How to use "husband" in a sentence


'Perhaps I can put things right with Jenny,' I thought, 'now that I've found her again.' But the more I thought about it, the more I finally understood that it was better for the boy to be with Jenny and her husband, and not to have an idiot for a father.

A husband and wife may be divorced, and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other; but the different parts of our country cannot do this.

The small sum of money which she received from her husband stopped when he died in 1886

Her husband died in 1884, when Long Liz was lodging in Flower and Dean Street.

At that time he was looking after his sister, whose husband had died, and her seven children

My husband and I manage this inn.'

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

'I have to find work, and that's not easy with a child but no husband

'You will have them,' said Fantine, assuming that she was talking to Mme Thenardiers husband

'Just a minute,' her husband said

She picked up the piece of paper and handed it to her husband, who read it quickly.

He gave his neighbour, a pretty woman, a bunch of flowers, which greatly annoyed her husband.

The only thing they discovered was that Mme Thenardier had died, and that her husband had escaped from prison and disappeared with his surviving daughter, Azelma.

You have a husband.'

One evening in April, he called at the usual time but was told that Cosette had gone out with her husband

But she loved her husband even more, and she gradually became used to not depending on the old man for her happiness.

I just need to wait for her like a good husband, he thinks.

The type of husband who is happy to go out on the huge, horrible loch, in the dark, with his monster of a wife.

And so she goes to her husband as the flames spread over his body, and she watches

She says her husband, the deceased Mr Dawson, hit her there several times

Your own sister? You wanted her to kill your husband."

I don't know what you heard, but I love my sister, and I used to love my husband."

The husband is rich, very rich

"My husband went for the money," says the woman, rifle in one hand, black hat in the other

I thought of all the letters Rebecca had written to her husband

'My sister, Beatrice, is coming over to lunch with her husband,' Maxim told me

Beatrice and her husband had arrived

'Will your husband hold the Manderley Fancy Dress Ball this year? I remember the last one so well

Do ask your husband to have another ball.'

I'm afraid your husband doesn't like me very much

She had promised to meet her husband, Giles, at the station.

Your husband will listen to you

Then suddenly, it was tea-time and Beatrice and her husband, Giles, had arrived.

I must tell your husband, Mrs de Winter

'This is most unpleasant for you and your husband,' Colonel Julyan said to me

'Get your husband to bed early

'My husband is in the garden

She had lost her child and her husband in the same year, the man first, and then the boy, the son to the grave and the husband to the winds of change

She loved her husband, and she was sure that the sheer power of her love would restore the luster to their marriage

Her ex-husband

The only way she could have held on to her husband would have been to abandon her new career, and she had refused to do that.

"Michael's your ex-husband?"

"Will your husband contest it?"

"If your husband's likely to cause trouble, then we'll move fast and without fanfare

"Her husband would be engaged in nothing more than spiteful obstructionism

And her husband saves a bundle in attorney's fees that he'd just be throwing away in a hopeless attempt to stop us."

The vision was so vivid, so disturbing, that she and her husband raced back to the city that very night to have the grave reopened at dawn

If the woman actually hadn't known anything of the cover-up, then the Network could have used her ex-husband and the legal system to delay the reopening of the grave

He planned a suicide for Stryker, an accidental death for the woman, and a heart attack for the woman's husband

She confessed to the murder of her husband and proved easily that she knew how to work the steam hammer

This is not a confession because, although I killed my husband, I am not a murderer

For a year before his death, my husband had told me about some of his experiments

I was quite angry, but my husband was so miserable that I said nothing.

I now expected that my husband would invite the Air Ministry people to come down, but he went on working.

Slowly, the monster, the thing that had been my husband, covered its head, got up and found its way into the other room.

I was not killing my husband

My husband..

that when they were abroad, her husband was killed

No woman could be happy with my husband

So, Colonel Melchett, it was I who killed my husband.'

'He knew that it was you who killed your husband?'

