How to use "little" in a sentence


It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometres - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US

This gives me a little more time to finish my trip.

They turn, looking a little nervous

I'm a little warmer but I need something soft to put my legs on

That's two whole days with no sleep and very little water

'Yes, sure,' said Leona, feeling a little worried.

That's sixty hours of pain, no sleep, and very little water.

6.45 am As morning arrives once more, I feel a little hope

It didn't even hurt and there's very little blood

A little boy in a red shirt comes into the room

The little boy runs across the wooden floor, laughing

He holds my arms in his little hands and together we dance around the room

Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night

"I have a little surprise for you, Professor."

Then she saw a little table

The little key opened it

There was a little bottle on it.

'I'll drink a little,' she thought

The little girl sat down and cried.

Then she saw a little box under the table

She took the little key from the table

'Now I can go into the garden!' thought Alice, and she started to run to the little door

'Perhaps - perhaps you like dogs? There's a very nice little dog near our house

She can catch a mouse in the morning for her breakfast and a little bird in the evening for her dinner - Oh! I'm sorry!'

She ran fast and after a short time, she came to a pretty little house

There, on a table, was a hat and a little bottle

There was a little cry.

Now there were two little cries

It was a little cake.

She quickly ate a little from the white mushroom in her left hand

After some time, she came to a little house

Be angry with your little boy,

It was a strange little thing and not very pretty

The baby made a strange little sound and she looked at it again.

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

Alice thought for a little

He took his teacup and put a little hot tea on the Mouse's nose

She was back in the long room, near the little table! 'I'm small now

I can get through the little door into the garden.'

She took it and opened the little door

The Queen turned to the little tree and looked at it carefully

'I play in a little group

There was a little valley between two hills

After the first few weeks my leg was getting better, and one day I went down into the little town, to the fish market

He was a little man, and he was sitting on the floor with his eyes shut when we got to Jenny's flat.

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

So I walked back to the hotel, and there was the little old man, still playing against himself

And the next day he took Sue and me out in his little boat, to look for a good place to start the shrimp business.

Then, one afternoon when I was playing to some people in the park, I noticed that a little boy was watching me carefully

And when I finished playing, she held the little boy's hand and came across.

Jenny sat next to me while the little boy started playing with Sue.

'Is that your little boy?'

Then she got up and held little Forrest's hand, and they walked away.

'Then send the rest to Jenny and little Forrest,' I said.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ''interposition" and "nullification" - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

If the slave is to be surrendered, it can be of but little consequence to him or to others by which authority it is done

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention, and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented

More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return

United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures

Divided, there is little we can do - for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

He had a dark complexion and was only a little taller than Annie

The scene in the little room was from a nightmare

But he was not a doctor or a surgeon because he showed very little medical skill or knowledge

He was secretive and often disappeared into dark little rented rooms around the poor quarters of London

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

'My little girl walked some of the way, but she's very small

With a little laugh, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran to play with the two girls on the swing.

'What's your little girl's name?' Mme Thenardier asked.

The couple dressed Cosette in rags and gave her very little food, which they made her eat from a wooden bowl under the table

She finally managed to earn a little money sewing shirts, but she was unable to send money regularly to the Thenardiers.

If I don't pay, my little girl will lose her home and be thrown out on to the streets

where's my little Cosette? I want to see her

'What took you so long?' Mme Thenardier said angrily when she saw the little girl.

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

'She's touched it with her dirty hands!' Then, hearing Cosette crying, she turned to the little girl and shouted, 'Stop that noise!'

Half an hour later, the people of Montfermeil saw an old man in a tall hat and long yellow coat walking along the road to Paris, hand-in-hand with a little girl dressed completely in black

Now, he discovered the greatest joy he had ever known by just standing beside her bed and looking at her innocent, trusting little face

Paying her six months in advance, he told her that he was a ruined Spanish gentleman, and that the little girl was his granddaughter.

Marius paid little attention to his friend, and continued his quiet life of work, study and daily walks.

