How to use "knew" in a sentence


Perhaps they knew where he was

It was dark and we knew that we had to stay in the water for the night

Atlantis did exist, but only Captain Nemo knew for sure.

'I knew it!' said the Cat and vanished again.

But I knew that they really wanted me to play football

She was crying, and I knew that I was in trouble again

'I knew this would happen, Forrest,' he said

Mom knew that I was coming, but she was crying when I got home.

But I already knew that.

And for the first time ever, I knew that I was a real idiot.

The business was doing well, but I asked myself, 'What are you doing all this for?' And I knew that I had to get away.

'Oh, Forrest, I knew it was you when I heard that harmonica

'I knew that a baby was on the way when I left Indianapolis,' said Jenny, 'but I didn't want to say anything

I knew then that I didn't have an idiot for a son

All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war

'He knew my name then, did he?'

'He knew your name.'

'I thought you knew Mr Sampson already,' our host said.

'I knew his reputation,' Mr Slinkton told me

No one knew anything about it at all.

She told me that she knew she was going to die soon

I knew that she was safe with that man.

'I knew what kind of man you are, you see

You never knew that I came into your room at night when you were asleep

'I knew that you were poisoning Miss Niner

'You never knew my real name,' Meltham told him

This was Inspector Abbeline, a fine detective who knew the East End and its people very well

He knew that Lipski was the name of a Jewish murderer, and in 1888 it was an insulting word used against Jews

But he knew about the strong anti-semitic feelings in the area.

When Barnett left at about 8 p.m., Mary knew she had to go out into the streets to earn some money

Nobody knew that it was not necessary

He certainly lived or worked in the Whitechapel area because he knew it very well

He mutilated only the faces of Eddowes and Kelly, which, in the opinion of modern experts, indicates that he knew them.

The killer's terrible mutilation of Mary Kelly's face suggests that he knew her well

Hutchinson's statement begins, 'About 2.00 a.m., 9th, I met the murdered woman, Kelly, and she said to me, "Hutchinson, will you lend me sixpence?"' So he and Mary knew each other

In fact, Hutchinson had known Mary about three years, so he certainly knew that she had her own room

The writer was probably talking about the injury to Annie's throat, but only the police, the doctors and the killer knew the details of Annie's murder

He had no money but he had a revolutionary idea: he knew a cheap and efficient method of manufacturing glass

Madeleine - as we shall continue to call him for this part of the story - knew that he could not let Champmathieu go to prison for crimes he had not committed

He knew - although he was not happy to admit this - that he would have to go to Arras and tell the truth

He gazed into Fantine's eyes and knew immediately that she was dead.

'We always knew there was something strange about him,' they said

No one knew the man

Marius grew up with his grandfather, and never knew his father

A second later she looked away and Marius walked on but, in a strange way, he knew his life had changed

Although Marius was a dreamer and not a man of action, he knew immediately that he had to save M

As she read the notebook, she knew in her heart that he was the author of these beautiful, romantic words

Finally, she kissed the book, held it to her heart and waited for the evening, when she knew that something special was going to occur.

There was a tall, grey-haired man whom nobody knew, but whose strong, brave face had impressed everybody

In his heart he knew he had no choice

Within half an hour the sound of gunfire in other places had stopped, and the rebels knew that they were alone

When a second cannon was moved into position next to the first, they knew that the end was near.

He could not see where he was going, but he knew he had to follow the downward slope of the passages towards the river.

It was the only way he knew to escape the confusion that was poisoning his heart.

All he knew was that he had been brought to his grandfather's house in a carriage

I knew you were angry with me, and I thought, "What can I do to make him love me?" Then I thought, "I can give him Cosette." I wanted to invite her to see you, but the doctor warned me that you would probably get too excited

Having been a mayor, he knew how to solve an awkward problem: the question of Cosette's real family He told everybody that he was not her father, but her guardian

He was proud of having helped to bring her happiness with Marius, but another thing troubled his soul: the fact that nobody, not even Cosette, knew the truth about him

He knew that if he told Cosette and Marius the truth, he would spoil everybody's happiness and he would lose their love and respect

Apart from the details about his life that Valjean had confessed to him, he knew that Valjean had killed Inspector Javert at the barricade

'I know this secret already,' Marius said, 'just as I knew the others.'

Jean Valjean, who knew the mayor's background, reported him to the police and took advantage of his arrest to take over half a million francs from his Paris bank

And he knew

Yeah, he could not remember, but he knew.

He knew his brother was a criminal

He knew that he brewed illegal beer to sell and that he drove drugs across Alberta and British Colombia

The next thing he knew he was holding his shoulder and walking confused and weak.

And Owen knew the boy was interested then, and for the first time in a long time he thought that maybe there was something they could do together

Play the game, get the money and run before anyone knew he was there.

