How to use "garden" in a sentence


She put her head down and looked through the door into a beautiful garden

Then I can get under the door into the garden.'

'I want to go into that garden!' she thought

'Now I can go into the garden!' thought Alice, and she started to run to the little door

'Mary Ann, Mary Ann! Where are you? Bring me my hat!' The words came from the garden, outside the window

'I know! I'll look for that beautiful garden.'

'You'll see me in the Queen's garden?' said the Cheshire Cat, and vanished.

I can get through the little door into the garden.'

When she was about 30 centimeters high, she walked through the door into the garden.

First, ten men with clubs in their hands came into the garden

She put her arm through Alice's and they walked through the garden.

She could hear the Queen at the other end of the garden

It's a really pretty house with a big garden.

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

He even tried sleeping in a garden, but was chased away by a dog

After studying the garden, he decided that escape would be easy

He grabbed it, hurried back to the spare bedroom, picked up his stick and bag, climbed out of the window, emptied the silver into his bag and threw the basket into the garden

A minute later he climbed the garden wall and disappeared into the trees.

Early the next morning, while the bishop was studying the flowers in his garden, Mme Magloire ran out of the house with a look of alarm on her face.

It was a small house in a back street, with a large, wild garden

Suddenly, she thought she heard the sound of footsteps in the garden

The moonlit garden and the street beyond it were completely empty

The next evening, as she was walking in the garden, she was sure that she heard someone moving in the trees

When Jean Valjean returned from his business the following day, Cosette told him about the noises in the garden

He spent the next two nights walking around the garden, checking the gate, listening for noises, but nothing unusual happened.

Then one morning, a few days later, Cosette noticed a large stone lying on the garden bench

Finally, she went out into the garden

Afterwards, they sat together on the garden bench in a state of shock, neither of them speaking

During that month of May in the year 1832, Cosette and Marius met every day in the wild garden of that small, secret house

One beautiful, starry evening, Marius found Cosette sitting unhappily in her garden.

At nine o'clock that evening, Marius crept into the garden of Cosette's house, but she was not there waiting for him as she had promised

Marius left the garden and, mad with grief at losing Cosette, walked towards the sound of drums and gunfire in the centre of the city

Jean Valjean listened as she described the view from the room that would be his, the beauty of the garden, the singing of the birds, but he was listening more to the music of her voice than to the meaning of her words

Maybe it was an animal in the garden.

She'd made her own garden on the roof of their apartment, and she was always up there

"Must be something for Gran's garden," she said.

It had taken years for Gran to make her garden because it was so difficult to find soil or plants, but she had made some soil with rotten vegetables and fruit, and slowly found bits and pieces here and there

Now she spent as much time in the garden as possible, even when it was dark or raining

"Maybe someone found it in a dusty corner and thought of my little garden..

It was a bit smaller than Sala's, with no windows - and no garden either, of course

It was a delicious dinner - Mom had brought home some top-quality meat from the laboratory, and Gran had added some vegetables from her garden

We have a very nice house near the ocean and there are wild roses in the garden, just as there were when we were young

Instead, she imagined them standing in a beautiful garden, surrounded by greenery, with wild roses nodding gently nearby

There is a lovely view of the rose-garden from there

The rose-garden lay below me

Beyond the rose-garden, the smooth grass stretched to the woods.

'I love the rose-garden,' he said

Why don't you go into the garden

I loved the quiet beauty of the rose-garden

If I could not sleep, I went to the window and looked out on to the rose-garden

'We came to a garden-party too, one summer,' the bishop's wife went on

We all had tea in the rose-garden

Now, if we've all finished tea, we'll go into the garden.'

Hundreds of them were brought in from the garden and Mrs Danvers knew exactly how to arrange them

Then I went out into the garden and cut some roses

'Shall we go into the garden?' I said.

'My husband is in the garden

"Yes, and this time it says 'Put the papers in the garden'."

