How to use "last" in a sentence


He and his men stole horses and hid from the law during the last years of the nineteenth century.

I've spent the last eighteen hours alone

It is the last time I will wave goodbye with my right hand.

For the last half hour, I've been thinking of my best chance of escape

I have been trapped in Blue John Canyon for the last twenty-four hours

I describe all that has happened in the last two days

I have to make this last as long as possible

I didn't try hard enough the last time

My water won't last much longer

'He didn't come to the party last night,' Leona told him

I guess everyone missed me when I didn't arrive for Leona's party last night

7.30 am That last video recording was the most pessimistic so far

It's strange, but the feeling of hopelessness doesn't last

I pick up the bottle and feel the last of the water disappear down my throat

I eat the last burrito

He hasn't returned from a trip he took last week

Do you know where he went? No one here has seen him since last Wednesday.'

I called him last week and left a message, but he didn't call back

I am happy while the visions last

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days

When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly

Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night

I am certain that this will be my last message to my family.

I'm crying as I close the camcorder for the last time

This has to last all the way back to the truck and the temperature is rising

It's my last thought before falling into a long, deep sleep.

Those were Captain Nemo's last words.

Something hit me on the head and that's the last thing I remember.

At last the army man finished reading, and then the President came up and gave me the medal

'Oh, Forrest,' she said, 'you're home at last!'

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

You see, the last time you went to see Mr Sampson, I had already been to see him myself - I went to his house very early that morning

Mary Ann Nichols was in 'Frying Pan' pub on the corner of Brick Lane, spending her last pennies on drink

Amelia saw Annie for the last time on the 7th

He had seen her for the last time on September 25th

Mrs Tanner, the deputy, said she last saw Elizabeth alive about 7 p.m

It is probable that Mrs Prater and Mrs Lewis paid no attention to Mary Kelly's last terrified cry for help!

Now, at last, he was free, but he felt bitter and angry about his lost years

'The man who came last night! He's run off with our silver!'

But her happiness did not last long

At last she would be cared for, and she could look forward to a life of happiness with Cosette

'The police headquarters in Paris told me that Jean Valjean was arrested last autumn for stealing apples,' Javert explained

But the idea did not last for long

He turned again to Fantine and looked for one last time at her sad, pale face and empty, blue eyes

Her happiness did not last long, however

Cosette was leaving at last

At daybreak, as he was falling asleep at last, he heard footsteps in the corridor outside his room again

At last, the soldiers gave up their search and went back in the direction they had come

Valjean hugged Cosette tightly with relief, knowing that at last they were both safe.

You were the man we ran into last night.'

'The sun's come out at last!' she cried, eagerly accepting the coin

Marius,' she said at last, a faint light in her sad eyes, 'you seem upset

'What will you give me?' she said at last.

'So at last I've found you,' she finally said

'You weren't so unfriendly last time.'

'Forgive me for being here.' Marius spoke at last

Then, at last, they began to speak

At last! After four years! Was it really him? He wanted to open his arms and hug him, but all he said was, 'What have you come for?'

This would be his last brief happiness; after that, there would be only darkness.

'I can't cheat you,' she said at last

With those words, she closed her eyes for the last time and died.

Nothing had changed, and he decided that he had one last duty to perform: he must send Cosette a final message and tell her of his death

They were filled with hope that help would come soon, but the hope did not last long

'The last man to leave this place will blow your brains out.'

Soon, all the rebels were dead, including Enjolras, who was the last to die

At last, exhausted, he stopped beneath a large grille that brought him much-needed light and fresh air

He was suddenly filled with new energy at the sight, at last, of his way of escape from the sewers

Then, moving to the gate, he shook it fiercely with both hands, trying to bend the bars with the last of his strength

'It's true,' he said at last

When they had got back into the carriage, however, Valjean said, 'Inspector, will you do one last thing for me before you arrest me?'

'Grandfather,' Marius said at last, 'I'm feeling much better already

'Is it really you?' Cosette murmured at last

'Don't worry,' Marius said at last

But what is her name? I pull the last item from my pocket

"Seven minutes!" I shout to Little John, and he covers the last camera with plastic.

