How to use "information" in a sentence


The officer on the desk asked for Aron's information: full name, age, height and weight

In the end, she guessed the correct answer and sent the information to Brion.

The information was given to Officer Ekker

I had enough information to write a new book

He asked me to get the information for him

It's got all the information about the poisons that you use

Thousands of letters offering information and help were sent to Scotland Yard

At first, no one believed him, but he managed to persuade the court by skilfully questioning each of the witnesses, revealing personal information that only the real Jean Valjean could have known

'I have more information to tell you

It's a remarkable secret and I'll sell the information to you for 20,000 francs.'

'Shall I tell you the secret that you were planning to sell me? I, too, have sources of information, and probably know more about the subject than you do

any information call..." and then the signal fails, and there is only the sound of the old classic engine and the silence of the desert.

any information call..."

No fresh information

The hotel possessed an amazing wealth of information about its most favored customers

Between the names of two high rollers were five lines of type that had nothing to do with the information she had requested:

In the locked center drawer of the desk was a book with the code numbers that permitted access to the sensitive information stored not on diskette but only in the central memory

Because so much material in the hotel's files was extremely confidential information about high rollers, and because the Pyramid's list of favored customers would be of enormous value to competitors, only approved people could obtain this data, and a record was kept of everyone who accessed it

She asked the computer for the same information that Angela had requested a while ago

It was mostly dull information gathering."

Tina felt as if they had talked without pause all evening, speaking with quiet urgency, as if each had a vast quantity of earthshakingly important information that he must pass on to the other before they parted

Because the Network did not officially exist, it couldn't openly use its authority to gather information

"Bellicosti was supposed to give us the information we need to interest a topnotch reporter in the case."

"So how do we get that information?"

His time was enormously valuable to the country; his work was sensitive and often-required urgent decisions based upon first-hand examination of information to be found only in distant places

Considering the high price that they had paid for the pathetically insufficient information they had obtained, he couldn't tolerate the prospect of all their pain and fear and anxiety having been for naught.

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

But we were never able to obtain any information from my sister-in-law

The morning papers on Saturday contained, in addition to a great deal of information about the planet Mars, one very short report.

My brother could get very little exact information out of them

'There's fighting going on around Weybridge,' was all the information they had.

On top of everything, I have dependable information that James is running after a new girl.'

You always get dependable information on these things

Thank you for the information about the Pulido family