How to use "honest" in a sentence


'It isn't honest,' she said.

It isn't honest, and I cannot go on with you like this

The bishop walked up to him and said in a low voice, 'Don't forget that you've promised to use the money to make yourself an honest man.'

What he had experienced in that moment was not the honest, innocent gaze of a child

my son," the voice says, and Barry thinks that it is a calm and honest voice.

I will lead a quiet and honest life." And Barry imagines the beaches of the Bahamas.

"Be honest now, or there might be trouble for you."

"Much better than I expected, to be honest

"Don't blame you, to be honest

At least I'm honest about my motives, Kennebeck thought as he watched Alexander cross the study

Haydock is a big man with an honest face

Her expression was honest and intelligent, but it had none of the gentleness that is the greatest charm of a woman.

She looked at me with kind, honest and innocent, blue eyes

His manner was open and honest

'You've been so honest that I value you even more than I did before.'

That honest, open look has gone

'I'll make any sacrifice, so long as it's honest

I like your father because he is honest

"Don't be scared! You are an honest man, Don Carlos

Friar Felipe is an honest man

They are honest people