How to use "lawn" in a sentence


I had thought that perhaps we would walk down to the sea, or sit under the great tree on the lawn.

A servant brought rugs and chairs and we all sat under the great tree on the lawn

At last we came to the top of the path and out on to the lawn

I started to run up the path and did not feel safe until I reached the lawn

As I walked across the lawn, I looked up at the west wing

I wandered out on to the lawn

But as we were walking out to the big tree on the lawn, we heard a car in the drive

I walked out of the house and on to the lawn

I walked back across the lawn

He went across the lawn only a few minutes ago.'

The sulfur-yellow light from the street lamps failed to reach all the way across the lawn

A neighbor's white cat crept across the lawn, stalking a wind-tossed scrap of paper

A three-sided, fan-shaped tent had been erected on the back lawn, to one side of the sixty-foot pool, with the open side facing the house

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

The long driveway curved up and to the right, like a width of black funeral bunting draped across the rising, snow-shrouded lawn

He expected to see the entire white-shrouded lawn begin to move and rise in the forms of ten, fifteen, twenty other assassins.

He slammed the car door and ran to a row of evergreen shrubs that bordered the front lawn of a low, brick, ranch-style house

It spun across the street, jumped the curb, crashed through a hedge, destroyed a plaster birdbath, and came to rest in the middle of a snow-blanketed lawn.

Goodnight, Mr Clement.' And she went quickly across the lawn towards her house.