How to use "horrible" in a sentence


That's a horrible thing to say."

From the top of the steps he saw a horrible sight

He looks out across the horrible, grey loch

The type of husband who is happy to go out on the huge, horrible loch, in the dark, with his monster of a wife.

She is dressed in a horrible tartan skirt and woollen jumper

"You're a cheating, lying, horrible monster of a man

She lets out a laugh, a laugh that is horrible to Branwell

And he remembers something horrible from more than a year ago: an accident on the roads across the moors

The smells and sounds make a horrible mixture.

What he sees inside looks just like from the movies: the clock, the wires and the heavy packs of something horrible and dangerous

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

The next moment you are awake, a horrible sensation filling your body, and you are sure that ice-cold water is covering you.

Something that makes the hairs on your arms stand up and that makes your eyes search the horrible, complete darkness of your room.

A horrible reminder of last night, of the girl and of the hotel room

The man in the corner is probably just a normal guy and not some horrible character from one of her thrillers.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

The old woman smiles, but it is a horrible smile

"It was horrible

"Let me change this horrible illusion." He went to the screen on the wall, and changed the scenery to a sunny park

The first few days without Cham were horrible

"It's horrible

They'll make us tell them everything we know." It was a horrible thought

"You'd be letting yourself in for a horrible-"

All the other parents were asked to identify their kids, even though some of the corpses were in such a horrible state they couldn't be cosmetically restored for viewing at a funeral

She was in great distress, and she suffered from horrible dreams that plagued her every night

As Andre's body was released, the trapped blood poured all over the horrible mess revealed under the hammer.

Was she really insane? I had a strange, horrible feeling that somehow Charas was right - Helene was getting away with it!

I cried softly, imagining some horrible re-arrangement of Andre's face - perhaps his eyes where his ears should be, or his mouth at the back of his neck

but they are so horrible!'

This idea seems horrible to us, but at the same time I think we should remember how disgusting our meat-eating habits would seem to an intelligent rabbit.

That is why he has that horrible yellow face

It was horrible

There was a horrible fight

'Well,' said Miss Halcombe, 'I'm sure that Mr Hartright will pay us compliments even if our drawings are horrible.'

"What a horrible night! It always rains in February