How to use "lighted" in a sentence


There was not much furniture in the room - just an old bed, a mattress on the floor, a table, some chairs and a lighted stove

Every night he stood outside their house and gazed up at their lighted windows

On the left, slot machines ran the entire length of the casino, bank after nerve-jangling bank of them, brightly and colorfully lighted, attended by gamblers who were more vocal than the card players but not as loud as the craps shooters

As he sat in the dimly lighted cabin of the fan-jet and watched the clouds racing below, Alexander wondered what his father and his uncles would say if they knew that his service to his country had often required him to issue kill orders

He was in chains, sitting in the center of a small, well-lighted cavern, but the passageway that led to him was shadowy and reeked of danger

They were no more than six or eight feet from the lighted shack, close enough to see the guard's face as he scowled at them through the large window.

It was the size of a large elevator cab, brightly lighted and uninhabited.

Beside the monitor was a lighted glass plate against which the visitor was supposed to place his right hand, palm-down, within the existing outline of a hand

We rushed up the stairs to the lighted room