Did you really not think that we were watching you? We knew you were cheating

We knew you were using your little tricks

Sala knew that Apat loved it when Cham came with them to the center, because Cham always joked around with him

But it was crowded because Cham had two younger sisters, and Sala knew they all hated living deep underground - especially Cham's dad Tian.

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

It wasn't really fair to give you such a tough decision to make, but I knew you'd be strong enough."

Cham's dad Tian knew how to fix the old equipment: that was his job

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

She was dying to tell the others, but knew that she couldn't.

Sala wished she could see him on her own, but she knew that time with his family was precious

She knew the routine at last

I really miss you, though." Sala wanted to tell him about seeing Wena, but she knew that she needed to be careful over the ultranet

She knew it would be best to go straight to the earth apartment, but she felt a little afraid to do that

"The letter from Gran's brother." The words slipped out before she could stop herself, and she knew at once that she shouldn't have said it

If the government came asking them questions, it would be better, for now, that he knew nothing at all.

Everyone knew that the government had cruel and terrible ways of forcing people to speak

What was that look in his eyes? A challenge or just a question? Whichever it was, Sala knew the moment had come.

I knew what she was going to do.

I was very rude after lunch.' The note was not signed, but I knew it was from de Winter.

He knew who I was looking for, of course.

I knew the number of his room

I was young and shy, I knew that

This is what he did before he knew me

Who could I write to? I knew nobody

I knew then that I had walked right round the house

I knew then that she had been watching me, laughing at my fear

I could smell a scent, a scent I knew

Suddenly I knew

I knew that they compared me with Rebecca

Nobody knew she was sailing

She knew that I enjoyed sketching and she had really tried to please me.

I knew he hated any kind of trouble with the servants.

You knew I was dull and quiet

Rebecca knew a lot about china.'

I knew now how much Mrs Danvers hated me.

I knew then that he was not going to tell me about his anger with Mrs Danvers

I knew the picture well

Hundreds of them were brought in from the garden and Mrs Danvers knew exactly how to arrange them

'Of course I knew at once that it was a mistake,' Beatrice said

His eyes were cold and hard, not the eyes of the man I knew and loved

I was too young for Maxim, I knew too little about the world

I knew her well

I knew her tall, slim figure, her small face and clear white skin

I felt that she knew about my tears

I knew we could never be happy.'

'I always knew this would happen,' Maxim said

She knew this would happen

She knew she would win in the end.'

I always knew that,' Maxim said

'I knew you were thinking about Rebecca all the time

How could I ask you to love me when I knew you loved Rebecca?'

She knew that I would take her to Manderley

She knew I would never divorce her

I knew what had happened as soon as they came back

After that, I knew I could never trust Rebecca with anyone.

'I knew the boat would be found one day,' he said

'Rebecca knew she would win in the end

I had a sudden feeling that Frank knew the truth.

I wondered what the papers would say if they knew the truth

I suddenly knew what Favell meant

She knew her for years,' Favell said, with his unpleasant smile.

You knew the late Mrs de Winter well

'She knew no one called Baker.'

I knew why Rebecca had gone to a doctor

I knew what she had wanted to tell Favell

I knew Maxim thought so too.

'I knew Mrs de Winter very well

Nevertheless, she knew that when she had the dream again, she would find new hope in it as she had so many times before.

Danny's cries and her response became increasingly shrill and desperate, for they knew that they must reach each other before nightfall or be lost forever; in the oncoming night, something waited for Danny, something fearsome that would seize him if he was alone after dark

She wasn't sleepy now, but she knew she had to get more rest

You earned every penny you're gonna make out of this baby, just like I knew you would

But Tina Evans was sympathetic; she knew how important the slot machines were to Vivienne, and she wasn't upset if Vivienne occasionally had to reschedule her visit.

She loved them as much as life itself, and she knew they truly wanted her with them; they were not inviting her out of a misguided sense of guilt and obligation

She knew it well

He was interested primarily in learning more about the mind that could create a work like Magyck! He had seen less than one-fourth of the program, yet he knew it was a hit - and far superior to others of its kind

Vivienne had no logical explanation for what had happened, but she knew one thing for sure: She wasn't going to tell anyone what she had seen here tonight

Everyone in show business knew that non-paying preview crowds were among the toughest to please

If he was faking innocence, he was a much better actor than she thought he was, and she thought she knew him well indeed

When I saw you walk into the casino a while ago, I knew I was right

As soon as I saw you, I knew everything was going to turn out exactly like I had it figured."

I knew what you wanted to say, but I should have let you say it at your own speed

These were customers to whom the hotel was especially anxious to cater, and the more the Pyramid knew about them, the better it could serve them

But how could any stranger so easily gain entrance to both her house and the hotel computer? Didn't he, after all, have to be someone she knew?

