How to use "journey" in a sentence


I soon understood why! NASA sent me on a journey into space with a woman and an ape! Me, a spaceman! It was very strange.

Madeleine set off on the long journey to Arras

He began to feel happier as he thought about the journey they would soon be making

He continued his journey through the sewers

Valjean repeated the address until he could remember it, returned the wallet to Marius's pocket, picked Marius up again and continued his journey downwards towards the river

Neither man spoke during the journey

Unfortunately, it was a long journey, and he needed money.

Exhausted from a long day at work and made passive by the slow journey home.

Maybe this was how it felt to go on a real journey, she thought

The journey across the city seemed to take forever; but when she arrived, Cham was waiting, hands in pockets

"You're going on a journey: an excursion to a new world

I spent the rest of the day packing and arranging the journey

Maxim had arrived safely in London after a good journey

We did not know what we should find at the end of the journey.

I settled down for the long journey to London

Most of the story dealt with Death's attempts to stop the mother and father on their desperate night journey; they were assaulted by every form of the walking dead, every manner of living corpse and vampire and ghoul and zombie and ghost, but they triumphed

They both felt as if they were on a good roll, and they didn't want to tempt fate by postponing their journey.

Tina prepared Danny for the journey out of his prison

For as long as he could remember, he had been fascinated with death, with the mechanics and the meaning of it, and he had longed to know what it was like on the other side - without, of course, wishing to commit himself to a one-way journey there

It seems that the Martians calculated their journey very cleverly - their mathematical knowledge appears to be much more developed than ours

She had been growing increasingly upset and depressed during the two days' journey

The journey from here to Cumberland is too long to do in one day.'

She wrote a book, The Fun of It, about her journey

In 1937, as Amelia was close to her 40th birthday, she was ready for a big journey

On 1st June, Amelia and Fred Noonan left Miami and began their 29,000-mile journey around the world

She is still the only woman who has been on a journey into space alone