How to use "intention" in a sentence


It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law

"Don't!" says the man, as if he can see my intention in my eyes, but I have to

They say this is premeditated murder because for half an hour Miss Lee looked for Mr Dawson; they also say she made her intention clear on three different occasions

I just have to check on the show once every couple of weeks to make sure the tone of it isn't drifting away from my original intention."

Her original intention had been to accuse him of ripping apart Danny's room; she had been prepared to come on strong, so that even if he didn't want her to know he'd done it, he might be rattled enough to reveal his guilt

She could see what he was up to, and she was not going to be distracted from her main intention.

They wanted to gain his cooperation without violence because they were reluctant to mark him; their intention was that his death should appear to be an accident or a suicide

The other three quarters of the time was spent - so it seemed to me - in a competition to come up with idiotic plot or character changes with the intention of seeing who could plunge me into the longest spell of speechlessness