How to use "goods" in a sentence


Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated

"I suppose any sporting-goods store in Reno ought to have maps of at least the nearest parts of the Sierras."

Two sporting-goods stores and two gun shops were within easy walking distance of the hotel

The first sporting-goods dealer did not carry the maps, and although the second usually had them, it was currently sold out

First, they had visited a sporting-goods store, purchasing two Gore-Tex Thermolite storm suits, boots, snowshoes, compact tins of backpacker's rations, cans of Sterno, and other survival gear

From the sporting-goods store, they had driven out of town, west toward the mountains

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.