How to use "kids" in a sentence


He sees kids his own age laughing and joking.

For a moment there are people all around him, and he thinks he will never get there, but then he pushes past some kids who shout at him, and he is there

The falls: so beautiful, just like when he and Greg were kids

Do you understand that, Jimmy? Do you know how many kids like you come into my casino? No? Hundreds, thousands

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

"Yeah, he killed another one, didn't he? Last Friday, they reckon," the tallest of the kids says.

After a few more minutes she feels the train stop and she is aware of the kids getting off.

All those years they'd taken kids into the mountains, nobody was even scratched."

"The kids..

All the other parents were asked to identify their kids, even though some of the corpses were in such a horrible state they couldn't be cosmetically restored for viewing at a funeral

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

Chilled, Tina said, "But how much could the kids have seen? You're the one who said security was easy to maintain when one of these installations is located in the wilderness

"But kids aren't the best observers," she argued

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

"Remember, there were two adults with those kids

Then it became necessary to kill the kids to eliminate witnesses to the first two murders."

The scoutmaster had parked the expedition's minibus on a lay-by about a mile and a half into the woods, and he and his assistant and the kids had walked in another half-mile before they encountered Larry Bollinger