How to use "later" in a sentence


I'll drive over in the truck and collect the bike later.

Twenty minutes later, I arrive at the most difficult part of the trail

Then I missed the next drink and decided to save it for later

She called Brion later that afternoon to ask if Aron had arrived.

Two hours later, it's time for my next sip of water

Three hours later, I have reached the end of my third day trapped in the canyon

Twenty minutes later, Glen called back

Half an hour later, they were on their way

A week later, I was back in hospital in Denver for my fifth and most difficult operation

Four days later, I climbed Mount Moran in Wyoming with eight of my friends.

Two minutes later, six large men with black masks came out, took us by the arms and took us down inside the ship.

We may need it later."

I am writing this now some months later: I am safe now

I can't get bigger!' So she ate the cake and two or three minutes later she was small again

It started to move away a minute later, it vanished behind a flower and Alice never saw it again.

Three days later, the man in the car came and got me out of school

A day or two later, after school in the afternoon, he and his friends came up to me and started pushing and hitting me

A few minutes later, four policemen arrived, and took me to the police station!

An hour later, I was out of there and on my way to the hospital in Danang.

Two days later, I went back to the fish market and talked to a man who was selling shrimps.

And that was important, as you will see later.

A minute later, I had my arms round her and we were both crying

Two days later we were on our way to Los Angeles, to a big chess tournament.

Two days later, Sue and I got the bus to Bayou La Batre, where Bubba's parents lived, and I explained to Bubba's daddy about the shrimp business that Bubba and I planned to start after we came out of the army

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free

One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination

One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity

One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land

A few minutes later I called the clerk into my office.

About two weeks later I went to have dinner with a friend of mine

Two days later I was sitting in my office as usual

I did everything that I could to help him, but the poor man died a few months later.

A few moments later he noticed something on the pavement in front of Brown's stableyard, and crossed the road

Three or four minutes later Albert came into the yard again and heard a sound like a bump against the wooden fence that separated the yards of numbers 27 and 29

She only saw the man's back, but she identified the woman as Annie Chapman later in the mortuary.

Schwartz later described the man as 1.65m tall, about 30, with a small brown moustache

Schwartz thought the man was following him, but a few moments later when he looked back, there was nobody behind him.

Twenty-five minutes later the policeman took her from her cell to the office

Perhaps Catherine arrived there at 1.10 a.m., perhaps later

Mr Lawende told the police later, 'I don't think I can recognise him again.'

Nine minutes later Constable Edward Watkins of the City Police walked into Mitre Square

'I saw no one and heard no cry or noise,' he said later

Nearly four hours later Mary Ann Cox, who lived in Miller's Court, saw Mary walking along Dorset Street with a man

Around two hours later she woke up suddenly because her kitten was walking over her

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

John McCarthy said later, 'It looked more like the work of a devil than of a man.' And Mrs Prater, who looked through the window, said, 'I can never forget it if I live to be a hundred.'

Years later Detective Walter Dew wrote in his memoirs about the killer's 'amazing elusiveness'

He did not see the boy return a short time later and whisper something to the innkeeper.

A few minutes later, an old woman came out of the cathedral and saw him lying there.

A minute later he climbed the garden wall and disappeared into the trees.

A short time later, he met a priest on horseback.

One month later, Thenardier was short of money again, so he took Cosette's beautiful silk clothes to Paris and sold them for sixty francs

A few weeks later, Fantine received another letter from the Thenardiers

Now, years later, M

A short time later, the girls grew bored with their game

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

Half an hour later, the people of Montfermeil saw an old man in a tall hat and long yellow coat walking along the road to Paris, hand-in-hand with a little girl dressed completely in black

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

A few minutes later, having heard only silence, he turned round

When he returned, one summer morning six months later, he saw the same couple sitting on the same bench, but something amazing had happened

A second later she looked away and Marius walked on but, in a strange way, he knew his life had changed

Moments later, there was a gentle knock on the door

Half an hour later, Marius was at the nearest police station.

A few minutes later, there was nobody in the building except for Marius and the Jondrettes

Finally, there was the sound of horses in the street outside and, moments later, the door to the room was thrown open.