The girl was always talking happily, while the man said very little

With those words, she gave a little laugh and wave, grabbed some dry bread from the table and disappeared out of the door.

When Marius had recovered some of his senses, he saw that she seemed a little paler than before

'Do you remember the little inn in Montfermeil eight years ago? You took away our Cosette, do you remember? Wearing that old yellow coat, pretending you were a tramp! Well, now you're going to learn that you can't make things right by just bringing a few hospital blankets! You're the cause of all my troubles

There are other moments when I think I'm a little mad

People were running around, and there was a lot of noise, but Marius paid little attention

Marius, I think I was a little bit in love with you.'

They had left quickly, at nightfall, bringing their servant, Toussaint, with them, but very little luggage

The cannonball crashed into the bottom of the barricade with a loud explosion, but did little damage

You will have your little girl.'

He remembered the little girl he had rescued from the Thenardiers ten years earlier, and felt sad that he was no longer the most important man in her life

We could meet in that little room on the ground floor

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen

This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her

Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers

"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

Oliver tries to stay calm, but he knows there is too little time

"Shall we have a little drink?"

She has long brown hair that right now looks a little untidy

You have that little red sports car, don't you?"

"I'm sorry Miss Thornton, but there's very little that we can do

It is a cold smile, but Branwell sees that the man's eyes look a little more alive now

In little pieces.

They can chop you up into little pieces," says Darwin, and Gerry thinks about Big Jones and the old factory on the Thames.

He moves a little closer.

"Well, you can't chop me into little pieces, can you?" he says to the crocodile.

"I know I won't, Gerry, because you're going to go on a little trip..

Let it chop you up into little pieces."

They all mix together and are little more than noise to an onlooker

"There is very little to say

"Well, for them, not for me: I'm not married," says Edward a little too quickly.

"Normally, yes," says Eleanor, and all three men notice how her smile fades a little, "but she has a plan for that

And the writer goes a little red

"That's right, little boy

Is it my fault she is so stupid? So easy to manipulate? A little bit of blood on my face, a few tears, a fake story about him hitting me

After a few more moments, you begin to feel a little more relaxed

And you almost smile, and you relax a little more.

You quietly open it, just a little, just so you can see the dark landing.

You open the door a little more and step out onto the landing

He feels a little better

His shirt has a little blood on it, and his hand is sore

And this one, he hopes, will have a little more respect for him and won't laugh at him.

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

He saw the blood, but there was only a little, and his hand hurt

"I know I was going a little too fast

The wife is a pretty little thing with red hair

We take one or two rabbits home and we have a little fun

And Owen now notices that the boy actually looks a little bit like him after all and that he also smiles sometimes

I want to tell you a little story that I know

So relax a little, and listen.

He could cut and shuffle the deck like he had eight arms instead of two, and he could remember every card he saw in a split second and could use his fingers and little tricks to put the cards where he wanted them in the deck.

Do you know what I mean when I say cheat? I mean you use the little tricks, the fast fingers and the good memory, but you use it to break the rules of the game.

Some people say that the reason his casino is called Shark Pool is because Hank looks a little like a shark

We knew you were using your little tricks

And for a little while more they wait, until the surface of the pool is calm again

She feels a cold shiver move over her body, and suddenly she thinks that she feels a little ill.

"Are you okay, dear? You look a little pale."

The train starts again and she relaxes a little.

All she needs is a little water.

I gave you a little medicine to help you sleep."

The little chip under her skin lit up for a second, showing how many energy units she had left

At Space 234, they stepped inside the little room and closed the door

She'd turned around quickly and seen a boy: about her age but a little taller, with black hair and dark, smiling eyes..

"No idea." Sala stared down at the little package in her hand

At night, little lamps shone, and mirrors reflected their light.

"Gran! Are you OK?" Sala put an arm around her, and made her sit down on the little bench that looked over the city.

She broke it down the middle, and the little dried fruit fell out into her hand.