'The pistol! Oh, it was my husband's

'You took the pistol meaning to shoot your husband?'

I saw my husband - and I fired.'

She said she was meeting her husband at the vicarage

So Anne Protheroe says she killed her husband

My husband and I drove into the village together

I was rather worried about meeting Lawrence in the garden while my husband was inside the vicarage.

'But I thought that perhaps my husband wouldn't stay very long

I hoped no one would see me, but of course, Miss Marple was in her garden! She stopped me and I explained I was going to meet my husband

And that's why you didn't see your husband.'

Mrs Protheroe said that she had last seen her husband at about a quarter to six when they parted in the village street

But later she had realized that if her husband had been sitting at the desk, she would not have seen him.

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

'Mrs Protheroe and her husband had just gone into the village

She was not properly dressed and her husband followed her, shouting.

They had one child, but there was a yellow fever epidemic there, and both her husband and child died of it

'I should also mention that her husband left her a large amount of money

'Have you ever seen a photograph of her first husband?'

'No, there was a great fire in Atlanta after her husband's death, and all her papers were destroyed.'

'Yes,' Holmes replied, 'I think her first husband is in the cottage

Her husband got a terrible disease

After three years of marriage, she feels safe again, but her first husband, or some unscrupulous woman attached to him, discovers where she lives

They write to her and tell her to send them a hundred pounds, or they will tell her new husband everything

When her husband tells her that someone is living in the cottage, she knows that they are her blackmailers

In the middle of the night, while her husband is sleeping, she decides to go to the cottage

That was when her husband saw her coming out of the house

She then promises her husband that she will not return, but she wants to get rid of her blackmailers

Fortunately for her, her maid warns her that her husband is coming, and she and her blackmailers leave the house in time.

My husband died at Atlanta

She went to get her husband, Mr Swan

The office, living with you and your husband

I want a husband of my own, children

'Honestly, Connie, don't you want me, your husband, to be successful and get rich?'

A lady called Mrs Fairlie was kind to me, but now she and her husband are both dead.'

'She wrote this to her second husband, Mr Philip Fairlie, when he was in London on business

Her future husband is coming to stay next Monday

'Yes, Laura's future husband

Years later, Sir Percival heard that her husband had abandoned her and her daughter was mentally disturbed

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

There are things now that she will not discuss with me - her husband, her married life - but before we kept no secrets from each other.

Now she dresses very simply and sits silently, rolling cigarettes for her husband.

And her husband? What can I say of Count Fosco? He has certainly tamed his wife, and he looks like a man who could tame a tiger

'Gilmore was your servant, I'm your husband

I looked away from her and saw my husband looking at me closely

When we speak of your husband's secret, we must be in a safe place, where no one can hear us.

'There are no secrets between my husband and me,' she said

The dead lady's husband was out of the country, so my mistress arranged for the lady to be buried in her home town in Cumberland in the same grave as her mother.

My foolish husband found the presents hidden in my room

I went to Sir P and asked him to tell the villagers that my husband was wrong

She had married in Ireland but returned to her parents in Hampshire when her husband treated her badly

The next day we told Laura that her husband was dead and that her marriage, the greatest error of her life, was over.

In 1903, Marie Curie was given the Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband, Pierre, for their work on radioactivity

In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry without her husband

There she met Pierre Curie, who became her husband

But Nancy and her husband were not happy, and they divorced in 1903

She went into politics when her husband, Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike, was killed in 1959.

Hillary was the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001 because her husband, Bill Clinton, was president

In a letter to her husband, George Putnam, during her last flight, she showed how brave she was

People called her "the flying housewife", which is a word for a woman who stays at home to look after her husband and children

Other people said she had to look after her husband and her children! But Fanny started the 1948 Games by winning two races - one of them was the 100 metres

Sometimes, they also get money from the parents of their daughter's husband.

Ruvimbo's husband hit her, and sometimes she had to sleep outside

Lolita must choose her husband herself, but you have my permission to court her!"