How to use "keep" in a sentence


I decide to use my climbing bag as a jacket to keep warm

Can I eat them, I wonder? Even if I could, it wouldn't be enough to keep me alive.

I start chipping at the boulder just to keep warm.

I keep the far end open to let fresh air in

I hope they will stay and keep the heat in the canyon

I keep going

I take a sip and keep the water in my mouth as I walk

He also had everything he needed to keep us prisoners.

Now, if they would make the effort in good temper, could they not with nearly equal unanimity frame and pass a law by means of which to keep good that unanimous oath?

She told the deputy that she did not have any money, but asked him to keep her bed because she wanted to return with the money

'You can keep your money,' the bishop replied.

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Valjean signalled to Cosette to keep quiet

'If you want to keep your son, Marius, I'll give you no money

The desk clerk showed him into the police chief's office, where a tall man with a wide face and a thin, tight mouth was trying to keep warm next to a tire.

'Now, you two must go and keep guard in the street, one by the gate, one at the street corner.'

I shall keep it

'If I had continued to keep my secret to myself, I would have destroyed my own heart,' Valjean replied

'I'll keep your secret

Marius, meanwhile, was grateful for finally having the chance to help Thenardier, and therefore to keep the promise he had made to his father

There! A sound! Not a dream, but movement in the spare room, where you keep the computer!

And if he wants to keep his freedom, he has to be clever; he has to be patient.

The one thing he needs if he wants to keep his freedom and get the suitcase that is buried in his brother's old garage

He wants to put his hand in his coat pocket, but he has to keep the grey pistol ready.

It also notes where they are at all times, to keep them safe.

And they keep bringing in more robots."

But ask him to keep quiet about it."

How could she ask Cham to keep a secret from his parents?

Sala felt like running away, but something made her keep going

And apart from that, keep very, very quiet."

"You have to promise to keep it a secret first."

Any kind of rebellion had to keep moving so that no one could discover it."

I have to keep you safe."

During the Oil Wars, they had to train us how to keep our minds strong, in case we were caught by people who wanted to change the way we thought."

'You mustn't keep your dressmaker waiting,' he said.

'If only we could keep our memories like scent in a bottle,' I said one day

'And what moment would you like to keep?' de Winter said with a smile.

Then I said quickly, 'I'd like to keep this moment and never forget it.'

'A little while ago, you said you wanted to keep your memories

'It leads to a small bay where we used to keep a boat

I had to run to keep up with him now

I tried to keep back my tears

I keep it just as it was

'You can tell Favell to keep away from Manderley

I shall keep it as a surprise.'

I was going to keep my costume a secret.'

'We'll keep it as short as possible, but I'm afraid the reporters will be there.'

'Can you tell us how Mrs de Winter spent that last day in London? Did she keep a diary?' asked Colonel Julyan.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

This crowd wasn't able to sit on its hands and keep its cool.

And a little logistics to keep the production rolling along smoothly

She was forced to hold her brandy snifter in both hands to keep it steady.

I still work at that a couple of days a week because it's a good way to keep in shape

"I don't keep a lot of money here."

"Let's keep this happy," Bob agreed.

"Are you the ones who keep sending her messages?"

He still had the silencer-equipped pistol in his hand, and he decided to keep it.

"Where do you keep your suitcases?"

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

I'm pretty sure we can find a reporter who'll go with that much and write a story about how a bunch of nameless, faceless people want to keep us from reopening Danny's grave, how maybe something truly strange lies at the bottom of the Sierra tragedy

I don't know how long they think they can keep him bottled up like this

I'm going to keep looking for some less exotic explanation."

What about this Bellicosti? Will he keep his mouth shut?"

But citizenship was a big enough carrot to keep him motivated

"But if I wait, I'm just giving him a chance to keep one step ahead." Worried, he continued to hesitate, anxiously chewing his lip.

"Hey," he said worriedly, "better keep a tight rein on your hopes

While we're working so hard to keep ahead of our enemies, aren't we perhaps becoming more like them? Aren't we becoming a totalitarian state, the very thing we say we despise?"

And I guess they were so sure of where we were headed, they didn't think it was necessary to keep a close watch on us

"Listen, if I could get my hands on the people who're trying to keep us from finding Danny, I wouldn't have any compunctions about killing them

"Don't keep me in suspense," Zachariah said, moving over to the table to examine the tests.

If you keep coming up with weird suggestions like that, I'll have to run a maintenance check on you, Carl."

"Don't keep Danny waiting

For the past six or seven weeks, he hasn't been able to keep anything but liquids in his stomach

"Right now he's on the verge of starving to death because it's been so long since he's been able to keep any food in his stomach

She struggled to contain her tears, but she needed all her willpower to keep her eyes dry.

No effort had been made to keep him from chafing.

they're now supposed to be our new friends, but they keep developing bacteriological weapons, new and more virulent strains of viruses, because they're broke, and this is a lot cheaper than other weapons systems

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

He couldn't keep anything in his stomach because recently they've been reinfecting him, testing him to destruction, like I said

There doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening about the parietal spot, but you sure should keep a watch on it."

And anyway, why do you keep your clock a quarter of an hour ahead?'

'Where do you keep it?'

'"Unless you keep quiet, it will be very bad for you." I replied, "Who are you?" and the voice answered, "The Avenger"

'You keep the door locked now,' I said.

'The whole village probably knows where you keep your socks,' Then suddenly I asked, 'Was the pistol loaded?'

And I always keep a promise

He wanted a fence put up to keep the people back.

I used my hands to keep it moving, down the river towards Walton, going very slowly and often looking behind me

By ten o'clock the police were finding it hard to keep control.

After trying and failing to keep him quiet, I kept away from him in other rooms in the house.

They keep coming

But they won't keep doing that

Especially, we must keep our science - learn more.'

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

This good food will keep us healthy,' George said.

It's women like you who keep all of us down.'

'I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.'

One of those things which, with luck, will keep them together for some time to come.

He may be able to speak to someone in your government office so that after the baby is born you can keep your job there.'

'Marian, you must keep it now,' she said

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

He wrote some laws in 1870 and 1882 that allowed women to keep their money or houses after they married

Newspapers and magazines told women to keep a nice, clean home while their husbands were at work