Then she realized that, if he really was nearby, he already knew she was in her office, alone

Her ability to create a stylish stage show was not a fluke; she had taste and a sharp eye that instantly knew the difference between prettiness and genuine beauty, between cleverness and art

By the time they finished eating dinner, she knew they would

She saw a longing and a need in his dark eyes, a powerful wanting that was only partly sex, and she knew the same need to be loved and valued must be in her eyes for him to see.

When at last she drove away, he watched her car until it turned the corner and disappeared, and when she was gone, he knew why he had not wanted to let her go

He knew that Kennebeck was a cautious man, but usually not excessively so

But she knew it wasn't true.

Except that she knew, she hadn't.

And even if she had seen the color illustration before, she knew damned well that she hadn't read the story - The Boy Who Was Not Dead

From the date on its cover, she knew that the issue containing The Boy Who Was Not Dead couldn't be one of the first pieces in Danny's collection

But she stared into his dark, expressive eyes, and she knew that he'd meant every word he said.

He knew exactly what she meant, but he didn't want to think about it, because there was no way he could make sense of it

Most of the questions were concerned with how much Tina knew about the true nature of the Sierra accident, how much she had told Elliot, how much she had told Michael, and with how many people she had discussed it

At the same time, she knew this wasn't a rational thought; the explanation, whatever it might be, was not that simple

"First of all," Elliot said, "before he went into the mountains with Jaborski, in all the years you knew him and lived in the same house with him, did Danny ever show any signs of being psychic?"

She knew from experience that fate had countless nasty tricks up its voluminous sleeve, and that was why she was scared shitless.

The longer he thought about it, the less Kennebeck was able to believe that the Evans woman knew the truth about her son

But on the other hand, she was working through Stryker to have her son's grave reopened, which seemed to indicate that she knew something.

Alexander knew nothing of hard work; he had ascended to the top of his field as if he were a prince with a divine right to rule.

He knew then, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that he loved her.

Elliot stared into the flat dead gaze of the pasty-faced corpse, and he knew that he was looking at Luciano Bellicosti

He also knew that the funeral director had not killed himself

But she sensed that he'd seen something important, and she wouldn't go easily until she knew what it was

"They even knew we were coming here."

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

On this holiday weekend the hotel was officially booked to capacity; however, Elliot knew accommodations were always available

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

As he sat in the dimly lighted cabin of the fan-jet and watched the clouds racing below, Alexander wondered what his father and his uncles would say if they knew that his service to his country had often required him to issue kill orders

What would the elder Alexander's, the famous statesmen, think if they knew he'd soiled his hands with blood? As for the fact that it was sometimes his job to order other men to kill, he supposed his family would understand

They knew that the worlds of domestic military security and international espionage were not children's playgrounds

Elliot knew how disoriented Billy was feeling, and he felt sorry for the man.

If they thought you knew about them-"

Earlier this morning it had occurred to Elliot that he and Tina were the only people who knew that the official story of the Sierras accident was a lie

Tina knew that she and Elliot were finished if someone came out of that room and saw them

Then, even with Danny jamming the enemy's weapons, she and Elliot would be able to escape only if they slaughtered their way out, and she knew that neither of them had the stomach for that much murder, perhaps not even in self-defense.

I knew this whole business was too dirty to end any way but disaster." He sighed, as if a great weight had been lifted from him

She took a step, then another, and before she knew it, she was at the window, beside Dombey.

Tina was too busy with Danny to think about what Carl Dombey had said, but Elliot knew what the scientist meant

"Bollinger knew how fast Wuhan-400 claims its victims, and he just panicked

Tina met Elliot's eyes, and she knew that the same thought was running through both their minds

Alexander watched death rushing up at him and knew his curiosity about the other side would shortly be satisfied.

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

The police said he killed himself, but I knew he was afraid to die, so I didn't think that was true.'

She confessed to the murder of her husband and proved easily that she knew how to work the steam hammer

Have you asked the Air Ministry people? They knew all about the work.'

I knew that he had believed the answers Helene had given him

Helene, as I have said, had shown the commissaire that she knew how to operate the steam hammer

He knew that the Air Ministry would have forbidden some of them as too dangerous, but he wanted to be certain about the results before reporting his discovery.

Then one evening he came home smiling, and I knew that his troubles were over.

I knew that Henri had caught the fly because it looked different from other flies, but I also knew that his father hated cruelty to animals and that there would be a fuss if he discovered our son had put a fly in a box or bottle.

My hand shook as I picked it up because I knew by then that something must be terribly wrong

I knew I would not find the fly Andre wanted me to look for

I already knew that the fly Andre wanted was the one which Henri had caught and which I made him release.

Several furious knocks shook the door, and I knew then that he would never accept this solution

And yet I knew that if I looked at the horror for much longer, I would go on screaming for the rest of my life.

