How to use "given" in a sentence


Aron had given it to her in a hurry and made a mistake.

She wanted to check the license-plate number she had given Brion

The information was given to Officer Ekker

Something about the visions tells me that I have not given the people I care about enough attention

Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given, will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded, for whatever cause - as cheerfully to one section as to another.

And while it is obviously possible that such decision may be erroneous in any given case, still the evil effect following it, being limited to that particular case, with the chance that it may be overruled and never become a precedent for other cases, can better be borne than could the evils of a different practice.

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

Recognition of that falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing

I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.

Although the details of Annie Chapman's murder were given on September 19th, they were not reported for reasons of decency

The Bishop of Digne was a kind old man who, many years earlier, had given his palace to the town hospital

I should have given it away a long time ago.'

'And he told you,' the bishop finished the sentence for him, 'that an old priest had given it to him? Yes, he was telling the truth.'

'Jean Valjean,' the bishop continued, 'I've bought your soul from the Devil, and have given it to God.'

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

Pontmercy, wanting his son to have a good life, had sadly given him to M

He was a strong supporter of the Catholic church and the aristocracy, and he took away the freedoms that Napoleon had given the ordinary citizens

Then he returned to the wine shop, and opened the letter that she had given him

He persuaded Cosette, therefore, not to use any of the money her guardian had given her, and to live on the money that he had started to earn as a lawyer

Everyone was given one hundred energy units a week, and they had to be careful not to use them too quickly

It was the woman who had given her the fruit.

well, it's given me hope."

All the reasons she'd given to Cham ran through her mind, but how could she explain them to Niki? It was really complicated.

"After one month, as I've explained, you will be given tests

We were given exercises to practice, so that if we were caught, we could stay strong." She looked at Sala's face.

I picked up the book he had given me

Maxim's smile was like a pat on the head given to Jasper.

I looked through the books that Beatrice had given me

Tina supposed that some people would say this hotel was gross, crass, tasteless, ugly - but she loved the place because it was here that she had been given her big chance.

She had given Danny permission to go on the field trip, and as far as Michael was concerned, that had been equivalent to driving the bus off the cliff

He would be sleeping, but she wouldn't feel guilty if she woke him, not after all the sleepless nights that he had given her

Badly hurt by that discovery, she had given him the freedom that he wanted.

She smiled when she thought of him, then picked up the sheaf of papers that Angela had given her, anxious to finish her work.

Perhaps it was too soon to tell for sure, but he was beginning to think that fate, in an uncharacteristic flush of generosity, had given him a second chance at happiness.

In the process of trying to hurt his ex-wife, he'd waste several days of the court's time, and the end result would be exactly the same as if he'd never been given a chance to protest."

She had given it to him two nights ago, at the party after the premiere of Magyck! She didn't live far from him

Have you been given, or has Mrs

Evans been given, any material relating to military research installations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains?

"They're impressionable, excitable, given to exaggeration

"The government had to hide it, and so this organization that Kennebeck works for was given responsibility for the cover-up."

He could destroy the Network, given half a chance

He and Tina were given a spacious, pleasantly decorated room on the ninth floor.

Then, six years ago, the Network had been formed, and the President had given George the task of developing a reliable South American bureau of the new intelligence agency

the growth rate of the parietal spot is directly proportional to the number of injections the boy's been given

Therefore, I will devote what space I am given here to this novel itself and to the savage, brutal, cruel, maddening, insane, inane, nonsensical, stupid, bewildering, toxic, bloodcurdling, lip-chafing, toenail-curling experience of working with a major television network to adapt this novel, and three others, as part of a program that would have been called The Dean Koontz Theater or Dean Koontz Presents or possibly Here's Dean! or even Koontzapalooza

One writer was given two drafts and a polish

So he is praised for being merely incompetent and not also drunk, and he is given a second chance

Because I was never in the room with both partners, getting a thoughtful response to a story note I'd given was impossible, because neither could speak for the other and could only promise to consult when next they met at the deathbed of whatever beloved person expired that week.

I knew that he had believed the answers Helene had given him

She was allowed to go into the garden during certain hours of the day, and had been given a little square where she could grow flowers

Without a word, he took the sheets of paper Helene had given me and started to read

The verdict was given almost immediately: Murder by Person or Persons Unknown.

Poor Griselda - that book on Mother Love had given Miss Marple the clue!

'Are these creatures everywhere? Has the Earth been given to them?'

A similar tube was given to each of the three, and the seven spread out at equal distances along a curved line between Weybridge and Ripley.

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

One astronomer has given excellent reasons for supposing that the Martians have actually landed on Venus

It has taken away our confidence in the future, which was making us soft; it has given great help to science, and it has made us think of human beings as one family.

do you mean the army officer who has just been given the job of..

After he had gone, Laura gave me a book of drawings that Mr Hartright had given her

The illness of the excellent Miss Halcombe has given me the opportunity to read this interesting diary

I wondered why so little space had been given to the record of Sir Felix's marriage, but apart from that there was nothing unusual about it

When I've given you the confession and the proof you ask for, the Countess and I will leave this house without any interference from you.'

In 2003, Shirin was given the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in democracy and human rights, and for fighting for the rights of women and children

In Emmeline's time, girls were not given a very good education.

On 2nd July 1928, women were given equal voting rights with men they could vote at the age of twenty-one

In 1903, Marie Curie was given the Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband, Pierre, for their work on radioactivity

That is why the Nobel Prize was given to both Pierre and Marie.

Lise was very famous late in her life, but she was not given the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

That was given to Otto Hahn

Because the Nobel Prize can only be shared between three living scientists, Rosalind's work was not spoken about when the prize was given to James, Francis and Maurice