'It comes from East London, and it says "Put the papers in the garden"

Put this paper into your uncle's box, put in a letter which says that your uncle burnt all the other papers, and put the box outside in the garden

'Let me show you my garden,' she said.

She was allowed to go into the garden during certain hours of the day, and had been given a little square where she could grow flowers

I had sent her seeds and some rose bushes out of my garden.

Dandelo was a small white cat who had come into our garden one day and remained with us

I had found it early this morning, caught in a spider's web in the garden.'

Just think of the talk in the village.' She kissed me, and stepped through the open glass door into the garden.

There is a path from Old Hall, where she lives, to our garden gate, so most people coming from there come to the study window instead of going along the road to the front door.

I said I would look at Dr Stone's barrow.' And she wandered out again, and across the garden.

'I saw her walking round her garden this afternoon.'

I returned to the vicarage by the garden gate

'I've always wanted to be right in the middle of a murder,' he said, and went out into the garden to look for footprints

She was in her garden.' She closed her eyes

'In fact I was in my garden from five o'clock onwards yesterday and from there, well, I can see everything that is happening next door.'

'I believe that Mrs Protheroe passed by your garden yesterday evening?'

And as he was writing, someone came in through the garden doors, came up behind the colonel and shot him

I was rather worried about meeting Lawrence in the garden while my husband was inside the vicarage.

I hoped no one would see me, but of course, Miss Marple was in her garden! She stopped me and I explained I was going to meet my husband

And I heard that she loves old stones for her Japanese garden.'

Third way - is there a third way? My idea was to see if any of the bushes were broken near the vicarage garden wall.'

She was working in the garden, and was very pleased with the stone

At last, a meeting was arranged in the garden, and here Lawrence spoke to a very nervous Gladdie

She was standing by the window looking out into the garden.

'Mrs Protheroe walked past my garden, and she went to the study window and she looked in and she didn't see Colonel Protheroe.'

'Oh!' Miss Marple was just about to step into the garden when she suddenly stopped

Just before twenty past six, she walked past my garden and stopped to speak to me

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

'Yes, but when you appeared, he pretended that he was bringing it to me for my Japanese garden

'It was the wrong sort of stone for my garden! And that made me think.'

He threw small stones at Anne's window to wake her up and she came down to the garden to talk to him

That quieted him a little, and when he saw Henderson, the London journalist, in his garden, he shouted over the fence and made himself understood.

I went into my garden and stood listening, but towards the common there was nothing moving.

At about six in the evening, as I had tea with my wife in the garden, I heard an explosion from the common, and immediately after that the sound of gunfire

The storm had left the sky clear, and over the smoke of the burning land the tiny bright light of Mars was dropping into the west, when a soldier came quietly into my garden

We were too frightened to go on and hid in a hut in a garden

We stood for a moment in terror, then ran through a gate behind us into a garden and hid in a corner until the stars were out.

The one we chose was in a walled garden, and in the kitchen we found some food

And then the light came, not through the window, which was filled with earth from the garden, but through a small hole that had been knocked in the wall

I climbed a wall and fell into a neighboring garden

I lay for the rest of the day in a garden, too exhausted to go on.

After sunset I struggled on along the road towards Putney, and in a garden I found some potatoes, enough to stop my hunger

'You're the soldier who came into my garden.'

I hid from the night and the silence until long after midnight, in a garden hut in Harrow Road

I remembered how I went to the garden gate as he came past, and how I had listened to his odd story of 'Men from Mars'.

Had I spoken my thought aloud? I turned, and the door to the garden was open behind me

In the garden we met her sister, Miss Fairlie

That evening, after dinner, Miss Fairlie went outside to walk in the garden

As Miss Halcombe read, I watched Miss Fairlie walking in the garden.

One day, when I had been at Limmeridge for three months, Miss Halcombe asked me to walk with her in the garden

I remembered my conversation with Walter that day in the garden with horror

The Count took him for a walk in the garden

There is a big garden with trees and flowers