How to use "ground" in a sentence


Suddenly, my feet hit a pile of loose stones and I nearly fall to the ground.

A metre from the bottom I let go and land on the ground

I let go of the boulder and drop towards the ground

This time, my second voice tells me not to urinate on the ground.

On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.

I sit down and wait as a man jumps to the ground and walks towards me.

She tried to put her feet on the ground but she couldn't

The three gardeners fell to the ground, with their faces down

They were on the ground and she couldn't see their faces

They taught me how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, and move along the ground on my stomach.

The 'showers' were just a long hole in the ground for us to stand in, while somebody threw water over us

Then the ground began to blow up all round us!

The enemy started shooting at us before we got on the ground, and they blew up one of our helicopters

There were a lot of people waiting to go in, so I went round to the back of the place and sat on the ground

The man probably strangled Polly first, put her on the ground, and cut her throat

On the ground floor Mrs Hardiman had a cat meat shop

Mr Diemschutz looked down to his right and in the pitch darkness he could just see a shape on the ground

Had the killer seized the scarf from behind and pulled her to the ground, where he cut her throat?

Finally, as evening fell, he sat on the ground, exhausted, and gazed across the fields at the distant mountains, wishing that he was back in prison

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

Then he noticed a small parcel of papers lying on the ground.

Jondrette rushed to open it, bowing almost to the ground as he did so.

'You are extremely generous, Monsieur,' Jondrette said, again bowing to the ground

He pushed it into her hand, but she opened her fingers and let the coin fall to the ground

Looking down, Marius saw a dark shape crawling along the ground towards him

Then, noticing the pool of blood on the ground behind her, cried, 'You're wounded! I'll carry you to the inn

Marius kissed her pale forehead and laid her gently on the ground

The ground floor of the wine shop became a hospital for the wounded, and the bodies of the dead were taken to an alley near the smaller of the two barricades

Soon, the ground below the barricade was piled with dead and wounded men as the rebels and soldiers fought hand to hand

Valjean lowered Marius to the ground, stood with his back to the wall and looked around him.

Valjean looked desperately around him, at the house opposite, the barricade, the ground

His feet slipped all the time in the water on the ground, and he felt sick and faint with the terrible, airless smell

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

Valjean turned his back to the gate and sank to the ground, his head bowed between his knees

We could meet in that little room on the ground floor

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

I am on the ground lying on cold grass which is wet from the fog, and I am alone.

So I push myself up and sit on the ground

It seems like the ground is moving slowly up, and I believe that this is right

The image I remember of Catherine tied to the grey stone is in less fog, and I think that it must be on higher ground.

Keep the gun pointed down to the ground unless I see a rabbit

Most of them had at least forty floors above ground - these were called "sky apartments." Below ground, there were often another ten floors, for "earth apartments." The government had started building under the ground long ago, because the land inside the city was so limited.

There was a choice of lifelike views in 3D - not as clever as the illusions in the simulator, but they did help the family to forget, at times, that they lived deep under the ground.

From far down on the ground floor, Cham sent a message: "Ready when you are!"

Jasper was silent now, with his nose to the ground.

Maxim threw his paper on the ground and got up from his chair

The ground came up to meet me

Under the ground.

Somehow, the act of giving away his clothes would be even sadder and more final than watching his casket being lowered into the ground.

No one gets a show like Magyck! Off the ground by dabbling

Elliot held his ground.

"The best he can hope to do is avoid losing more ground."

The cheeseburgers were made from juicy ground sirloin

When they had landed, they'd been alert for unusual activity on the runway and in the private-craft docking yard - suspicious vehicles, an unusual number of ground crewmen - but they had seen nothing out of the ordinary

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

Deep inside the secret Sierra complex, three stories below ground level, this room measured forty feet by twenty

"There's eight or ten inches of snow on the ground

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

The ground had been rolled as flat as an airfield and then paved

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

It's good exercise, and it gets you out of this hole in the ground for a while

She took me to a seat near her little square of ground.

He had come to stay at the Blue Boar Inn, while he examined an old burial ground on Colonel Protheroe's land

As I stood up, I noticed a shiny brown stone lying on the ground

All along a curving line beyond the pit, the dark ground smoked

Then came a violent crash quite close to us, that shook the ground

Between them were areas of fire and smoking ground

The ground moved and a heavy explosion shook the air, smashing two or three windows in the houses and leaving us shocked.

All of the second shells missed the Martian on the ground and, immediately.

And then the Martian closest to us raised his tube and fired it towards the guns, with a loud bang that made the ground shake

These broke when they hit the ground - they did not explode - and let out an enormous amount of thick Black Smoke

When the smoke had begun to settle, it stayed quite close to the ground so that even fifteen metres up in the air, on the roots and upper floors of houses and in high trees, there was a chance of escaping its poison

But that was in a village where the Black Smoke was allowed to remain until it sank into the ground

There were shouts of fear, the guns suddenly left behind, men on the ground struggling to breathe, and the fast spreading of the dark smoke - a silent black cloud hiding its dead.

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

The cylinder had gone right through it and made a large hole in the ground, much larger than the pit I had looked into in Woking

After some time, she noticed that someone had written the word 'Look' on the ground with a stick

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

The soldiers whip the old friar and he falls to the ground

After the punishment the magistrate falls to the ground.