dumb are you?" his new friend says, and he looks annoyed

Her young, new friend only smiles

"Gentlemen, let me introduce you to my new friend Miss Eleanor Chance."

He was leaving a cafe with a friend

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

Sala and her friend Niki pushed past the people who had gathered in the rain outside the meat-growing laboratory

Sala looked at her friend

The door of the apartment opened and Apat came in, back from visiting a friend for dinner.

I was not exactly a servant and certainly not a friend.

'What's happened to your friend?' de Winter asked me

'Your friend is very different from you,' he said at last

'Mrs Van Hopper is not my friend,' I said

She's an old friend of mine.'

'I got the idea from a friend.'

'She was also Rebecca's friend

'If he wasn't a friend, perhaps it was someone she was afraid of.'

He had become not just a valued business associate, but a good friend as well, a big brother.

Carol Hirson, a cocktail waitress who was a friend of Tina's, had told her about the unlucky Texans a few minutes ago

"Tina, my dear, I want you to meet a friend of ours," Helen said, indicating the fourth person in the booth

"And I'm just as positive it isn't a friend or a relative

"They can get inside easily enough if they have a friend in there."

When they were reluctant, he made up a story about a friend being stranded in the mountains with a broken leg

The legendary producer who brought the project to the studio is dead, probably because he was a beloved friend of the bad-luck writing duo.

In September 1887 my wife was visiting some of her family, so I was staying with my old friend Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street

I looked at my friend in surprise

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

'Or your friend the commissaire will have that fly first thing tomorrow morning.'

'And I remember your friend, Professor Augier, saying that the only possible explanation was that the stones had been disintegrated outside the house, had then come through the walls, and been reintegrated before hitting the floor or opposite walls

"And he's tall and thin!" his friend says

She's an old friend, but that's not my only reason

Listen,' he said to my new friend, 'you'd better go to Weybridge and report to the highest officer.'

'Anyway, my friend and I have heard many strange secrets in this room, and we have had the fortune to help many people

He is an old friend

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

When we passed Hampton Court Palace, Harris asked, 'Have you ever visited the maze here?' He said he had gone into the maze once to show a friend

Harris said to his friend, 'We'll go in and walk around for ten minutes

'Listen, people, I brought a friend to meet you

My Italian friend Pesca was there, and he had good news for me

I have a friend there

Marian Halcombe became my good friend and Laura Fairlie was my secret love

He treated Miss Halcombe like an old friend, was polite and friendly to me, and treated Miss Fairlie with tenderness and respect

Her father had been my good friend, and his daughter was like a daughter to me

When they return - with Sir Percival's friend Count Fosco and his wife (Laura's aunt Eleanor) - will go to live with them in Hampshire

Our dear friend Walter has gone to Central America

The Count has been Sir Percival's friend for years

Our dearest friend Walter is in Central America, where no letter can reach him

Your friend,

I took a cab to my friend Pesca's house and asked him to come to the opera with me

'My dear friend,' I said

Ten years later, she went with a friend to watch some pilots flying aeroplanes

A few months later, Billie Jean's friend took her to play tennis for the first time

He is a friend of the natives and the friars

"Don Diego Vega, my friend!" says Sergeant Gonzales

"Thank you, my friend," says Don Diego.

You don't understand, my friend

I am a friend of the natives

Don Carlos is a good friend of Don Diego's family

Don Carlos is happy to see his friend

I come from a good family and I am the Governor's friend

My dear friend,

Your friend,

Don Diego is very angry because Friar Felipe is his friend

Zorro gives a whip to the magistrate's friend and says, "Now whip this corrupt magistrate 15 times."

"But I cannot do this," says the friend.

The friend whips the magistrate