How to use "hurried" in a sentence


We got back to the hotel and hurried up to our room.

He grabbed it, hurried back to the spare bedroom, picked up his stick and bag, climbed out of the window, emptied the silver into his bag and threw the basket into the garden

I hurried to see you, but you had gone

"What was that about?" asked Niki, as they hurried on down the street

Sala splashed some cold water on her face to wake herself up, and then hurried to the simulator center

I hurried up some stairs, hoping that I could find my way to my bedroom in the east wing

As soon as the rehearsal ended, Joel sprang out of his seat, raced to the aisle, climbed the steps to the third tier, and hurried to Tina.

He hurried to her

She hurried around the desk, banging her hip against one corner, heading for the wall socket as the printer hummed with the production of more hateful words.

He hurried back to the house.

"Well, there was the gas man," Tina said as she hurried down the short hall toward the master bedroom.

They hurried back the way they had come.

She hurried to the telephone.

Zachariah hurried to the window.

'He came to me for help and those men murdered him! I'm going to find them, if it's the last thing I do!' he said to me, and he hurried out of the house.

The servant hurried away and returned to say that she would see us soon.

I hurried down the stairs after Melchett

So I hurried down to the studio where Lawrence joined me.'

The Inspector hurried off.

I hurried down the village street

The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

We shouted and they stopped while we hurried towards them

'Death is coming! Death!' and leaving him to think about that, I hurried on to Weybridge.

'The Martians are coming!' Then he hurried to the next door.

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

People ran to the railway stations, to the boats on the Thames, and hurried by even street that went north or east

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

I saw a couple of hungry-looking dogs, but they hurried away from me

After checking the sky for Martians, we hurried quickly to the house on Putney Hill where he had his hiding-place.

They had been dead for many days, so I hurried quickly past them