How to use "handle" in a sentence


When the bucket was full, she gripped the handle with her tiny, frozen hands and tried to pull it back up the hill

I turned the handle of the nearest door and went inside

I turned the handle of the door and went inside.

Anybody else tried to handle all this, they'd just end up with one goddamn big mishkadenze on their hands

"I'll need an attorney to handle this, won't I?"

"Let me handle this bastard."

"That we'll have to handle this all by ourselves?"

Why did Christina Evans ask you, rather than another attorney, to handle the exhumation of her son's body?

"Well, they'd have had to be pretty stupid to think murder was the safest way to handle it

He can't handle a deck well enough to stack it while he's shuffling

Then: "I'll be able to handle it."

And maybe he wouldn't have known how to handle Vince

He wondered if he'd be able to handle the weapon properly if the need arose.

As Tina and Elliot reached that barrier, the wheel-like handle in the center spun around

She spun the wheel and located a pin that, when pushed, prevented anyone from turning the handle back to the unlocked position.

Then we began to study the bug, searching for a handle on it that the Chinese had overlooked."

Then I heard it touching the handle

It moved the handle up and down for a moment, and then the door opened.