Robin takes the last blindfold from the bag and puts it over Hastings' eyes.

He was hit by a car last year while he cycled across Brow Top road

And this is the last thing he ever says

And as Eleanor and Edward move away to the dance floor, Peter and Michael see her adjust the scarf around her neck one last time

How long ago was his last visit to this cold stone building? More than twenty years? Well, that is not important at the moment

He finishes his last cigarette and stops to listen

He is tired, very tired, and he still feels sick from the beer and whiskey of last night.

The skin is raw, and he tries to remember exactly what happened last night, but he cannot

A horrible reminder of last night, of the girl and of the hotel room

He can forget about last night, about the girl

She was not the first girl, and he knows she will not be the last.

What did he do last night? He tries to remember, he tries to remember exactly what happened

God, he wishes he could remember last night: not just the girl's expression when he hit her, but everything.

Now everything from last night is coming back to him

And he remembers the last thing she said before she closed the door to the hotel room.

"Sally left me last month," he said, and he called the waiter for another beer

When did you last see him?"

"His last class was yesterday at four

"And did he leave the school last night?"

But last night he didn't call for anything."

But the last time I saw him was yesterday morning."

And they put him behind it, in a deep dark corner where no one could see him and the light disappeared as they put the last bricks in place

"We saw it last year," Junior says

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

And yes, the last time they came to the forest, it was a bit cold, and they had nothing to do.

"I don't want you to say anything stupid, Jimmy, because this is your last chance." He looks across the pool to his assistant

"When did they last eat, Clive?"

So Jimmy, one last chance

I changed the pack of cards before the last game

I mentioned it to Mom last night and..

Everyone wanted to hear about Sala's pod experience, so she described it slowly, giving every last detail

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

At last, Mom spoke

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

At last, she looked up

As Sala reached for the last one, another hand reached for it at the same time

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

At last, Cham came back through the doors with Leti and his parents

"Not without you," she said at last

"You should know better than anyone that jobs in this city don't last

Cham's last day was difficult for everyone

She knew the routine at last

"OK," she said at last

The first week ended at last, bringing the day when Sala could speak to Cham again

I can't believe how fresh the air is and the sky is just..." At last, he paused for a second.

People were coming and going from the main entrance, like last time, but the narrow passageway down the side looked dark and empty

At last, she reached the door to the earth apartment

but it's so long since you last saw him, Gran," said Sala

There was one last Ultranet Talk Hour with Cham before the end of the month, but Sala decided it wasn't even worth trying to talk to him about leaving

Cham's test days had arrived at last, and Sala had joined Dani, Tian, and Cham's two sisters at the pod center for their first Contact Hour with him

Then, at last, they were alone.

They went to bed at last, but Sala couldn't sleep

"Gran," she said, "you remember what you said last night, about the Oil Wars? You said..

"I had a long discussion with Mom and Gran last night." She paused

It might be the last real moment with him she'd have.

For one last time, she thought of them

He looks ill, doesn't he? His wife died suddenly last year

At last she had to stop

'Your friend is very different from you,' he said at last

Then, at last, he began to talk about Manderley

I had said the words, at last

So my last morning was to be taken away from me

'You can't marry me,' I said at last

The letter "R" was the last to be burnt

'Only two more miles,' said Maxim at last

'Manderley at last.' I could hear the excitement in his voice.

We turned the last corner and there was Manderley

We were alone at last.

At last Mrs Danvers opened a door leading into a small room

I walked on and at last I came to a long window

'Here she is at last,' Maxim said

We were all very worried about him last year

We walked on last year's leaves

At last we came to the top of the path and out on to the lawn

At last she said,

'Will your husband hold the Manderley Fancy Dress Ball this year? I remember the last one so well

I had said her name at last

I'm telling you for the last time.'

They will think of me as the real Mrs de Winter at last

I was glad that I had chosen my costume at last

It was exactly what Rebecca wore at the last Fancy Dress Ball here

'I must go down now,' she said at last

It was the first and the last we ever held there

Then at last Giles came up to me and said, 'Come and look at the fireworks on the terrace.'

I had to explain about last night.