"Maybe someone found it in a dusty corner and thought of my little garden..

Story-streams were a little like the movies that people watched in the past

She managed not to say anything in front of her little brother, but Gran could see at once that she was upset.

And when there's so little work available, most people have no hope of changing their lives

Some of them were really beautiful, but you couldn't really explore them because you were still in a little room with a time limit

The following afternoon, as Sala walked up and down in her little room, waiting to go with Cham for their pod experience, she had a strange feeling in her stomach

Sala and Cham each went into a little room and Sala put on her suit, made a neat pile of her clothes, and carried them out to Zee

"It's normal to feel a little strange when you first come out."

"It's a little bit crazy," said Cham

It touched hers, and Sala saw that it was already holding something: a little paper note.

Give that to your grandmother." For a second, the woman moved a little closer

"I promise." He took Sala's hand and they walked on a little

Sala felt a little bit puzzled

Cham laughed, a little sadly

Sala's heart beat a little faster

A little flame of hope lit up inside Sala

"She's lying down, having a little rest."

His nose looked a little longer, and there was a different curve to his lips

"There's not much," said Gran, handing Sala a little cup

"Of course you do, my love," said Gran, a little absently

"Would you?" Sala felt a little guilty

"Most things worth fighting for involve a little danger

She knew it would be best to go straight to the earth apartment, but she felt a little afraid to do that

She kept on smiling as Cham showed his little sisters where his body was connected to the pod.

So the real Cham was still there, underneath! Maybe he'd just needed a little time to get used to them all again...

"Really? Tell me." Cham moved a little closer

Sala smiled at her little brother, thinking how innocent he looked

Some of them looked a little stiff and strange, maybe; but most of them seemed perfectly normal

I hated my life with Mrs Van Hopper, but she paid me a little money to be her companion

I felt cold and a little afraid.

He told me about a little, secret valley close to the sea

This little valley, hidden away from the world, was full of the scent of flowers.

'A little while ago, you said you wanted to keep your memories

'No, I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool.'

Only a little sunlight came through their thick branches

I dropped my gloves on the floor and Mrs Danvers picked them up with a twisted little smile on her lips

She could see that I was awkward and shy, and a little afraid of my new life at Manderley.

I had slept well and came downstairs a little after nine o'clock

I found my way into the little morning-room

'She frightens me a little,' I said.

As we reached the car, the sun went behind a cloud and a little rain began to fall

'Come on, you lazy little fellow

The path ran down into a little valley, by the side of a stream.

There was no sound except for the noise of a little stream and the quiet rain on the leaves

We were standing in a little narrow bay

The grass round the little house had grown very long

A little china ornament which always stood on the desk was knocked on to the floor

It was a beautiful little cupid and one of the loveliest things in the house

The tide was out and there was very little water in the bay

I felt I was growing up a little more every day

My little maid, Clarice, spoke of nothing else.

I saw very little of her, and I was glad.

Perhaps Maxim's anger had frightened her a little.

I remember very little of the first party at Manderley

I remember that Frank tried to make me drink a little champagne

The little clock by my bed ticked away the minutes

I was too young for Maxim, I knew too little about the world

'The big ship won't go down like the little one

It was a little sailing boat

Maxim went into the little room and closed the door

I got up and walked out of the little room

'It was a strong little boat

I was sitting in the little room again

'You damned little idiot,' Favell said slowly.

She had very little pain at that time

Torn and crushed in a bus accident with fourteen other little boys, just one victim of a larger tragedy

The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

Joel was an odd little man: five-feet-four, slightly chubby but not fat, with curly brown hair that appeared to have frizzed and kinked in response to a jolt of electricity

After the shower, the chilled wine further relaxed her body, although it did little to calm her mind and allay her anxiety

She prayed that she would remain healthy enough to continue working and living on her own until, at last, her time came and all the little windows on the machine of life produced lemons.

Whenever the military exploded a high-yield weapon, the tall hotels swayed in Vegas, and every house in town shuddered a little.

