How to use "labs" in a sentence


"Secret labs in the High Sierras?"

"You were so sure they didn't know a thing about the Sierra labs," Alexander said

When he discovered the nature of the maps, when he realized that one of them was missing, and when he discovered that the missing map was the one Stryker would need in order to find the Project Pandora labs, Alexander felt his face flush with anger and chagrin

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

Something's happening at the labs right now."

They call the stuff 'Wuhan-400' because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.

He started out of the forest, toward the county lane, which is about five miles from the turnoff to the labs, and after only three miles-"

She's going to tell me who helped her get into the labs even if I have to break her fingers one at a time to make her open up."

"Who told you your son was here? Who let you into the labs?"