'It's Eponine's handwriting!' he cried a moment later

Two months later, Marius was deeply unhappy

Then one morning, a few days later, Cosette noticed a large stone lying on the garden bench

She sat on the bench where she had found the notebook and, moments later, had the strange feeling that she was being watched

Not later than nine o'clock.'

He could think of only one thing: his meeting later that evening with Cosette

Minutes later, the sounds of war echoed across the whole city of Paris.

Half an hour later he left the house, dressed in his National Guard uniform, with a loaded gun and a pocket full of gunpowder, and made his way towards the market district of Paris.

Moments later, an officer shouted a command and the cannon roared into action

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

Minutes later, he and Cosette were travelling in a carriage to Number 7, rue de l'Homme-Arme.

And no one remembers us later.

An hour later Branwell closes the door of the interview room and sighs

See you later," he says to the brothers, then he heads for the truck.

I'll see you on the ultranet later, OK?"

Fifteen minutes later, Sala was dressed in her own clothes again, and was sitting next to Cham near the changing rooms

We could come later

Two days later, everything had changed

I'll come up later.'

'They found her two months later

See you later.'

Captain Searle came into the library about fifteen minutes later

Minutes later, he is making a hole in the window.

A minute later, he sees Natalie Nevons

'It's OK, we can tell them everything later

Minutes later, the police car stops near Natalie's car

Five minutes later, she was home

She was proud, unable to bear the thought of appearing to be hysterical to a couple of macho cops who would grin at her and, later over doughnuts and coffee, make jokes about her

Six months later she and Michael separated, and less than five months after the separation, they were divorced.

Twenty minutes later, at 3:45, she stepped onto the smooth cobblestones in front of the hotel's main entrance and handed her claim check to the valet parking attendant

Less than ten minutes later, when the curtains opened again, the mirrors had been taken away, and the stage had been transformed into an ice rink; the second production number was done on skates against a winter backdrop so real that it made Elliot shiver.

Sooner or later word of her ranting's about poltergeists might get back to her daughter in Sacramento, and then the pressure to move to California would become unbearable

"Eat takeout food at two hundred miles an hour in the Batmobile, and no matter how messy it gets - just hose off later."

A couple of minutes later, having completed the call, Tina went back to Danny's room to survey the damage again

Tina waited until at least a hundred names had been listed before she decided that the system had been programmed to print the lines about Danny only one time, only on her office's first data request of the afternoon, and on no later call-up.

"And we reopened the grave only two months after the funeral, not a whole year later

You understand what I'm saying - the less a guy knows, the less he can be nailed for later

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

They were going to great lengths to avoid using violence, which confirmed Elliot's suspicion that they wanted to leave him unmarked, so that later his body would bear no cuts or bruises incompatible with suicide.

You'll all be mine sooner or later

Three or four minutes later, the doorbell rang - one, two, three, four times, insistently.

"I'll tell you about it later."

When Elliot rounded the corner two blocks later, he braked from sixty miles an hour to make the turn

"I'll tell you what I know, but later."

The active poison itself had already penetrated the victim's body, done its work, and begun to break down into a series of naturally occurring chemicals that would raise no alarms when the coroner later studied the results of the usual battery of forensic tests

"Sooner or later he will."

Fifteen minutes later Alexander put down the telephone

Fifteen minutes later computer operations called back with its report

A few seconds later, the white sedan raced into the intersection.

A short time later, in bed, they held each other close, but neither of them had sex in mind

We'll worry about the rest of it later

Half an hour and five maps later, Tina's hand suddenly skipped across the paper as if someone had bumped her arm.

They're going to find us sooner or later, and when they get their hands on us, they'll kill us."

You can do that sort of thing as long as they know for sure you're capable of paying the entire bill when it comes due a month later."

"Sooner or later they'll make a mistake

Sooner or later, he'd overlook something

And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later, as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit

One day later all of them were dead..

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

'The letter arrived on 10th March 1883, and he died seven weeks later,' answered John Openshaw.