And a little logistics to keep the production rolling along smoothly

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

He had adored only the showgirl, the dancer, the cute little thing that other men coveted, the pretty woman whose presence at his side had inflated his ego

"You were the one who started fucking anything that breathed, and then you flaunted each cheap little affair to hurt me

"If you want me to, I could stay a little longer."

"Helen Mainway told me he died a little over a year ago."

killed." The bitterness in her voice dismayed her because it revealed how little she had healed

But it wasn't any recollection of your son that had you so upset when I walked in a little while ago."

She had to take another small sip of cognac before she was able to say what was on her mind, and she realized that he had been right about the liquor having little effect on her

A couple weeks after the little girl was buried, the mother started feeling guilty about not paying her last respects."

They wanted to have a little fun during the evening that lay ahead, and now they began putting themselves in the mood for it.

"With me, of course, it's only been little more than a year since I've been alone

On windy days, the dust was as thick as fog, and it pushed its dirty little cat feet under doors, around windows, and through attic vents.

"Got to know why she wants her little boy's grave reopened."

Then they would carry him out to the garage, prop him up in his little Mercedes, put the seat belt snugly around him, and start the engine without opening the garage door

It's a little bit like our house

"You really think you want to tangle with me, little man? Hell, my fist is just about as big as your head

You know what this fist is going to feel like when it hits, little man?"

"Very nice little number," Tom said, nodding, licking his lips as he studied the Mercedes.

Me and my wife and our little girl

"I just can't believe the government would murder a group of little children just because they accidentally got a glimpse of a new weapon or something."

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

Nice little machine."

Everyone'll still be looking for us in Vegas, and we'll breathe a little easier if we aren't here."

Yeah, I do remember some little things he did that were sort of odd."

A cute little mutt

And even if those were examples of psychic ability, little tricks like that are light-years from what you're attributing to Danny now."

There are a lot of airports within the range of that little Cessna."

They figure there's something wrong with the little boy's body, something odd that we can't afford to let them see

It's China's nasty little project, remember

The crunching and squeaking of the snow under their feet seemed horrendously loud to him, though they actually were making little noise

After encountering so many people with so little respect for human life, they needed to convince themselves that they really were more than dust in the wind.

But he startled me, and I guess even the little bit of resistance I offered was enough to push him away

I can't help stiffening a little

You can at least tell me a little of it

It's a little one I carry with me

It was little more than one lane wide, and the trees formed a tunnel around it, so that after fifty or sixty feet, it disappeared into premature night

"The brain doesn't all of a sudden start growing new little nodes that nobody's ever seen before."

He was driving at only ten miles an hour, but she gave him so little warning that he passed the turnoff

She began to wonder exactly what sort of little boy they were going to find at the top of the mountain.

"Someone, some damn turncoat on Project Pandora, must have revealed enough about its location for them to find it with just a little help

Tall lampposts were arrayed across this featureless plain, casting dim, reddish light that was severely directed downward to attract as little attention as possible from aircraft that strayed out of the usual flight patterns and from anyone backpacking elsewhere in these remote mountains

"Just a little snow," Alexander said.

In the chopper's brilliant floodlights, there was little to see but driving snow

It'll take us a little longer that way, but at least we'll have a fighting chance

Indeed, he looked like a little old man.

The boy blinked, and with what appeared to be great effort, at the cost of more than a little pain, he withdrew one arm from under the covers and reached out toward her

"They probably did look a little bit like spacemen in their decontamination suits

The Eyes of Darkness is a modest little thriller about a woman, Tina Evans, who lost her child, Danny, when he was in an accident on a trip with his scouting troop

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

After all those months and all those meetings and all those network-approved writers, we had too little material to launch a series, regardless of whether it was titled From the Tormented Mind of Dean Koontz or Sitting in the Dark with Dean and Roaches or just Deaniac

"I don't know anyone in Pondicherry!" he said, but when he opened the envelope, five little orange pips fell on to his plate

'But how do you explain her attitude towards her little boy?' I asked

She was allowed to go into the garden during certain hours of the day, and had been given a little square where she could grow flowers

She took me to a seat near her little square of ground.

