How to use "leave" in a sentence


I'll leave my bike at the end of the trail and hike back to the carpark

I always get very excited when I'm about to leave on a trip

Before starting this trip, I forgot to leave a message telling anyone exactly where I was going

He wanted to check immediately, but he had to leave for Australia that day

I am calm as I leave necessary instructions for my parents.

Before I leave, I take two pictures of the part of my arm still trapped by the boulder

When the captain of the American ship the Abraham Lincoln decided to leave and look for the monster, he asked me to go with them as an expert.

I saw the harpoon leave his hand and hit the giant creature right in its back

Where did he come from? Why did he leave "our" world?

"But how will we leave the Nautilus?"

We had to wait six days for the water to rise before the ship could leave

You, Mr Land, and Mr Conseil will stay in your rooms until I say you can leave."

Ask him if we can leave."

For most of that time I enjoyed it, but now I had to leave.

So she has to leave the room!' he said.

His foot got too bad to play football, and he had to leave the university

'I didn't leave school,' said Jenny

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

Later that night she tried to get a bed at Cooley's lodging house in Thrawl Street, but she had to leave because she had no money

Or did he see the graffito and leave the apron there to put the blame on the Jews?

'Before you leave tomorrow, you must have a bowl of warm milk from our cows.'

Months of poverty and misery had made her ill, and she soon became so weak that she was unable to leave her bed.

Madeleine was making preparations to leave for Montfermeil and to fetch Cosette himself, he had a visitor

'I must leave now,' M

When he had gone, the judge immediately allowed Champmathieu to leave the court a free man

Valjean spent all day making preparations to leave

'It's time to leave.'

The robber took the ring but, as he turned to leave, the hand grabbed his jacket

Gillenormand ordered Marius to leave his house.

Marius felt the blood leave his face

Almost fainting, he asked in a weak voice, 'When did he leave?'

'Did he leave an address?'

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

'We'll know what to do about it.' And then, as he was going to leave the room, he turned to his wife and said, 'You know, it's lucky he didn't recognize me

Not wishing to give evidence against Thenardier in court, Marius made immediate arrangements to leave his room

'My father said that we may have to leave,' she replied.

'Father told me this morning that I have to pack everything and be ready to leave for England within a week.'

'I cannot let you leave me

I promise you that if you leave me, I shall die

For a moment all the blood seemed to leave M

In 1830, there was a peaceful revolution, and he was forced to leave

She had not wanted to leave the house, but she had eventually obeyed him

Cosette, however, did not leave her bedroom the next day, and Jean Valjean had dinner alone

He stood up and was going to leave the room when something made him stop

He murmured to himself, 'She's going to leave me,' and the pain of those words cut into his heart like a knife.

After a long discussion with his friends, Enjolras decided that the married men (there were five of them) had to leave.

'How can we leave?' they protested

'Now you can all leave,' he said.

'The last man to leave this place will blow your brains out.'

When Javert stared at him, speechless with surprise, Valjean went on, I don't suppose I'll leave here alive

'I understand,' Valjean said, rising to leave

And now I must leave you, my children

It can't see us enter or leave."

"Good Lord, you should leave now before the police get here, and maybe you can still escape," he laughs again, "but I doubt it."

To leave someone on the grey moors to die

Then it's over." And the impossible figure turns to leave.

Can he leave the bag? Can he just run away? Run away? When he knows what the man is going to do?

Please, leave us now, and take some time to consider these events."

And your heart slows, and the sensation of ice-cold fear begins to leave you.

And this time the silence is heavy and tense, and Barry can hear the voices of the women as they leave the church

We tell them to tell the parents they can have the kid when they leave us the money

We tell them to leave the money where we say or..."

The sound of the sirens was still in the distance, and Brandon thought that maybe they were still okay and that maybe they could leave; maybe they could escape together

Six hours to leave them the money in a safe place

"And did he leave the school last night?"

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

Government agents had just arrived, so the crowd would soon be forced to leave

We argued, and I told Apat we had to leave early," she finished miserably

But I don't want to leave you."

And the people you'd leave behind

And I can't leave Gran and Mom and Apat." She hesitated

We know you can't leave your city, but now I hear that maybe messages can reach you, if you are still alive

She counted the minutes until it was time to leave for the pod center

"When I leave, follow me," said the woman

"Well, he can't leave the pod for two years, can he?" Wena's eyes were calm, but hard, too

People who still have relations on the other side, and who might risk trying to leave."

"She'd love to leave!" said Sala

"They want to help you leave

"I couldn't possibly leave you all behind."

I would love to leave if I really believed we could

"I'm not sure he'll agree to leave the pod anyway, but if he does, they might still want him to stay

Of course, they would have seen that Cham had changed! And they'd permit him to leave the pod at once if they thought it was damaging him.

It will be so nice to leave here."

She would have to persuade Cham to leave by herself

Would they ever leave?

But if he had a home like Manderley, he would never leave it

Mrs Van Hopper and I were ready to leave Monte Carlo

'Mrs Van Hopper only decided to leave yesterday

I can't afford to leave her.'

I know I can leave the housekeeping to you

'I would rather leave it to you, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'I'm afraid I leave it all to the housekeeper.'

'Then Frank came to me and told me he wanted to leave

'I'm afraid I must leave now

'I've already asked you to leave the house,' Maxim said

'I'm happy to leave the dangerous acting to Bud.'