'Everything went well until a year later,' said John Openshaw

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

'Somebody sent some pips from India, and arrived seven weeks later to kill Uncle Elias

Then he sent some pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John's father

Once or twice the commissaire accompanied me and later I learned that he had also visited Helene alone

She came back some minutes later with a large brown envelope.

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

A few days later, Andre had a new problem which made him fussy and bad-tempered for several weeks

It was just a little later when Henri came running into the room to say that he had caught a funny fly

A moment later he pushed a note under the door

They said so to the police later, and that hunt for a fly probably saved me from the guillotine.

Twenty minutes later he carefully folded them and put them into the brown envelope

Two days later, Natalie takes the hat to a store

Three days later, Anna buys the hat.

A week later, Anna gets an airplane home.

A day later, Gina is in Rome.

This is because the conversation around the table contained details, which affected later developments.

An hour later Griselda came back

'About ten minutes later

Then, years later, she hears that he is living in this village, so comes down here and tries it again

But later she had realized that if her husband had been sitting at the desk, she would not have seen him.

It was his opinion that the colonel had been shot at approximately 6.20 to 6.30 - certainly not later than 6.35.

'You mean that after he had been shown in, he went out again and came back later?'

A moment later, the doctor entered the room

And remember, Vicar that you met Mr Redding carrying a large stone in that same place in the woods where you found the picric acid later.'

Only a few nights later, the first falling star was seen towards the east

Maybe there was talk in the village streets, a new topic in the pubs - and here and there a messenger, or even an eye-witness of the later events, caused some excitement

'New attempts have been made to signal, but without success,' was how the evening papers later described it

An hour or two later a field-gun arrived for use against the first cylinder.

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

As it was reported later, most of them remained busy with preparations in the pit on Horsell Common until nine that night, doing something that produced a great amount of Black Smoke.

A few minutes later these three were joined by four other Martians, each carrying a thick black tube

At the time we could not understand these things, but later I learnt the meaning of these frightening black hills

A man later told me that he had watched from a church roof as the smoke filled his village

He saw few other refugees until he met the two ladies who later travelled with him

When, an hour later, a Martian walked down the river, there was nothing but broken pieces of boats in the water.

I will tell you later about the falling of the fifth cylinder

There were signs of people in the next house on Sunday evening - a face at a window and moving lights, and later the closing of a door

At a later date we began to feel less in danger of being seen because the sunlight outside was very bright, but at first anything approaching the house drove us back into the hall in fear

We talked like this through the early morning, and later came out of the bushes

A moment later the mystery was explained

Go to bed no later than II o'clock each night and don't read books about things you don't understand.

We discovered later that this wasn't true.

However, half an hour later, Mr and Mrs Swan returned with eighteen other swans

He got very ill and died ten days later.

Twenty minutes later, three men and a dog were going to the railway station.

And later I forgot all about them.'

Then, a couple of weeks later, the coup

'Not yet, later, maybe

Years later, Sir Percival heard that her husband had abandoned her and her daughter was mentally disturbed

Years later, when Anne discovered this, she considered him responsible and developed a passionate hatred for him.

Two days later, Miss Halcombe received a reply:

[Six months later]

An hour later, she came to my room looking agitated.

She showed then to me later, and that made me want to kill him.

My daughter Anne was born three months later

Ten days later, we were even happier: we were married.

The Count burnt the letter, and, half an hour later, he and the Countess were gone.

A few weeks later, I read in the newspaper that the Count had been murdered in Paris

They also do not have as many children, and they marry later

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

She later got a PhD - a higher degree - in law, and she became Iran's first woman judge

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.

Winston Churchill - who later became prime minister - started his career against the vote for women, but later he agreed with it

They married in New York City in 1897 and had a son, Robert, a year later

Two years later, Nancy moved to England with her son and her sister Phyllis

Just five years later, in 1908, women pilots started flying

Ten years later, she went with a friend to watch some pilots flying aeroplanes

"I did not understand it at the time," she said later, "but I believe that little red aeroplane said something to me as it went by." In 1920, a pilot took her up in an aeroplane, and that changed her life

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

A few months later, Billie Jean's friend took her to play tennis for the first time