How to use "level" in a sentence


"This is at another level, I guess

"Well, they say they're offering high-level studies, so that's obviously good," said Mom cautiously

Learn at the highest level, he encouraged

Elliot wanted to know more about Christina Evans - and on a more fundamental level, he just wanted her.

To reach the escalators that would carry them down to the shopping arcade on the lower level, they had to cross the entire casino

Bruckster stood at the head of the escalator that led from the lower shopping arcade to the casino level of Bally's Hotel

Many of them had been Presidential appointees, occupying high-level posts in the federal government; a few had served on the President's cabinet, in half a dozen administrations, though none had ever deigned to run for an elective position

Deep inside the secret Sierra complex, three stories below ground level, this room measured forty feet by twenty

The doors slid open three floors below the surface, on the next to the last level.

This level was the same size as the one on which they entered the complex: more than four hundred feet on one side, and more than one hundred feet on the other

He had almost sunk to the level of an animal