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

'I was afraid something like that would happen,' Frank said at last.

I've got to explain about last night

'Mr de Winter is not happy,' Mrs Danvers said, looking at me at last

'How dare you speak to me like that? How dare you? You made me wear that dress last night

'I was angry with you last night, wasn't I?' he said.

At last Frith served coffee and the servants left us.

Then the boat-builder will say that the boat was in good order when he last saw it

Tuesday came at last

'It won't last much longer,' he told me

'Yes, it certainly was the last time I saw it,' Tabb said

There was nothing wrong with that boat when I last saw it

I thought about the church where Rebecca was being buried at last.

I kept it because it was the last thing Rebecca ever wrote to me

'Now, Max, old man,' Favell said at last, 'you know I'm not a rich man

Were you on the beach when she took her boat out for the last time?'

'Can you tell us how Mrs de Winter spent that last day in London? Did she keep a diary?' asked Colonel Julyan.

He looked at me like a man saying goodbye for the last time

Maxim and I were alone at last.

'I saw a Mrs Danvers on the 12th at two o'clock,' Dr Baker said at last.

Meanwhile, the sky grew darker by the second; massive storm clouds, like the clenched fists of celestial giants, squeezed the last light out of the day

She remained on guard for a few minutes, but the night was so peaceful that at last she had to admit she was alone

That was how it had been during the last months of their life together

A month ago, for the first time, she'd thought that at last she had begun to overcome her grief

It didn't last long enough for Tina to identify the source, but there was a stealthiness about it

She almost would have preferred to discover someone lurking in the kitchen or crouching in a closet rather than be forced to look, at last, in that final space where sadness seemed to dwell like a tenant

Danny had left it at the far end of the room, beyond the bed, against the wall, and that was where it had stood the last time that Tina had been here

And it had been blank the last time she'd been in this room.

The Pyramid had been built at a cost in excess of four hundred million dollars, and the owners had made certain that every last dime showed

Sinatra was in town, at Caesar's Palace, perhaps for the last time, and even at eighty years of age, he generated more excitement in Vegas than any other famous name

She'd thought he had regained his perspective during the last few months, but evidently not.

Bourbon last night

Wardrobe women mended tears and sewed up unraveled hems that had been discovered at the last minute

She enjoyed making things last.

They pulled the handles for hours at a time, often making a twenty-dollar bill last a long afternoon

She prayed that she would remain healthy enough to continue working and living on her own until, at last, her time came and all the little windows on the machine of life produced lemons.

As she was mopping the last corner of the kitchen floor, as she was thinking about how dreary life would be without her friends and her slot machines, she heard a sound in another part of the house

Nevertheless, it might be a good idea for Tina Evans to get rid of the boy's belongings at last.

At last, the future looked worth living

Her fear made her angry with herself, and at last, she twisted the switch.

Vivienne Neddler had been in to clean last evening, but this wasn't the kind of thing that Vivienne would be capable of doing

"Vandals were in my house last night," Tina said.

Bally's, formerly the MGM Grand, was getting to be one of the older establishments on the continuously rejuvenating Las Vegas Strip, but it was still one of the most popular hotels in town, and on this last day of the year it was packed

When at last they reached the end of the casino and were on the escalators, heading down toward the shopping arcade, Tina said, "What is blackjack blackout?"

At last, she said, "Some strange things have been happening at the house."

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

She was shocked by his reaction, then confused, and at last deeply saddened

The last few minutes - my office got chilly."

That was the last disturbing insertion

She imagined herself leaving her office, walking down the long hallway, opening doors, peering into silent, deserted offices, until at last she found a man sitting at another terminal

At last, she just plunged into it: "What I'm thinking..

A couple weeks after the little girl was buried, the mother started feeling guilty about not paying her last respects."

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

When at last she drove away, he watched her car until it turned the corner and disappeared, and when she was gone, he knew why he had not wanted to let her go

At last, he said, "What about the father?"

At last, the judge said, "You're asking me to cut corners."

