How to use "giant" in a sentence


Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean

I saw the harpoon leave his hand and hit the giant creature right in its back

"There are giant squid in the holes of those walls."

"What giant squid, sir?"

"Well, the giant squid is really just a story

Many people like to tell stories about giant squid, but no one knows if they are true

I looked out of the window, and there was a 25-foot giant squid! It moved close to the Nautilus and it hit the window with its long tentacles

As he opened it, a long thick tentacle of the giant squid came inside like a snake and pulled the man outside

Captain Nemo attacked the giant squid with his axe

The giant squid shot black ink out of its body, and none of us could see anything

And on the television screens there are giant faces, clips from movies, news headlines, commercials for cars and perfume, chocolate and beer.

Like the shouting of a giant.

"Think? I know! A giant

A real giant! A gargantua!"

Working with that kind of money wasn't merely a step up for her; it was a giant leap.

Ramparts of pale pink stone stretched hundreds of feet on both sides of the entrance; those walls were windowless and garishly decorated with giant stone coins, a gushing torrent of coins flooding from a stone cornucopia