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

I saw little of him during the next few weeks

He put the little animal on the floor of the booth and quickly closed the door

'If this little animal is still alive and well in a month, we can then consider the experiment a success.'

It was just a little later when Henri came running into the room to say that he had caught a funny fly

She came through the glass door, pulled off her little yellow hat and said, 'Is Dennis about?'

I told him that people had been saying that since the beginning of time, and a strange little smile touched his lips

'When that bossy little man wants me, you can send him over to the surgery

His cheerfulness rather upset me, but death means very little to a boy of sixteen.

She looked a little pink and a little excited.

'Have you seen my hat here - a little yellow one?' said Lettice

But I've got the bullet for you.' He pushed a little box along the table.

'Well,' I said, 'things are a little uncertain.'

I gave a little cry

'Exactly, Madam.' The Inspector moved his chair a little nearer

'But I always think it wise to suspect everybody just a little.'

'But first, the vicar and I have a little job to do.' So we said goodbye to Miss Marple and walked back to the woods.

So we went back to the path and walked a little farther along it

'What are you both doing here?' A little ashamed, we explained.

Clever young men know so little about life.'

Dr Stone was a little man

"I'm looking for my little yellow hat," she says

'But that was a little fat man, with glasses

After we had had coffee, Anne said, 'I want to have a little talk with the vicar.'

'Would you mind if I kept it a little longer?'

Suddenly it opened out into a little grassy space

Inside the parcel were some little silver objects and a silver plate.

Miss Wetherby gave a little cry 'The day of the murder, of course!'

They left at just after nine o'clock, and at half-past nine exactly, there was a little knock on my study window, and I opened the glass door for Miss Marple to come in.

It has been good to have this little talk.'

'We might be allowed to set a little trap.'

'Do I really?' she said, with a little laugh

'My love to dear Griselda - and tell her - that any little secret is safe with me.' Really, Miss Marple is rather sweet...

Looking through the telescope, I saw a circle of deep blue with the little round planet in the centre

Thick clouds of smoke or dust, which looked like little grey, moving spots through a powerful telescope on Earth, spread through the clearness of the planet's atmosphere and hid its more familiar features.

Even then he hardly understood what was happening, until he heard another sound and saw the black mark jump forwards a little

That quieted him a little, and when he saw Henderson, the London journalist, in his garden, he shouted over the fence and made himself understood.

When I got there, I found a little crowd of perhaps twenty people surrounding the great pit in which the cylinder lay

I think everyone expected to see a man come out - possibly something a little unlike us on Earth, but more or less a man

Then something like a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking-stick, came out of the middle and moved through the air towards me - and then another.

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

Beside him ran a little boy He passed me, wishing me good-night

But I did not consider these points at the time, and so I thought the Martians had very little chance of success

I had only slept a little and I got up early

I rushed out onto the grass and saw the tops of the trees around the Oriental College burst into smoky red flame, and the tower of the little church beside it slide down into ruins

I paid little attention to the road in front of me, and then suddenly my attention was caught by something

Then suddenly he sat down at the table, put his head on his arms and began to cry like a little boy

There was very little excitement at the station

My brother could get very little exact information out of them

He went to bed a little after midnight and was woken in the early hours of Monday morning by the sound of knocking on doors, feet running in the street, distant drumming and the ringing of bells

Another cloud came over Ealing, and surrounded a little island of people on Castle Hill, alive but unable to escape.

He heard their screams and, hurrying round the corner, saw a couple of men trying to pull them out of the little cart which they had been driving, while a third held onto the frightened horse's head

He would have had very little chance if the younger lady had not very bravely stopped the cart and returned to help him

But as soon as they were in the stream of vehicles, there was little they could do

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

The little ship my brother was on continued to move out to sea, and the warships became smaller in the distance.