He had a few chores to finish before she came, so they wouldn't have to spend a lot of time doing galley labor as they had done last night

At last, Vince said, "Be reasonable

This was the last thing Elliot expected

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

The last panel of the illustrated story showed the parents and the boy walking out of the graveyard while Death watched them leave

This last thought profoundly shocked her

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

Tina looked out the side window, watching in disbelief as the flames spread from the shattered garage roof to the main roof of the house, long tongues of lambent fire, licking, licking, hungry, bloodred in the last orange light of the afternoon.

Several blocks to the north, an ugly column of smoke rose into the twilight sky from what was left of Tina's house, roiling, night-black, the upper reaches tinted around the edges by the last pinkish rays of the setting sun.

The traffic thinned out as they drove farther from the heart of town, closer to the looming black mountains that thrust into the last electric-purple light in the western sky.

At last, he and Tina went into the diner, trying not to look over their shoulders.

Elliot and Tina sat as far from everyone as possible, in the last booth in the short wing of the restaurant.

Even after all this time, when she thought about Danny's last moments on earth - the terror he must have known, the excruciating pain he must have endured, even if it was of brief duration - she began to choke with sorrow and pity

We'll have to talk to the man who saw it last."

Elliot finished the last swallow of beer in his glass

Her hand shook when she raised her glass to drink the last of her own Coors.

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

At last Tina said, "I'm right, Elliot

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

A group had gone down a while ago and would be returning for their last stand at the tables before a whole new staff came on duty with the shift change

The last of the keno numbers flashed onto the board

The other dealers streamed by, and when Evans finally turned away from the waitress, he was the last in the procession as it moved toward the blackjack pits.

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

She felt as if she had failed to pay her last respects to the deceased

Then the guilt-stricken mother could have been permitted one last, late, ghastly look at the remains of her son.

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

The cold spell won't last." He squinted into the smaller room, where the boy lay motionless on a hospital bed, under a white sheet and yellow blanket, trailing monitor wires

But the last few days it's gotten completely out of hand

Elliot almost turned in at the entrance, but at the last moment, he decided to drive by the place.

At last, he reached the car

In addition, some reservations were canceled at the last minute, and there were always a few no-shows

"About what you said last night, in Vegas."

After long and arduous lobbying of the director, Alexander had at last been awarded this small jet; and immediately he put two full-time pilots, ex-military men, on the payroll of the Nevada bureau.

But where do you expect to find a hypnotist? The last time I looked, they weren't setting up shops on street corners."

Billy Sandstone watched Tina intently for a while, but at last, he shifted impatiently in his chair

The trees hung low, lower, lower still, until, at last, the ice-crusted evergreen boughs frequently scraped across the roof of the Explorer with a sound like fingernails being drawn down a blackboard.

The doors slid open three floors below the surface, on the next to the last level.

She took the last few steps haltingly, her heart pounding, her throat constricted

As Elliot used the last of the rope to tie Dombey, the scientist said, "Satisfy my curiosity."

'He came to me for help and those men murdered him! I'm going to find them, if it's the last thing I do!' he said to me, and he hurried out of the house.

I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, weren't on the ship last night, so I'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw

'Perhaps it was set that way last night when work stopped.'

I simply and faithfully carried out his last wish by smashing his head and right arm under the steam hammer of his brother's factory.

I've got everything perfect at last!' he said

At last he came to the door and pushed a note under it.

I 'transmitted' myself successfully the night before last

At last I cried, 'Andre, do you hear me?'

The last experiment was a new disaster, my poor Helene

The police would never understand but the professors would, and they must not! That had been Andre's last wish.

I suddenly remembered the conversation last night, and Lawrence Redding telling us he had a Mauser.

'If you had seen his face last night...' I began.

About ten o'clock last night, Redding comes in, throws down a pistol, and says to the police, "Here I am

'Why didn't you tell Slack this last night?'

'When did you last see your pistol?'

'Would she remember when she last saw the pistol?'

'When was the last time you were at the cottage, Mrs Protheroe?'

It was about a strange thing that happened last night

Mrs Protheroe said that she had last seen her husband at about a quarter to six when they parted in the village street

The last person to give evidence was Mrs Archer, who cleaned Lawrence Redding's cottage

The last time she had seen it was on the day of the murder at lunchtime when she left.

