How to use "hills" in a sentence


There was a little valley between two hills

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

We were in the hills near Monte Carlo

'The dawn seems to be coming up over there, behind those hills

On the brown hills, the huge houses thrust like the bleak monuments of an ancient, dead religion

Basically maps that show the lay of the land - hills, valleys, the courses of rivers and streams, footpaths, abandoned logging trails, that sort of thing

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

These hills grew lower and broader as we stared.

I had a sudden thought and looked to the north, and there I saw a third of these cloudy black hills.

At the time we could not understand these things, but later I learnt the meaning of these frightening black hills

It was heavy, this smoke, so when it began to sink down it behaved like a liquid, running down hills and into the valleys

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

My brother, watching beside the women in the cart in the field, saw the green flash of it far beyond the hills

They look for him in the hills and in the valleys