How to use "guy" in a sentence


But a guy's bag is easier

A guy's bag you can just walk away with

The guy's eyes are covered by silver sunglasses, and there is something strange about his uniform, Dan thinks

And he wasn't a funny guy, and he didn't have much luck with the ladies

The man in the corner is probably just a normal guy and not some horrible character from one of her thrillers.

They just, I don't know, let this guy stab them again and again."

"The guy sits down to play cards and gets so involved he loses track of time, which is, of course, exactly what the management wants him to do

But once in a while, a guy really loses track, doesn't get up for hours and hours, just keeps on playing like a zombie

The guy was about five feet eight with a narrow face and a neatly trimmed blond beard

"You've got the wrong guy," Elliot assured them.

You understand what I'm saying - the less a guy knows, the less he can be nailed for later

I took it off the guy who tried to kill me."

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

Nice car! They pulled into this guy's garage, parked, closed the door bold as you please, and all he had to say was Nice car!

"Who's this guy you're supposed to see?" Tom asked, frowning.

"Remember maybe ten years ago when that Texas elections official revealed how Lyndon Johnson's first local election was fixed? The guy said he was just trying to clear his conscience after all those years

When Elvira left the table and they were alone, Tina said, "Let's see the papers you took off that guy."

He was a handsome, easygoing guy who ambled rather than walked

And we better get out of the neighborhood before they find that guy in the snow."

"The next time I read a story in the newspaper about some guy, who says he was picked up in a flying saucer and taken on a tour of the universe, I won't be so quick to laugh

"I read a newspaper story once about a guy who bought a Rolls-Royce with his card

The bullet tore through the guy's left shoulder and spun him around

The hole in the guy's shoulder was reassuringly clean, and it wasn't bleeding much.

But the guy wasn't going to stop until he had instructed the computer to trigger the alarms.

Elliot extended his arm, lining up the muzzle of the pistol with the bridge of the guy's nose.