She had two and a half hours to fill before she had to leave for the hotel again.

Helen Mainway chattered excitedly about the spectacular special effects, and Elliot Stryker had an endless supply of compliments as well as some astute observations about the technical aspects of the production, and Charlie Mainway poured a third bottle of Dom PS 233; rignon, and the house lights came up, and the audience reluctantly began to leave, and Tina hardly had a chance to sip her champagne because of all the people who stopped by the table to congratulate her.

"I'll park the car in front of the restaurant door, and I'll leave the engine running just in case."

"Why would someone break in and leave without taking anything?" Michael asked.

And why would a first-rate burglar leave without taking anything? Why break in merely to write on Danny's chalkboard and to wreck the dead boy's things?

"Is there anything more you need before I leave?"

"So where does that leave us?"

Let's leave it at that for now

When we've got what we want, we'll leave

After we find out what we want to know, we'll leave."

She gritted her teeth, however, and restrained the urge to leave the room with the job uncompleted.

They were going to great lengths to avoid using violence, which confirmed Elliot's suspicion that they wanted to leave him unmarked, so that later his body would bear no cuts or bruises incompatible with suicide.

The last panel of the illustrated story showed the parents and the boy walking out of the graveyard while Death watched them leave

He wheeled around another corner, and then another, trying to disappear from the men in the van long enough to leave them with so many choices of streets to follow that they would have to give up the chase in confusion

He said, "I think it's safe to leave."

"So when do we leave for Reno?" she asked.

"We'll buy whatever we need before we leave."

"Elliot is too smart to waltz into a hotel and leave his name on the register

After half a minute, she felt the power leave her hand again.

They're allowed to go into Reno for shore leave between cruises, but for long stretches of time, they're confined to this 'ship.'"

"When you leave," Dombey said, "you should take some files on Danny's case

Then you tie me up and gag me, leave me in the outer room

Why did his Uncle Elias have to leave America? Because he had enemies

Since I must leave you, I would rather you remembered me as I was before

So it is better to leave things to Mary, who gives us awful things to eat

Then I spoke to him very seriously and asked him to leave St Mary Mead

I must leave the village.'

'I will leave tomorrow.'

If she learned to cook, she would leave to get more money

'Miss Marple saw him and Mrs Protheroe leave the studio just after six-thirty

I decided to leave them and found my wife and Miss Marple in the sitting room.

Well, after the vicar saw us there, I promised him that I would leave the village

For some reason she can't leave her house

On Tuesday I shall return.' Dr Stone attempted to leave, carrying the suitcase, as well as a large coat and a bag of books

'Mrs Clement says that you wish to leave us,' I said

I wanted to leave, too, but she said, no, because it would upset the Napiers

When the vicar came in, Lawrence explained that he had called to tell him that he had decided to leave the village

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

But he could not leave without telling Anne

'But mother sent a note to me, and I arranged to leave the tennis party early and meet her near the vicarage at a quarter past six

I explained quickly that I had to leave my home, and arranged to borrow the cart, promising to bring it back before midnight

At the time it did not seem to me so urgent that he should leave his home.

He was going from house to house, warning people to leave.

In the hurry to leave it had been left open

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave the country with her immediately

After that I would leave him and turn off to reach Leatherhead.

Soldiers were telling people to leave and helping them to load carts in the main street

I saw one old man with a big box and a number of flower-pots, angrily arguing with a soldier who wanted him to leave them behind.

This caused a terrible panic and all the ships and boats tried to leave at the same time

But the curate did not want to leave.

I decided to leave him

I began to feel that I had failed my wife, and decided to leave this dreamer of great things and to go on into London

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

After this tragedy, she decided to leave America, and come back to England to live with her aunt.

Then as we started to leave, I looked up and there was that yellow face watching us out of the upper window

That night she is not able to convince her blackmailers to leave her alone, so she returns ihe next day

Fortunately for her, her maid warns her that her husband is coming, and she and her blackmailers leave the house in time.

Who wants a whole week of seasickness? You leave on Monday and you're feeling well

'Take as much as you want, and leave the rest.'

She heard Mercy having a bath, then getting ready to leave the house

'Oh, and let me know as soon as you want to leave your sister's place

'You must leave Limmeridge at once,' she said

You must now write a will saying who you wish to leave the other twenty thousand pounds to when you die.'

'Can I leave it to Marian?' asked Miss Fairlie.

He closed his eyes and asked me to leave him in peace.

She came to my side and said, 'Sir Percival, I must leave

One day, Sir Percival called me into his study and said, 'I plan to leave Blackwater Park

Lady Glyde was ready to leave the next morning

I'll stay until Miss Halcombe is well enough to leave, but then I must go.'

Mrs Michelson told me that Laura had gone to London, where she'd become ill and died! This terrible news made me ill again, and I was unable to leave that house for another three weeks

Fear nothing! No one will follow you or your lovely companion if you leave us in peace

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

Well, I'll leave you to look at the registers.'

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

Anne was in the room, and he told her to leave rather rudely

Now I'm older, I want to leave the Brotherhood, but I can't

'He'll probably leave England tonight

When I've given you the confession and the proof you ask for, the Countess and I will leave this house without any interference from you.'

But people thought that this work was not important, and women had to leave their jobs when they married.