How to use "line" in a sentence


All I have for the time I've spent on this is a long red line across my right arm

I watch its smooth flight, following the line of the canyon

But they gave me the ball, and I ran over the goal line two or three times

'Just get in the line and start catching the ball,' he told me.

'It was difficult enough for me just to remember where our goal line was.'

But that meant Gwinn was free to catch the ball, and he put us on the 15-yard line

Sala and Apat arrived at the energy center before it opened, and found Cham already in line to get in

She arrived early and didn't have to wait in line, so in a few minutes, she was stretching her legs and then running mechanically, left-foot right-foot, on the machine.

"Please line up this way..."

The line moved forward slowly; then a technician called Odem led them through the thick glass doors, past the test laboratory, and into a waiting room

In the distance, beyond a line of rocks to the right of the beach, I heard a sharp bark.

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

If the gigantic sets and lavish costumes and intricate choreography were overdone, or if any element was improperly executed, the production would quickly stumble across the thin line between captivating show-biz flash and sheer vulgarity

Each was hung from the ceiling on a length of fishing line, and the upper end of each line was knotted to its own eyehook that had been screwed firmly into the dry wall

One of the planes swung in tight circles, faster and faster, then in wider circles, steadily decreasing the angle between the line on which it was suspended and the bedroom ceiling

By ten-thirty most of the audience had left and those who hadn't gone yet were in line, moving up the steps toward the rear doors of the showroom

Suddenly, as the screen began to fill with the same seven-line message that had just been wiped from it, Tina had enough

The story was set in the mid-nineteenth century, when a physician's perception of the thin line between life and death was often cloudy

He was on the thin line that separated animal alertness from nervous frenzy.

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

The song proceeded smoothly again - but only for one more line of verse

A low stonewall and a line of house-high spruce separated the cemetery from Luciano Bellicosti's property

It didn't swoop and dart uncontrollably this time; it crept carefully, hesitantly across the paper, leaving a thin red line of ink like a thread of blood.

She pointed to the terminus of the red line

Elliot held the vehicle on the pavement as they rounded the bend, and then they were out of the guard's line of fire

It neither rang nor returned a busy signal; the line hissed emptily

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

My brother lay flat on his stomach across the conveyor line which carried the white-hot pieces of metal up to the hammer

Then the line went dead

They told me the line was busy

So I asked them to call me when the line was free.

All along a curving line beyond the pit, the dark ground smoked

I saw a line of green fire pass through the moving clouds and into the field to my left

My brother went again to Waterloo station to find out if the line to Woking was open

There he heard that the Chertsey line was also closed

At about five o'clock the growing crowd in the station was greatly excited by the opening of the line between the South-Eastern and South-Western stations, which is usually closed

These Martians moved in a line, perhaps two kilometres apart

A similar tube was given to each of the three, and the seven spread out at equal distances along a curved line between Weybridge and Ripley.

The ends of the curve slowly moved apart, until at least they formed a line about twelve kilometres long.

They also noticed a long line of dust rising among the houses in front of them

These waited in a long line, ready for action, right across the mouth of the Thames, watching the Martian attack but powerless to prevent it.

Looking to the north-east, my brother saw the long line of ships already moving away from the approaching terror

Against the sky-line an eager dog ran and disappeared

All down the line from there, the country looked empty and unfamiliar

The line on the London side of Woking station was still being repaired, so I got off the train at Byfleet and took the road to Maybury, past the place where I had seen the Martian fighting- machine in the thunderstorm

The only part of the document that was visible was the line for her signature and the lines for the signatures of the two witnesses

In those days, there was a line on the floor of the bus

White people sat in the front of the line, and black people had to sit behind it