How to use "grey" in a sentence


There, an old man with grey hair asked me lots of questions

I looked in the mirror and saw lines on my face and grey in my hair

Within five minutes I saw her walking up the beach with a grey-haired man

As he was doing this, another man came into the room - a man with grey hair who walked with a slight limp

She had curly dark-brown hair, a pale complexion, and light grey eyes

He wore a grey cap with a peak, a red handkerchief around his neck, and had the appearance of a sailor

One winter's evening, a toothless woman with a grey face and flowers in her hair was arrested for attacking a man in the street

A man with a long, grey beard was sitting at the table, writing a letter and smoking a pipe

There was a tall, grey-haired man whom nobody knew, but whose strong, brave face had impressed everybody

The tall, grey-haired man was doing useful work on the larger barricade, and Eponine (whom everyone thought was a boy) worked hard too

While the fifty men behind the barricade waited impatiently for the arrival of sixty thousand soldiers, Enjolras approached the tall, grey-haired man.

He could just see, by the grey light from the grille above his head, that he was surrounded by walls

However, Marius had a shock when he saw the man - he did not recognize him at all! He was an old man with a big nose, glasses and neat grey hair

With those words, he removed his false nose, glasses and neat grey wig.

I try to remember the image, and I see that there is a piece of cloth in her mouth so that she cannot speak and that she is tied to a large grey stone by thick white ropes.

The image I remember of Catherine tied to the grey stone is in less fog, and I think that it must be on higher ground.

For a moment I think that I am dead and that Catherine is alone, tied to the grey stone in the fog

I am scared now because I know that I am near, and in the dark I begin to see large, grey stones standing like giants on the top of the hill

He looks out across the horrible, grey loch

He thinks that with her clothes and her coat on she will be too heavy and that the cold grey water of the loch will pull her down

The interview room is cold, the lights weak and grey, but he offers the woman a seat and hopes that this will be quick.

To leave someone on the grey moors to die

He pulls the collar of his stolen coat up to cover his face, and he checks that no one can see the grey prison uniform that he is still wearing beneath it.

The same cold grey walls, the same uncomfortable heavy pews and the same weak candles to light up the dark room.

He wants to put his hand in his coat pocket, but he has to keep the grey pistol ready.

Detective Smith is older, his hair a mixture of black and grey, his stomach large, and his expression usually unhappy

He always wears a grey suit, he always walks in a slow manner, and his eyes are always cold and dark.

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

It was built in a small hollow and its grey stones glowed in the sunlight

It looked cold and grey

Her face was grey with anger and the look in her eyes frightened me

The grey walls of Manderley looked heavy and dark.

Colonel Julyan, the magistrate, was a middle-aged man with a kind face and grey hair.

Lightning flashed against the grey sky

Favell's face was grey

The wind smelt of smoke and it was grey with ashes

Instead of his hand, a grey stick like the branch of a tree hung out of his sleeve, almost down to his knee.

She had brown hair, a pale face and very deep grey eyes

Haydock's face had gone suddenly grey

And looking across space, with instruments and minds more powerful than we can dream of, they see, at a distance of only 56,000,000 kilometres, a morning star of hope - our own warmer planet with its green land and grey seas, its cloudy atmosphere and its growing population.

Thick clouds of smoke or dust, which looked like little grey, moving spots through a powerful telescope on Earth, spread through the clearness of the planet's atmosphere and hid its more familiar features.

But, looking, I soon saw something grey moving within the shadow, then two shining circles - like eyes

Then something like a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking-stick, came out of the middle and moved through the air towards me - and then another.

Then I saw them, enormous grey figures

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.

The sun sank into grey clouds, the sky darkened and an evening star came into sight

When we saw that, we moved as slowly as possible out of the grey light of the kitchen and into the darkness of the hall.

But - it's only been sixteen days and your hair is grey.' He looked over his shoulder suddenly

He has intelligent grey eyes; when I look into them, I feel things that I do not want to feel

Those cool grey eyes had tamed him.

I felt the Count's cool grey eyes on my face

They flew into grey skies and rain