But I felt worried because I now knew that Anne Protheroe was the kind of woman who would stop at nothing when her emotions took control

Who knew that Protheroe was coming here this evening?'

'So everyone knew!'

Lawrence knew about that clock being ahead

'He knew that it was you who killed your husband?'

I knew he would be there...'

As we sat down, I told him that we now knew the time of the shot.

'Haydock,' I said, 'if you knew that someone was a murderer, would you tell the police, or would you stay silent?'

She knew we'd connect it with the first one, so she paid some village boy to make the call for her

'How many people, Mr Clement, knew that Colonel Protheroe was coming to see you that evening?' the coroner asked.

'My wife knew, and my nephew Dennis, and Colonel Protheroe himself mentioned it that morning in the village

Because he had read a few books, he thought he knew more than a man who has studied the subject all his life and...'

Someone knew about that pistol of mine.' He opened the door and I went inside

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

'Sir, if you thought you knew where this suitcase was hidden, why did you not tell the police?'

'Yes?' I knew that it was easy to hear the bell from outside

'So, you knew him then?'

I believed him but I suspected that he knew more than he said

'I knew she had done it, so what did it matter if that proved she had killed him?'

However, the next day there was no report in the newspapers except one small note in the Daily Telegraph, and the world knew nothing of one of the greatest dangers that ever threatened Earth.

Nobody on Earth knew anything about the approaching missile.

I knew it was coming towards me because of the flashing bushes it touched, but I was too shocked to move

I wanted to start at once, but the soldier had been in wars before and knew better than that

My brother was not worried about us, as he knew from the description in the papers chat the cylinder was three kilometres from my house

No one in London knew what the Martians looked like, and there was still a fixed idea that they must be slow: 'crawling', 'moving painfully' - words like these were in all the earlier reports

When he saw them, the curate made a frightened noise and began running, but I knew it was no good running from a Martian and I crawled into some bushes by the side of the road

I knew my cousin was brave enough for any emergency, but he was not the sort of man to understand danger quickly and do something about it

Then I heard the sound of a heavy body - I knew whose it was - being dragged across the floor of the kitchen towards the opening

I had an idea of going to Leatherhead, although I knew there was little chance of finding my wife there

They knew of it in Dublin, Edinburgh, Manchester and Birmingham at the time when I stood on the edge of the pit

Very gently, when my mind was working again, they told me all they knew about what had happened in Leatherhead

'I knew-knew -' She put her hand to her throat and started to fall

'Have you ever met anyone who knew your wife in America?'

I knew I had a bad liver

I knew I had that terrible illness, too.

With all the diseases I had, I knew my life was short

We all knew that our illnesses were caused by too much work.

George said he knew everything about the right clothes for a trip

He knew it was very easy to get out again.

No one knew what happened to Aunt Mary.

But, when we heard the bad words that came from the other boat, we knew we were near people

We also knew that those people were not happy.

I thought I knew you

George told us about a man he knew

Oh, I wish I knew what to do

He drove to the Seaway, to a part of the beach they knew very well

I knew that Sir Percival had many debts

I knew of a scientific expedition to Honduras.

Madame Fosco is different from the Eleanor Fairlie I once knew

How she hates him! She said that her mother had told her a secret - Percival's secret - and when he discovered that Anne knew it, he put her in the asylum.-'

He was certain that she knew the secret

I still loved Laura, but I knew I had to live without her

I knew I had to get the original

I did not tell them what I knew

He knew that none of the village women spoke to me because 6 they thought I had lost my virtue

He knew his secret was now safe, so he explained it all to me

No one in Hampshire knew anything about her marriage, so when Sir F said that he had married her, no one suspected anything

He was sure that she knew his secret, so he put her in the asylum

The Count had contacted the asylum doctor and said he knew where Anne Catherick was

I knew that Pesca had left Italy for political reasons

I also knew that the Count had left Italy many years ago

Perhaps Pesca knew the Count? Perhaps the Count really was a spy - a spy in a much more important sense than Laura had intended when she called him by that name.

The Count read the note and immediately knew that I had won

From a young age, Harriet knew that she wanted to be free

She also knew that she had to help other slaves to find freedom.

She started schools for free slaves because she knew that education was important

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.

But Emmeline and the other women knew that they had to do something

She was very brave, and she knew that women had to win this fight

Rosalind Franklin was very intelligent, and she knew when she was fifteen that she wanted to be a scientist

She said to the BBC, "I wanted the world to get better, and I knew it could not get better if it was going to be ruled by men." Nancy was an MP until 1945.

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

He knew that the Soviet Union wanted to have women astronauts, too

As soon as she hit the ball, Billie Jean knew that she wanted to be a tennis player

But she soon knew that tennis was different for women than for men.

Billie Jean knew that the match was very important for women's rights.