How to use "friendly" in a sentence


Then he tried to be friendly.

'This caterpillar isn't very friendly,' she thought

'She's very friendly to me,' thought Alice

Mary's friend, a laundress named Maria Harvey, was there and said that Mary and Barnett seemed to be friendly

The man, who was perhaps sixty, had white hair and a serious but friendly-looking face

Her long blonde hair is beautiful, and her kind, friendly, blue eyes are perfect

This is Pod Adventures," said the woman, in a friendly voice.

A friendly young woman called Zee guided them to their pod area.

She looked very different now that she was in her own surroundings - more friendly and unthreatening

I was glad of the dog's friendly welcome

Everyone laughed, but they seemed friendly

'So you haven't decided what to wear, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said in a friendly voice.

I have always liked the picture of the girl in white,' Mrs Danvers went on in the same friendly way.

I wondered why she was so friendly

Some dealers were cold and uncommunicative, but Michael felt the day went faster when he was friendly with people

Michael kept up the friendly patter while he got his cone of ice cream

Maybe he's still on the payroll of some spook shop, and maybe the whole plan was for him to pretend to retire and then get elected as a judge here in Vegas, so his bosses would have a friendly courtroom in town."

Later, we became quite friendly and he admitted that, for a long time, he had suspected me of killing Andre

Archer is a poacher, but friendly and cheerful

With a friendly smile he asked, 'May we have some water, please.'

He treated Miss Halcombe like an old friend, was polite and friendly to me, and treated Miss Fairlie with tenderness and respect

Sir Percival is a good-looking, charming and friendly man

At Limmeridge, he was always friendly, but when he saw me yesterday he was cold