We stayed there all Sunday night and all the next day - the day of the panic - in a little island of daylight, cut off by the Black Smoke from the rest of the world

Four or five little black figures hurried in front of it, and in a moment it became obvious that this Martian was hunting them

I know a little of psychology and I am absolutely certain that they exchanged thoughts.

Down on the left a busy little digging-machine could be seen, sending out small clouds of green smoke and working its way round the pit, making it bigger and piling the earth up over the top

And suddenly I heard a shout and saw a long tentacle reaching over the shoulder of the machine to the little cage on its back

I slept little

The morning was bright and fine and there were little golden clouds in the eastern sky

There was a little two-wheeled cart with a broken wheel

I had an idea of going to Leatherhead, although I knew there was little chance of finding my wife there

'There won't be anything important for a million years or more - no music, no art and no nice little visits to restaurants

All these - the sort of people that lived in these houses, all those little office workers that used to live down that way - they'd be no good

All that time I felt a growing need to look again at whatever remained of the little life that had seemed so happy and bright in my past

I remember how bright that day seemed as I went sadly back to the little house in Woking - how busy the streets were, and how full of life

I can only regret now, as I finish my story, how little I can help with the many questions which are still unanswered

I know very little about medical matters, but it seems to me most likely that the Martians were killed by germs.

Besides this, we still know very little about the Black Smoke, and the way that the Heat-Ray worked remains a puzzle.

In one corner there was a desk, and at that desk there was a desk, and at that desk there appeared to be a little girl.

Holmes, with a laugh, put his hand behind the ear of the little girl, and pulled off the mask, and there was a little coal-black girl

She is very dark, but she is my dear little girl.' When the little girl heard these words, she ran to her mother.

I kept her existence a secret from you for three years, but finally I had to see my little girl

I took every possible precaution so that there would not be gossip about a little black girl

He lifted the little child, kissed her, and, with the little girl in his arms, he gave his other hand to his wife.

One day, I had a little health problem

People called me 'a lazy little devil', and said, 'go and do your work.' They did not know I was ill with liver disease

The grass around us is green, and little flowers grow here and there.

You think he is a sweet, gentle little dog

It will be like a little house, warm and comfortable.'

Harris, who is a little cruel, said, 'Now you're going to have a bad day on the river

George is a little slow at understanding a joke sometimes.

When the scrambled eggs were ready, there was very little to eat

Harris tried to open the tin with a little knife, and he cut himself

Harris worked very little on the boat.

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

We left a little opening to see where we were going

'And then have supper at that little French restaurant,' I added.

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

To begin with, she will be a little more careful

anyway, she will have to wait a little while for that and it is just her bad luck.

I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little

Your little sister's eyes are looking angry

Please, little sister

She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.

They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

I won't let you question me like a prisoner every time I am a little late.'

'A little late! It is nearly two o'clock.'

Listen: "There is a new student at the village school, a little girl called Anne Catherick

"I like little Anne a lot

She kissed my hand and said, 'I'll always wear white! It'll help me to remember how kind you've been to me!' Poor little soul!'"

Can't you see that Miss Halcombe has more intelligence than most men? She is a noble creature, full of strength and courage, and she'll use it all to protect that foolish little wife of yours

I wondered why so little space had been given to the record of Sir Felix's marriage, but apart from that there was nothing unusual about it

A little more than a year had passed since she had said that, and now her wish had come true

In many countries and at different times in history, girls had very little or no education

At that time, girls from richer families only learned music, drawing, and maybe a little French and Italian

Little by little, women have got the vote in almost every country in the world.

This was a change from women in the past, who only worked a little because they got married and had children

"I did not understand it at the time," she said later, "but I believe that little red aeroplane said something to me as it went by." In 1920, a pilot took her up in an aeroplane, and that changed her life

Little by little, more women's sports were in the Olympics

She began to play at Long Beach, and she used a racquet she bought with money she got from little jobs.