How to use "holding" in a sentence


We fought them with our axes, but the large one, the one with Captain Nemo's man in his tentacle, stood holding the man in the air

He was holding a hand up to me - so I picked him up and ran back to the trees with him

Where hostility to the United States, in any interior locality, shall be so great and universal as to prevent competent resident citizens from holding the Federal offices, there will be no attempt to force obnoxious strangers among the people for that object.

To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

Madeleine, who was holding her hand, turned and saw Inspector Javert

He went back upstairs for Cosette, who was waiting for him patiently, holding her doll.

Turning, Marius saw that a hand was holding it open.

Leblanc was standing by the fire, holding a metal bar above his head.

Marius was standing at the foot of the barricade, holding a flaming torch above a barrel of gunpowder.

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

The next thing he knew he was holding his shoulder and walking confused and weak.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

Feeling warm and comfortable and sleepy, she thought of Cham, holding her in the Real Space

It touched hers, and Sala saw that it was already holding something: a little paper note.

She rushed after the woman and caught her arm, holding it tightly.

I ran down the stairs, holding my gloves in one hand

She was holding a piece of paper in her hand

My fingers ached from holding the ledge

It was Mrs Danvers, holding the menu in her hand

'But we found your old telephone number in Mrs de Winter's diary.' Dr Baker looked at the page from the diary that Colonel Julyan was holding out to him.

Elliot ducked a wild roundhouse punch, stepped in close, still holding on to the pistol that the other man wouldn't surrender

She had trouble holding the magazine steady enough to read.

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

She slipped a hand behind his neck, holding his face close

And if it does exist, they might not be holding him there anyway."

"That must be where they're holding him," Elliot said.

Hensen was holding a submachine gun across his lap

Putting one hand on the boy's back to press him against her, she discovered how shockingly spindly he was each rib and vertebra so prominent that she seemed to be holding a skeleton

The book you now hold in your hands - assuming that you are not quadridexterous and holding it with your feet - was the second book I wrote under the pen name Leigh Nichols

Four ladies, holding teacups, were gathered there with Griselda

Going to the edge of the pit, I found a group of men in it - Henderson, Ogilvy, and a tall fair-haired man I afterwards learnt was Stent, the Astronomer Royal, with several workmen holding spades

At that moment I got under the water and, holding my breath until movement was painful, swam under the surface for as long as I could

She laughed, and I laughed too, but Grant Munro stood staring with his hand holding his throat.

He ran in, holding the few things he had bought on his way home.

Miss Halcombe was holding a letter

I opened it and found Madame Fosco there, holding my handkerchief