Do you know last Thursday - the day of the murder - I had been to a meeting in London

But let me tell you about last night.'

At last, a meeting was arranged in the garden, and here Lawrence spoke to a very nervous Gladdie

It was a blue earring, and I remembered exactly where I had last seen it.

Because the last time I saw, this earring was on Friday morning when I came to Old Hall with Colonel Melchett

Finally, he said, 'Mr Redding came to see me last night

For the next ten minutes, they were careful to be seen by people in the village, then at last Mr Redding went back to the vicarage

So he came back here with Mr Hawes last night and, I think, managed to put some much stronger pills in Mr Hawes' box

She had at last told the police that she had taken the suitcase to the woods, but had thought she was protecting Dr Stone's archaeological discoveries from his enemies.

In the last years of the nineteenth century, no one believed that this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than our own

Even the daily papers woke up to these events at last, and there was much discussion of their cause

'Henderson,' he called, 'you saw that meteorite last night?'

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

I was even afraid that the last shots I had heard might mean the end of our visitors from Mars

I got to my feet at last and, keeping low, managed to get into a wood near Maybury without the machines seeing me

At last the soldier was able to move, crawling at first, and he got to Woking

'My gun was destroyed last night, sir

'You have been asking for water for the last hour,' he said.

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

The government, already falling apart, made one last effort

There were already around forty passengers on the boat, some of whom had spent their last money getting a ticket, but the captain stayed until five in the afternoon, picking up passengers until the boat was dangerously crowded

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

In the last two chapters I have moved away from my own adventures to tell of the experiences of my brother

The Black Smoke moved slowly towards the river all through Monday morning, slowly getting nearer and nearer to us, coming at last along the road outside the house that hid us.

At last I answered him

On the sixth day of our imprisonment I looked out for the last time, and I soon found myself alone

I divided the food in the cupboard into separate amounts to last us ten days

At last I decided that it had.

When at last I did, I found that the food cupboard was now empty

When I had last seen this part of Sheen, it had been a street of comfortable white and red houses

The night before last I saw some lights up in the air

I awoke to find that sad howling still in my ears: 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' It was now getting dark, and after I had found some bread and cheese in the bar I walked on through the silent squares to Baker Street and so came at last to Regents Park

Perhaps it was the last to die, and its voice had gone on and on until its machinery stopped

My hosts tried to change my mind but at last, promising faithfully to return to them, I went out again into the streets that had lately been so dark and strange and empty.

And it is strange, too, to stand on Primrose Hill, as I did only a day before writing this last chapter

I heard the noise of playing children and remembered the deep silence of the dawn of that last great day...

'I have been married for three years, and my wife and I were very happy until last Monday

Well, I like walking past that cottage, and last Monday, as I walked past the cott age I saw an empty van going away from the cottage, and furniture in front of the cottage

She ran away from him at last, and came back to England, where she changed her name and started a new life

At last, we were ready to eat breakfast

At last I said, 'it isn't my shirt

And she said only last week that she didn't have a penny on her, thought Connie

'Listen to the last sentences of the letter,' said Miss Halcombe

On my last day at Limmeridge House, I talked to Miss Fairlie, explaining the details of her father's will

Laura has changed in the last six months

'The rain has come at last.'

On the train Miss Halcombe told me everything that had happened since she last wrote to me.

'I want a full confession, written and signed, of your conspiracy with Sir Percival Glyde against Laura Fairlie,' I said, 'and I want proof of your story so that everyone knows the truth at last.'

She wrote about the last days before her school closed

Women have made a lot of progress in the last 100 years

Women in northern Europe and in places like the United Kingdom, the USA and Australia were all fighting for the vote in the last years of the 1890s and the early years of the 20th century.

At 8:45 a.m., Amelia spoke on the radio for the last time

In a letter to her husband, George Putnam, during her last flight, she showed how brave she was

But the programme was stopped before the women could finish their last test

Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the sport's history, was the last big tournament to do this, in 2007

In June 2018, the Azadi Stadium's doors were opened to women and men during the last two Iran games at the 2018 World Cup.