How to use "holes" in a sentence


There are plenty of holes in the rock for my hands and feet so I climb down easily

I lie down, put my hands in two holes on the far edge of the boulder and push my legs over the opposite side to jump down.

"There are giant squid in the holes of those walls."

Perhaps I'll watch mouse-holes for her!'

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

By the light of a lamp on the pavement, he could see a torn jacket, trousers with holes in them, and two bare feet

'I made some holes in the wooden planks with a metal spike

Who made those holes in the planks? Rocks didn't do it

And those holes were mad with something sharp.'

Then he said, 'What do you mean? What sort of holes?'

'With those holes, sir, and the sea-cocks open, a small boat like Mrs de Winter's would soon sink

Do you know anything about those holes?'

'Then whoever took the boat out that night also made those holes and opened the sea-cocks.'

What about those holes in the boat, Max?'

She didn't make those holes in the boat

'Aren't those holes in the boat enough proof for you?'

Can you shoot holes through it? Can you prove I'm wrong?"

"You dared me to shoot holes in your theory

"Still think you can shoot my theory full of holes?" she asked.

A dozen times, she passed chinks in the wall, and Death glared out at her from every one of those apertures, screamed and cursed and raged at her, but none of the holes was large enough to allow him through

She said, "I was scared." And Danny said, "I made the holes in the walls smaller

Consequently, each draft of the script was full of plot holes and illogic that never quite got repaired.

You put them into special holes in the side of the boat

First of all, the metal rods did not go into their holes

When the rods were in their holes, we tried to put the canvas cover on the boat.