How to use "happening" in a sentence


"What's happening, sir?"

'Oh! What's happening?' cried Alice

By keeping close to the walls in the shadows, he could clearly see what was happening in the light

Leblanc had begun to suspect what was happening because often, when Marius appeared, he got to his feet and walked away, taking his daughter with him

He could not believe this was happening to him

Valjean realized what was happening; Marius was telling the servants not to make him welcome any more

And there are more cries from the crowd, and everyone seems to know what is happening now

It's happening

If this was happening at the meat laboratory, it would soon be happening everywhere, and he wouldn't get any work at all.

Pod Life was happening

I wondered what was happening at the inquest

What were they all saying now? What was happening? What would I do if Frank came back to Manderley without Maxim? I thought again of that dreadful word - murder

At last, she said, "Some strange things have been happening at the house."

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

Maybe there isn't any threat in these strange things happening to me

But before she realized what was happening, their lips met softly, briefly

"We've got proof that something unusual is happening: the silencer-equipped pistol I took off Vince, your house blowing up..

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

Something's happening at the labs right now."

Alexander said, "What's happening?"

'In fact I was in my garden from five o'clock onwards yesterday and from there, well, I can see everything that is happening next door.'

Even then he hardly understood what was happening, until he heard another sound and saw the black mark jump forwards a little

At about eleven, as nothing was happening, I walked back, full of such thoughts, to my home in Maybury.

'What's happening?'

Unable to learn what was happening from his window, my brother went down and out into the street, just as the sky turned pink with the dawn

He wanted to see what was happening

I didn't understand what was happening

We sailed straight into the fishing boat with the three old fishermen! At first, we didn't know what was happening

In Europe and North America, changes were happening fast

Something is happening.

"What is happening?" asks Don Diego.